Masters are No Longer.

“ … the ashes of the earth
are the edge of this town.”

Where is there a Lodge
Of Master Markers,
Who’s moon-body has surfed
Beyond this already-traversed marble?

Is it from the east?
Is it to the West?
Could it be farther South,
Or even closer north?

Could the albatross
Have already flown across,
Leaving the mariner’s quiver
inclined by the motion of chilled skin?

Continue reading “Masters are No Longer.”

MARK Antony

“The evil that men do 
lives after them;
The good 
is oft 
interred with their bones;” …
“…And men have lost their reason…”

“My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.”

Friends, Romans, countrymen,
lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar,
not to praise him.

The evil that men do
lives after them;
The good
is oft
interred with their bones;

Caesar’s Friend and Murderer
Continue reading “MARK Antony”

Insanity of the Religion Of Government

“…those falsehoods being society’s conditioning of humans to be polite and to pay taxes and to follow certain laws and customs, how we view our interdependencies with our physical environment, along with our political and social assimilations.”

So the people who define “sanity” are the most introverted and insane of the bunch- insane because they think that their town is secure

Continue reading “Insanity of the Religion Of Government”

Ore Well 2084

“Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against consciousness expansion.”

The only danger we face in life is acceptance of any way other than the way of the individual. As a doormat cannot wipe its own feet on itself, the common man can only be common when he accepts the norm.

Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against positive consciousness expansion. The way to change reality is to Be the change within one’s own, individual mind.

Chip Van Hassel

We will never convince the people as a group; we can only convince the people by being an example for the group to follow.

To follow the group is to be a lemming, jumping off of the cliff.

To accept the common man's reality is an individual choice to sleep. 

To awaken, is the greater energy, tapped-in to by free thought and purposeful action.

Wealth can only be distributed when there is a definition of, “wealth”. Distribution only occurs when there are those who distribute.

Subtract “wealth,” from the equation; and subtract distribution from common man’s mentality, and the true answer becomes screamingly apparent.

Modern man- the evolutionary betrayer.

Individuals who are free thinkers will be ridiculed by their current peers, only to be recognized for their genius long, long after their deaths.

Society is never ready for the truth, but Positive thought is always ready for society.

-Chip Van Hassel

When Doing Nothing is the Plan

…gold sold in the shops of Germany in 1946 was of questionable origin…

Some things are greater than one man to overcome by force,
but no force can overcome
the great spirit of man!

Have faith good/spirit shall reign.
In action, when speaking The Great Truth, -The Great Struggle,-

Continue reading “When Doing Nothing is the Plan”

The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen

“Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020….”

Republished without permission from: “”

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

Published by The Thinking Conservative on November 7. 2024

“A very odd occurrence happened between the 2020 election where Joe Biden supposedly won and the 2024 election where Donald Trump won the presidency. Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020. Both of those factors can’t be true and anybody with the math ability of an 8th grader should be scratching their heads.

Given the divide between Democrat and Republican voters due to the two vastly different personalities and political positions of vice president Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, people were expecting vote totals meeting or exceeding those of 2020.

Continue reading “The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen”

Finding the Balance of Harmony

“The closest approximation to truth
is found usually
in the mean of extreme views.”

“In the light of fuller knowledge it
will be thought that the claim has lapsed,
or only remains as a pious belief
prevailing among an uncritical minority. …
Whose mental bias predisposes them
to the defense of exploded views.
In such a case, however,
an indiscriminate rejection
is not much less superficial
than an unenquiring acquiescence of a non-proven claim.
The history of debated questions
of this kind
teaches another lesson,
and the closest approximation to truth
is found usually
in the mean of extreme views.”

The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah (page 117)

Conversations With Don Adams

“…just sitting’ here in the truck.”
-Don Adams

I Miss the Phone Calls we Used to Have.

Don never calls me anymore.

Even though, it used to be the same conversation every time, I miss it.

I’d start by saying, “Hey, Don! How ya doin’?”

Continue reading “Conversations With Don Adams”

Tongue Ring

Langue dans le cul

As the Catholic Church has provenly been regarded as a citadel for pedophilia, the Pope heads that organization; and the majority of the world’s money kisses that ring most closely by way of sticking it’s globe of a head up the Pope’s ass, as so to give that unclean ass the most French of kisses!


