
Three things:

  1. When you confiscate somebody’s wealth, it removes the incentive to become financially successful. (Studies show, the aforementioned is also the resulting product of communism.)
  2. When people become billionaires, they are not stealing your money to get there, and they have no obligation to pay taxes in the first place; so there is no, “pay their fair share; because:
  3. Taxation is theft. When you pay taxes, the government is stealing from you; and you are now angry that a billionaire is not being stolen from at a proportionately equal rate as you!
    (It’s as if there is some, “Ronin Hood Effect,” where, just because somebody has a lot of money, it’s ok to steal from them!)
  4. Again, people don’t become billionaires by stealing your money; and just because the government is robbing you, that does not mean it is OK to be mad at somebody because they have chosen to not allow the government to rob at a higher rate than it is robbing you! It is like a sheep being mad another sheep for running away from a wolf!

Not Acting Like An Idiot

Wearing a jacket with the presidential seal on it is not him acting like an idiot; because he’s not acting at all.

This man, wearing this jacket is just like an actor, wearing a jacket with the presidential seal on it. What functions Robert Ee Niro carried out in his life to dignify him wearing that seal? It is comparable to someone wearing a fake badge or pretending to be something that they are not!

To which industry and in what realm has Robert De Niro dedicated his efforts and time to suggest that he has any direct affiliated with the Oval Office?

When he played mobster roles, we respected him and viewed him as a hard, strong-willed, level-minded tough, scary bad ass!

When we see him speak on television, today, we laugh at him and view him as a weak-willed, mentally imbalanced, frail, pitifully, adolescently humorous hack!

You could come to the conclusion that Robert De Niro appearing publicly wearing a jacket with the presidential seal on it would be foolish, and acting like an idiot,… But… 

No, This guy is not acting!

Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

“To be, or not to be: that is the question.”

“…the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,…”


“To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Continue reading “Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune”

Ore Well 2084

“Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against consciousness expansion.”

The only danger we face in life is acceptance of any way other than the way of the individual. As a doormat cannot wipe its own feet on itself, the common man can only be common when he accepts the norm.

Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against positive consciousness expansion. The way to change reality is to Be the change within one’s own, individual mind.

Chip Van Hassel

We will never convince the people as a group; we can only convince the people by being an example for the group to follow.

To follow the group is to be a lemming, jumping off of the cliff.

To accept the common man's reality is an individual choice to sleep. 

To awaken, is the greater energy, tapped-in to by free thought and purposeful action.

Wealth can only be distributed when there is a definition of, “wealth”. Distribution only occurs when there are those who distribute.

Subtract “wealth,” from the equation; and subtract distribution from common man’s mentality, and the true answer becomes screamingly apparent.

Modern man- the evolutionary betrayer.

Individuals who are free thinkers will be ridiculed by their current peers, only to be recognized for their genius long, long after their deaths.

Society is never ready for the truth, but Positive thought is always ready for society.

-Chip Van Hassel


“…It asks itself whether man is not the sport of a blind, merciless Fate: whether all philosophies are not delusions, and all religions the fantastic creations of human vanity and self-conceit; …”

“Then the shadows of a horrible doubt fall upon the soul that would fain love, trust and believe; a darkness, of which this that surrounded you was a symbol.

It doubts the truth of Revelation, its own spirituality, the very existence of a beneficent God.

It asks itself if it is not idle to hope for any great progress of Humanity toward perfection, and whether, when it advances in one respect, it does not retrogress in some other, by way of com-pensation: whether advance in civilization is not increase of self-ishness: whether freedom does not necessarily lead to license and anarchy: whether the destitution and debasement of the masses does not inevitably follow increase of population and commercial and manufacturing prosperity.

It asks itself whether man is not the sport of a blind, merciless Fate: whether all philosophies are not delusions, and all religions the fantastic creations of human vanity and self-conceit; and, above all, whether, when Reason is abandoned as a guide, the faith of Buddhist and Brahmin has not the same claims to sovereignty and implicit, unreasoning credence, as any other.”
Morals and Dogma (page 299)

Lilli Tang Williams

She is a Lion. There is no middle class anymore. The upper-middle class has diminished to becoming lower-middle class.
The medium-middle class no longer exists; therefore, you are either lower-middle class (which is approximately 1% below poverty rate), welfare recipients (who are the coming denominator for the entire, middle class,”, and you have the Upper Class which is comprised of either aristocrats or their offspring.
The new, upper class does not earn money via producing a product or providing a service anymore. Their money is not earned income, but capital gains, which are compounding interest payments garnered from stored, uncirculated currency. The amount the upper class spends is calculated to be less than those interest payments, therefore, they never spend the principal; and since the interest is compounded, the principal grows of it’s mere existence, without reinvesting or diversifying. Big chunks of money just sit there to collect interest, and remain uncirculated. In other words, the offspring who is spending the money is not earning it; that money comes from the clouds, into their pockets, and; to collect it, all they have to do is wake up in the morning!

