Sharing Existence With Each Other

Today, The World NEEDS Transitional People.

What is a, “Transitional Person”?

A “Transitional Person is:
“A person who breaks unhealthy, harmful, abusive or unfortunate learned behaviors and replaces them with proactive, helpful, effective behaviors. This person models positive behaviors and passes on effective habits that strengthen and build others in positive ways.”

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Sharing Existence With Each Other

“Transitional People transcend their own needs and tap into the deepest, most noble impulses of human nature. …
…these responses are the synthesis through which we all experience each other…”

Today, The World NEEDS Transitional People.

What is a, “Transitional Person”?

According to Enkindle Wellness,
a, “Transitional Person is:
“A person who breaks unhealthy, harmful, abusive or unfortunate learned behaviors and replaces them with proactive, helpful, effective behaviors.  This person models positive behaviors and passes on effective habits that strengthen and build others in positive ways.”

Stephen Covey
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