Candle In The Wind

“…I would have liked to love you,
but I was just a kid…”

“Goodbye Norma Jeane
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name

Continue reading “Candle In The Wind”

Song of the Millennium

“He sees things from under glass”

The Passenger

by Iggy Pop

“I am a passenger
And I ride and I ride
I ride through the city’s backside
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, they’re bright in a hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight

Continue reading “Song of the Millennium”

Ceremony Has It’s Purpose

What Is, “Freemasonry”?

“… a beautiful system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.”

Time and Evolving

Freemasonry did not happen (,or occur,) arbitrarily; (over night;) Freemasonry happened over time. Therefore, any instant understanding of it is donned by unguided, however, uneducated predispositions.

Why do we say that? …. This is why we have published this:

Royal Order of Knights Templar

Cosmic Click

“there is no magical moment which makes everything change.”

There is No Cosmic Click.

Most people are seeking for that moment where it all, “clicks,” and everything, all of the sudden, makes sense and is correct, not realizing that there is no magical moment which makes everything change. (It’s all turtles!”)

Chip Van Hassel
Continue reading “Cosmic Click”

Shackleton’s Shipwreck Found

Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Ship, “Endurance”

“In 2022 Scientists have found and filmed one of the greatest ever undiscovered shipwrecks 107 years after it sank. The Endurance, the lost vessel of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, was found at the weekend at the bottom of the Weddell Sea.

Endurance: Shackleton’s Ship
Continue reading “Shackleton’s Shipwreck Found”


“Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
    and its circuit to the end of them;
    and there is nothing hid from its heat.”

God hath pitched a tent.

“… and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. …”

“… yet their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.

In them he has set a tent for the sun, …”

PSALM 19:4
Continue reading “Firmament”

Faith in Mankind

Language makes no mistake in making a synonym of the word, “right,” with the term, “correct”. Furthermore, language correlates the word, “left,” with abandonment. If you are, “left,” you are, “left behind”.  When you are right, you are, “correct”. When mankind’s understanding becomes, “right,” about something, it leaves what is, “wrong,” behind. In humanity, people rendered as being incorrect are left behind by those who are correct. This is true of the animal kingdom, for the weakest or injured animals are many times left behind; because one injured animal attracts the danger of many predators. Faith does not ensure survival in the animal kingdom.

Templar Life

“The fine vocation of the sword and lance,
With the gross aims, and body-bending toil
Of a poor brotherhood, who walk the earth


Inflation is a Lie.

We send, “money,” to Ukraine but send words to the Middle East. Imagine how foolish people are right now, believing that inflation is a real thing. Think about it: if we printed “too much” money, nobody would refuse it saying, “that money isn’t worth anything because there is too much it it.” … how STUPID are people to believe that “inflation,” is a cause and effect scenario? Inflation is simply lying about the value of a piece of paper and saying that a banana is worth more of those pieces of paper, as the result of having too many of those pieces of paper!

Chip Van Hassel

No Time

“There is no time in nature. There is rhythm in nature, yes. There is motion in nature. But the clock as a measure of motion is a human artifact. The world, as it spins on its axis, doesn’t tick.”

Alan Watts, excerpt from seminar TIME AND THE FUTURE, July, 1967.

Pressure Relief

“We bring The Bible with us from place to place, when always The Bible is inside our hearts.”

A Decision

To decide between taking a vacation for reading The Bible and getting closer to God or taking a vacation for experiencing a new life by getting closer to another person, is a decision few men have the opportunity to make.

What Defines the Intention of the Sojourn?

Continue reading “Pressure Relief”

Path of the Righteous Horseman

It is accurate to say that all the Old School horsemen are all gone. Just as capitalism no longer guarantees freedom (for the middle class), working hard in aspiration of earning an adequately-compensatory wage deems to be in incongruence with sanity, according to the current, socioeconomic reality. The delegation of a man of higher caliber insists that his such sojourn be ambulated, or accompanied by, similarly-spirited, likely-educated and strongly-willed, gentile warriors of both the sword and the book.

Darwin Says

” all observation
must be for or against some view
if it is to be of any service.”

“There was much talk that geologists ought only observe
and not theorize;
and I will remember someone saying
that at this rate,
a man might as well go into a gravel-pit
and count the pebbles and
describe the colors.

How odd it is
that anyone should not see
that all observation
must be for or against some view
if it is to be of any service.”

Charles Darwin 1861

4th Amendment

“The right of the people
to be secure
in their
and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated,

and no Warrants shall issue,
but upon probable cause,

supported by Oath or affirmation,
and particularly describing the place to be searched,
and the persons
or things
to be seized.”