The Lower Class, to collect money, the need to work to earn it. Waking up is the easy part for the blue-collar worker. Collecting the money which belongs to them always seems to be the hard part.

Waking up for a Trust Fund Baby is the easy part, too; but paying the people who work for them seems to be the hard part for them, as well!

It’s called a, “Trust Fund,” it the above is the reason why your paycheck (on a monthly basis,) is approximately $2,600.00 LESS than you need to save, get ahead and live a better quality life.
It is not a mistake. There is a reason why the Federal Reserve is going to have to start paddling their canoe in the next four years; and what I just stated above is only part of the reason why!
Semper Fidelis!

When Gaslighting Does NOT Work

“You’re smart.. You’re tough. You’re Beautiful. The reason they’re attacking you is because you’re good at your job. …”

When Gaslighting did not work, here is what President Donald Trump said to Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

“You’re smart.. You’re tough. You’re Beautiful. The reason they’re attacking you is because you’re good at your job. …”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Repeating encouraging words which President Trump had empowered her with after she had been abused and gaslighted by angry Democrats)

The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen

“Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020….”

Republished without permission from: “thethinkingconservative.com”

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

Published by The Thinking Conservative on November 7. 2024

“A very odd occurrence happened between the 2020 election where Joe Biden supposedly won and the 2024 election where Donald Trump won the presidency. Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020. Both of those factors can’t be true and anybody with the math ability of an 8th grader should be scratching their heads.

Given the divide between Democrat and Republican voters due to the two vastly different personalities and political positions of vice president Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, people were expecting vote totals meeting or exceeding those of 2020.

Continue reading “The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen”

Error or Mistake

“…And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.””

Error or Mistake

“An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Audio Clip:

Continue reading “Error or Mistake”

Lazy People

Lazy People In The Workplace

When dealing with people, (they are like zebras never changing their stripes,) evil doers will never switch-over to the side of good.

When forced to interact with selfish people, you are tested of your kindness, patience and self-preservation.

Develop your ability to adapt and change, so you do not fall in to their trap of acting the ways in which they do.


Isaiah the Dark Messenger

Isaiah the Messenger

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

He said, “Go and tell this people:

Continue reading “Isaiah the Dark Messenger”

Our Duty

It says in Leviticus:

“If any one sins in that he hears a public adjuration to testify and though he is a witness, whether he has seen or come to know the matter, yet does not speak, he shall bear his iniquity.”


Isaiah the Dark Messenger

“Until the cities lie ruined and without inhabitants, … though a tenth remain in the land…”

Isaiah the Messenger

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

He said, “Go and tell this people:

Continue reading “Isaiah the Dark Messenger”

Preacher Wearing a Gold Chain

A Minister Wearing Gold Is Not a Righteous Man.

“We are not afraid to Bless people!”
-Brother Richard Cecil

Wearing a gold necklace whilst preaching about the Bible and passing the donations plate around is pure vanity, not tithing, and is void of physical obedience. (See JAMES 5:2-6)

Continue reading “Preacher Wearing a Gold Chain”

Song of the Millennium

“He sees things from under glass”

The Passenger

by Iggy Pop

“I am a passenger
And I ride and I ride
I ride through the city’s backside
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, they’re bright in a hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight

Continue reading “Song of the Millennium”

Nibble, Nibble

“Women use sex as a magical power- a power which men do not possess. This phenomena has ravaged our culture…. …

…“active-passive-aggression,” which could be described as building(/being) the bridge upon which, “resting bitch face,” hath transmuted into, “active-bitch-face,”

Sex is only a Game for most women but seems to be the meaning of life for most men!

How many women in your circle know how to bake a loaf of bread from scratch or how to potty-train an infant?”

