Living the Sins of The Dead

Arrogance/Pride is the Deadly Sin which is dragging the world around.

Some would assume it is Gluttony, because there are a lot of very, very overly-obese people ambling around; and those people are also being Greedy whilst over-eating the wrong things.

Lust tends to overcrowd the minds of men and women nowadays as sex buys a woman in a pretty dress a drink while the notion of that dress purchases a man’s whims, employing a no-refund policy.

Sloth slows the feet down of the people. They trudge around, displaying no purpose or inspiration during the hours of their public day.
Wrath- the most misunderstood sin of all, seems to be many people’s unguided, “somebody is shaking the jar,” motive. It is the notion of, “social justice,” in action.

Envy imprisons the minds of the less fortunate. People view others, not knowing what others have acquired, however, they want what others have- not knowing what that is!

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