U.S. Constitution

Missing Provision

in the constitution,

“If a majority are capable of preferring
their own private interest,
or of their families,
counties and party to that of a nation
some provision must be made in the constitution,
in favor of justice,
to compel all to respect
the common right,
the public good,
the universal law
in preference to all private
and partial considerations.”

John Adams

How America Has Changed

“The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. “

“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
She is a well-wisher of freedom and independence of all.
She is the champion and vindicator of only her own.
She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice,
and the benign sympathy of her example.
She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence; should would involve herself beyond the powers of extrication, in all wars of interest and intrigue, of envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.

The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. She might become a dictatress of the world. We would no longer be the ruler of her own spirit.”

John Quincy Adams, July, 1821

The Now Civil War

“ It is useless to reason with those whose confidence is not shaken in the face of impossibilities, whose imagination can bridge all gulfs in evidence by fantastic suppositions.”

Arthur Edward Waite; Doctrine and Literature of the Kabala (page 116)

Waite the Doctrine and Lite… by HNFingo

Rifleman’s Creed

“We are the masters of our enemy.”

This is my rifle.  
There are many like it,
but this one is mine.  
It is my life.  
I must master it as I must master my life.  
Without me my rifle is useless.  
Without my rifle, I am useless.        
I must fire my rifle true.  
I must shoot straighter than the enemy
who is trying to kill me.  
I must shoot him before he shoots me.  

I will.  

My rifle and I know that what counts in war
is not the rounds we fire,
the noise of our burst,
or the smoke we make.  
We know that it is the hits that count.  

We will hit.

      My rifle is human,
even as I am human,
because it is my life.  
Thus, I will learn it as a brother. 
 I will learn its weaknesses,
its strengths,
its parts,
its accessories,
its sights and its barrel.  
I will keep my rifle clean and ready,
even as I am clean and ready.  
We will become part of each other.
      Before God I swear this creed.  
My rifle and I are the defenders of my country.  

We are the masters of our enemy.  

We are the saviors of my life.

      So be it,

until victory is America’s
and there is no enemy.


Entered Brethren Ordainment Sermon

“What has been will be again.

            There is nothing new under the sun.

            It was all here already, long ago.”

Third Sermon

“Donning the Master’s Sword”

The hands of your fellow brethren have laid the foundation of this temple; and the hands of your fellow brethren are now beginning to complete its stronghold. Through your studies and actions, we, under this delicate ceiling, are Awake, as if from humanity’s deep sleep. (Zechariah 4:1)

Continue reading “Entered Brethren Ordainment Sermon”


“man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men.”

“We no longer expect to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. To us it has become but a symbol. To us the whole world is God’s Temple, as is every upright heart. To establish all over the world the New Law and Reign of Love, Peace, Charity, and Toleration, is to build that Temple, most acceptable to God, in erecting which Masonry is now engaged. No longer needing to repair to Jerusalem to worship, nor to offer up sacrifices and shed blood to propitiate the Deity, man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men. Wherever the humble and contrite heart silently offers up its adoration, under the overarching trees, in the open, level meadows, on the hill-side, in the glen, or in the city’s swarming streets; there is God’s House and the New Jerusalem.”


The Meaning of Life

“This is true happiness:
to have no ambition and to work like a horse
as if you had every ambition.

To live far from men,
not to need them
and yet to love them.
To have the stars above,
the land to your left
and the sea to your right
and to realize of a sudden that in your heart,
life has accomplished its final miracle:

it has become a fairy tale.”

Nikos Kazantzakis, “Zorba the Greek”

Hamburg Massacre of 1876

by Jenny Heckel

A Thesis Presented to The Graduate School of Clemson University ___________________________________________________

Remembering Meriwether:

White Carolinian Manipulation of the Memory of the Hamburg Massacre of 1876

Continue reading “Hamburg Massacre of 1876”

This is NOT the End Times

People say, “We are living in the, “End Times.”

They say this in result to observing the behavior of others around them.

Wrong is correct these days;
the truth is feared.

In the Biblical vibe, people see light as darkness and darkness as light today.

Continue reading “This is NOT the End Times”

Taxation Without Representation

“87,000 new IRS agents.

By the way, those agents will be trained to use armed force.

That can’t be good!!””

We sent a letter to one of our collogues requesting advice.

