Path of the Righteous Horseman

It is accurate to say that all the Old School horsemen are all gone. Just as capitalism no longer guarantees freedom (for the middle class), working hard in aspiration of earning an adequately-compensatory wage deems to be in incongruence with sanity, according to the current, socioeconomic reality. The delegation of a man of higher caliber insists that his such sojourn be ambulated, or accompanied by, similarly-spirited, likely-educated and strongly-willed, gentile warriors of both the sword and the book.

Use Your Hands; Not Your Mind.

“You don’t get paid for having the idea;
you get paid for producing the Result.”
-Chip Van Hassel

“Culture is missing the Grand Power of Motivation towards the unknown-
that physical action of advancing towards fear,
pushing ourselves to our limits,
so we may therefore push ourselves beyond those limits
to create more advantageous precipices from which, thereupon, we may elevate our efforts;
for we are rewarded
with the strength, courage and some wisdom
which allows us to experience
the Great Power of Motivation
which operates the Sun and the Moon.”

Chip Van Hassel

“You don’t get paid for having the idea;
you get paid for producing the Result.”


Feel like You’re Surrounded By Idiots?

Feel like You’re Surrounded By Blank Personalities?

Feel like You’re Surrounded By Idiots?

Written in a fit of realistic rage in the Jeep:

I’m tired of being surrounded by idiots
Arrogant, loud people
Who want your attention
By way of being annoying.

These people are so

Continue reading “Feel like You’re Surrounded By Idiots?”

Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:

holidays are no longer “working days” and won’t be considered “counted” days.

(Copied and edited by Van Hassel Conditioners)

By July 1, 2022 all licensed racetrack personnel are being required to register with HISA.

Continue reading “Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:”