The response from our collogue was a bitter taste of the truth; supportive, inspiring, and reminding us

Rome was nether built, nor torn down in one day!

Continue reading “Taxation Without Representation”

Things Are Not What You Had Planned They’d Be!

The world will never be the way it has been taught to be!

Keeping yourself removed from the world
while being completely enthralled by it
all at the same time
has become my realized paradigm. 

Continue reading “Things Are Not What You Had Planned They’d Be!”

Physics Questions:

A country so narcissistic, it’s satellites take selfies!

Is the camera on a long arm, using a flash?

 “Look at me! ... I’m in 'space'!” 

Where’s the snapshot of it’s plate of food?

Continue reading “Physics Questions:”

Overtly Shining the Lamp of Diogenes Through Example via Action

Notes on reigning-in the Aggressive Power of The G.A.’s Intention:


Meritocracy is dead.
How does a (an operative)
Laborer survive
in a selfish (Inactive/Apathetic; speculative) World?

Continue reading “Overtly Shining the Lamp of Diogenes Through Example via Action”

Have You Figured It Out Yet?

How the Bankers get richer and the Poor get poorer:

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert T. Kiyosaki is an American businessman, investor, and best-selling author. One of his most popular books is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and it’s a great educational tool on the way to financial freedom. Kiyosaki is well known for revealing the truth about money and finances that they don’t teach in any school.

Get His Book Here:
Continue reading “Have You Figured It Out Yet?”

Sharing Thoughts With Elon Musk

(Book) where people communicate telepathically; and it is like the internet- where predictive text starts “tweeting,” faster than people think, sending incorrect telepathic messages. (Be careful not to beat the dead dog about this by over-using it in the plot;) Incorrect tweets sent cause catastrophic damage. (That is the main suspense of the plot)

I got this idea wondering if I could telepathically communicate with Elon Musk right now, (considering our current technology). Upon wondering this, I realized the current technology we use today would have this above mentioned idiosyncrasy.

Why The Powers Of Man Must Be Self-Regulated

Continue reading “Sharing Thoughts With Elon Musk”

Deep State Propaganda In Full Swing

Biden Admits the planned set-up for another ELECTION FRAUD

“We are in a situation where we … We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -Joe Biden



“Secondly, we are in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for president Obama’s administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Joe Biden

He does not even realize that the days of lying in plain sight are done for a long time. There are too many third Degree Masons in the world, now, that Hiding It In Plain Sight is no longer hiding, but the opposite.

Continue reading “Deep State Propaganda In Full Swing”

Kari Lake Holds Press Conference to Scold The Press For Fake News

“The world should know that you guys are not serious journalists when you cover this garbage. … Shame on you. Shame on you for trying to change the election results.”

“You Spread Bullshit, Russia-Gate Stories for three and a half years and divided this country. Thank God your ratings are in the toilet; that’s exactly where they need to be.”

Kari Lake

Twitter Melt Down Begins, ROUND ONE:

“Elon LEAKS Internal Twitter Comms Showing Potential FRAUD, Will FIRE 25% Of Staff & STRIP Blue Check”

Continue reading “Twitter Melt Down Begins, ROUND ONE:”

The Purge Has Begun, Twitter Users Say Followers Are Disappearing As Bots Get Purged

Continue reading “The Purge Has Begun, Twitter Users Say Followers Are Disappearing As Bots Get Purged”

“Twitter Exec Fired by Musk Was Having Secret Meetings with US Government”

Rubin Report

“Let this sink in!”

-Elon Musk

Russell Brand with, “Is Free Speech Finally Back!?”

Elon Musk BUYS Twitter!

“Fact-Checkers” Scramble To Protect Bill Gates

The Dan Bongino Show

The Globalist Push For Digital ID With Michael Rectenwald

The Dan Bongino Show:

COVID 19 The Great Reset, The Book:

The Dan Bongino Show

Stick With A Big Walk.

The easiest name for, “Ego,” is, “I”. What war, or which weapon, shall a man wage against himself, albeit the teeth of the snake devouring its own tail?

To, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” in order to know thine enemy, fails survival if thine self is thy enemy. To know your enemy, or to know your own ego, is a most prized attribute of war and is the most powerful utensil for serving peace. To know how to avoid developing an enemy avoids war, but to know what your Loved Ones love most equips you with the prize which outlasts war. Chip Van Hassel

Spun Off Axis

“Well nothing here looks new to me
But a score of mothers’ sons
Caught ‘tween the devil and the deep blue sea”

At a time when the youngest generations neither seek advise, nor heed direction,
the pillars of culture
have begun to bow,
as it seems like heaven is falling,
and who’s arms will raise up
to palm the stars
as they plummet to the crust?

“As I walk beneath the valley
I shall fear no evil
For thanks to King George and his rainbow cabinet
Today murder is legal
God I know that it’s wrong
To kill my brother for what he hasn’t done
And as the planes blacken the sky
It sounds like heaven is falling…”

Continue reading “Spun Off Axis”

Was Buddha’s Basis Correct?

Buddha’s question about human suffering must first be understood by recognizing where/who this question was coming from. Most people imagine Buddha’s question of suffering from the standpoint that Buddha was a man who witnessed suffering all around him, then, one day, questioned, “What is the cause of human suffering?” STOP

Continue reading “Was Buddha’s Basis Correct?”

Essence of the Fellow Craft Degree

“…because their Beehive Mind has absolutely corrupted the Craft…”

The essence of the FC Degree is the ablative of means through which Masters operate.

Continue reading “Essence of the Fellow Craft Degree”

Vocabulary term of the Year:“Active Shooter”

Active Shooter

1. An Alert to observe the timeline to keep the story straight so that the lie seems true.
2. The timeframe in which the truth must not be filmed, recorded or documented.
3. An alert to turn off all cameras, because if the Location where they say there is an “active shooter” is filmed, there is proof that there was nobody shooting anybody at all.

Google: “crisis actor

Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:

holidays are no longer “working days” and won’t be considered “counted” days.

(Copied and edited by Van Hassel Conditioners)

By July 1, 2022 all licensed racetrack personnel are being required to register with HISA.

Continue reading “Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:”

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Wrote

“The time has come to nullify government interferences with personal autonomy by disregarding them, and to threaten seriously to leave and ignore the governments that hate our freedoms. If we don’t do this, make way for voluntary servitude.”

“I have been writing for years asking if we still have the U.S. Constitution. That issue has come into sharper focus in the past 18 months as mayors and governors have created dictatorial powers and exercised those powers to interfere with personal autonomy in America.

Continue reading “Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Wrote”

Secretary of State- Term of the Month:

Secretary of State


The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser.

The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department, which includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service, and U.S. Agency for International Development.”

Continue reading “Secretary of State- Term of the Month:”

A Day With Diogenes

by: Terry Ballard

Announcer: Good afternoon, Diogenes. In keeping with your
reputation as a non-conformist, I see that you keep your bathtub
outside of your house.
Diogenes: The bathtub is my house.
Announcer: I see. Well there must be some advantage to that.
Diogenes: Certainly. No window can give a view like this, and if
the neighborhood goes bad, I can just walk off with the house.

Continue reading “A Day With Diogenes”

Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!

Deaf and Denied an Interpreter in Florida State Prison

Watch the Trailer.

I love Michelle. And I believe her story empowers all of us to recognize our own strengths and innate abilities even when our surrounding culture and systems do not. The systems must change in the United States and globally to support everyone.


BEING MICHELLE follows the astounding journey of a deaf and disabled woman who survived incarceration under unimaginable circumstances by a system that refused to accommodate her needs as a deaf person with autism.

Continue reading “Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!”

Tic Tac Tow

On June 23, 1983, “Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel ran the first successful test of the distributed Domain Name System (DNS). This automated process was to take over failing Arpanet and CSnet protocols because those relied on address books.

DNS uses a hierarchical distributed naming system for the Internet or any private network. It associates the domain names with numerical IP addresses.”

Greetings, Professor Falken.

Continue reading “Tic Tac Tow”

The Perfect Ride by Gary Stevens

May you have the perfect ride, Gary. Christopher A. Van Hassel


Only Criminals Wear Masks.

The criminals of today are wearing masks.

Nelson Mandela spent time in jail.

Martin Luther King, Jr. spent time in jail.

Were they criminals; or were the “Authorities,” who put them in jail the criminals?

Civilizational De-Evolution

“…as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure…”

“We live in a nation of scared people who do not say what is on their mind. Weaklings believe the lies and live as if they are subordinate to some “higher authority,” as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure of some sort!

They are the opposite.”

Chip Van Hassel

Anarchism: Political Innocence or Social Violence?

Click on Image to see book!

“If mankind is indeed depraved and immoral, requiring armed police and an army to keep its members in line, than no defense for anarchism can be made.”

James D. Forman; Anarchism (page. 34)
James Forman

JFK’s Speech To The Press:

“…for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. …”

Audio Clip:

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted

Continue reading “JFK’s Speech To The Press:”

Doctor, doctor!

Dr. Lindsay has over 30 years of scientific experience with an emphasis on the study of inhalation

She Remarks on “The Big V”…

“Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay is the Director of Toxicology and Molecular Biology for Toxicology Support Services, LLC. She holds a doctorate (PhD) in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology…

Continue reading “Doctor, doctor!”

Today in History:

November 19, 1863

Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, Continue reading “Today in History:”

Today In History: Happy Birthday, Walter Cronkite! November 4, 1916

America’s most trusted journalist.

“That’s the way it is.” -Walter Cronkite

TV journalist Walter, Cronkite, was born in St. Joseph, Missouri. He was a leading correspondent for United Press International during World War II. From 1962 to 1981, he was the anchorman of the CBS Evening News and was widely regarded as America’s most trusted journalist.

Teachers Brainwash Children in Secret

Matt Walsh Writes:

“Teachers Openly Fret that Parents Might Hear them Brainwashing Children, call Parents, ‘Dangerous’.”

In one of the creepiest yet most revealing Twitter threads ever to be posted on the platform, a teacher recently fretted out loud that virtual classes might allow parents to hear him brainwashing their kids.

Continue reading “Teachers Brainwash Children in Secret”

Historical Timeline of Marijuana

History of Marijuana as Medicine – 2900 BC to Present


2900 BC-1599 AD

“2900 BC – Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi References Marijuana as a Popular Medicine“The Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi (ca. 2900 BC), whom the Chinese credit with bringing civilization to China, seems to have made reference to Ma, the Chinese word for Cannabis, noting that Cannabis was very popular medicine that possessed both yin and yang.”

Continue reading “Historical Timeline of Marijuana”


Never forget the dozens of bloody, crying firemen who screamed about the bombs in the towers and the lobby before and after the planes hit.

Never forget the 2,300,000,000,000 dollars that was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11.
Never forget that the controller in charge of the Pentagon’s budget was Doc Zakheim who lost the 2.3 trillion dollars by doing poor book keeping (lost 1.55 billion dollars, per day, for five years….)

Continue reading “Today”

Zechariah 4 :1

“Then the angel who talked with me returned and woke me up, like someone awakened from sleep.”

Who was Zechariah?

Jewish High Priest, responsible for Temple incense.

John the Baptist’s Father; 11th of the 12 minor prophets; lived in 520 B.C.

He is a Levite who assisted in bringing up thee ark from the house of Obed-Edom (1 Chronicles 15:20-24).

Where did this happen?


What is the overall message?

  1. Past generations have lived amoral lives.
  2. 2. The Second Temple will be rebuilt

George Washington’s Last Will and Testiment

George Washington’s Last Will and Testament
[Mount Vernon, 9 July 1799]

In the name of God amen I George Washington of Mount Vernon—a citizen of the United States, and lately Pr⟨es⟩ident of the same, do make, ordai⟨n⟩ and declare this Instrument; w⟨hic⟩h is written with my own hand ⟨an⟩d every page thereof subscribed ⟨wit⟩h my name, to be my last Will & ⟨Tes⟩tament, revoking all others.

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“A technical … term which signifies to make valid or legal. Hence one who has received a degree in an irregular manner or from incompetent authority is not recognized until he has been healed. The precise mode of healing depends on circumstances. If the Lodge which conferred the degree was clandestine, the whole ceremony of initiation would have to be repeated. If the authority which conferred the degree was only irregular, and the question was merely a technical one of legal competence, it has been supposed that it was only necessary to exact an obligation of allegiance, or in other words to renew the covenant.” -Copyright, 1878, by Moss & Co and A.G. Mackey; Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by, Edward L. Hawkins and William J. Hughan

Tuesday, November 20, 1314:

Pope Clement Appears before the Judgement Seat of God. Long Live James de. Molay!!

Mount Moriah

-Ride tightly.

_Fly Tight


Welcome Home, Poor Fellow-Soldiers!

Nine Knights of Peace are granted a place of habitation within the sacred inclosure of the Temple upon Mount Moriah.

the Knighthood of the Temple of Solomon

ACTS 15:16

Lodge 908

Protector On High

“For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.”

“From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”