Two Reasons Why Women Wearing Sexy Pants Is Corrupting Our Culture.

For many women, today, sex is the only thing they have to offer!

Did women ever wear mini skirts in the 1930’s,… why not?

We are living in an overly-sexualized culture where women walk around wearing spandex- which is the equivalent to a woman wearing a short skirt in the 1930’s!

Let Us Quote:
“…I also want women to dress mosdestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”

1 TIMOTHY 2:9-10

Women use sex as a magical power- a power which men do not possess. This phenomena has ravaged our culture to the point of devolving us into camel riders, again!

How many women in your daily life know how to bake a loaf of bread from scratch or how to potty-train a toddler?
How many men do you know who can change the oil in a car?

Continue reading “Nibble, Nibble”

Ceremony Has It’s Purpose

What Is, “Freemasonry”?

“… a beautiful system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.”

Time and Evolving

Freemasonry did not happen (,or occur,) arbitrarily; (over night;) Freemasonry happened over time. Therefore, any instant understanding of it is donned by unguided, however, uneducated predispositions.

Why do we say that? …. This is why we have published this:

Royal Order of Knights Templar

Shackleton’s Shipwreck Found

Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Ship, “Endurance”

“In 2022 Scientists have found and filmed one of the greatest ever undiscovered shipwrecks 107 years after it sank. The Endurance, the lost vessel of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, was found at the weekend at the bottom of the Weddell Sea.

Endurance: Shackleton’s Ship
Continue reading “Shackleton’s Shipwreck Found”

Faith in Mankind

Language makes no mistake in making a synonym of the word, “right,” with the term, “correct”. Furthermore, language correlates the word, “left,” with abandonment. If you are, “left,” you are, “left behind”.  When you are right, you are, “correct”. When mankind’s understanding becomes, “right,” about something, it leaves what is, “wrong,” behind. In humanity, people rendered as being incorrect are left behind by those who are correct. This is true of the animal kingdom, for the weakest or injured animals are many times left behind; because one injured animal attracts the danger of many predators. Faith does not ensure survival in the animal kingdom.

Taxing the Worker into Poverty Post

“We are going to pretend to be offering you free health insurance and free rent, (on paper;) however, you will be earning much less than originally agreed to.”

Indentured Servitude

The Ol’, “Bait and Switch

Two Steps:

#1. Bait:

“We love the work you’ve done for us! We will pay you $650.00 a week on a 1099 basis; and housing is included with the job.”

#2. Switch:

Continue reading “Taxing the Worker into Poverty Post”

Legend of Clermont College

“…have no relation to Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master- degrees, which were constructed for the general class of Masons. …”

Legend of Clermont College


Path of the Righteous Horseman

It is accurate to say that all the Old School horsemen are all gone. Just as capitalism no longer guarantees freedom (for the middle class), working hard in aspiration of earning an adequately-compensatory wage deems to be in incongruence with sanity, according to the current, socioeconomic reality. The delegation of a man of higher caliber insists that his such sojourn be ambulated, or accompanied by, similarly-spirited, likely-educated and strongly-willed, gentile warriors of both the sword and the book.

Benefits of Canabis

  1. “One hectare of cannabis releases as much oxygen as 25 hectares of forest. Cannabis grows in 4 months and trees in 20-50 years.
  2. From one hectare of cannabis you get the same amount of paper as 4 hectares of forest.
  3. Trees make recyclable paper 3 times while hemp makes recyclable paper 8 times. Hemp paper is the best and most durable.
  4. Hemp plants are a radiation trap. Cannabis plantations purify the air.
  5. Hemp can be grown anywhere in the world, it needs very little water. Furthermore, because it can defend itself from parasites, it doesn’t need pesticides.
  6. Hemp textiles outperform flax products on their own properties.
  7. Hemp is an ideal plant for producing edges, ropes, bags, shoes, hats…
  8. Cannabis is banned in Bulgaria. But technical cannabis does not contain a drug and can be cultivated freely.
  9. The protein value of cannabis seeds is very high and two fatty acids contained in them are nowhere else in nature.
  10. Producing cannabis is much cheaper than soy.
  11. Animals who eat cannabis don’t need hormone supplements.
  12. All plastic products can be made with hemp, hemp plastic is environmentally friendly and completely biodegradable.
  13. Hemp can also be used for thermal insulation of buildings, it’s durable, cheap and flexible.
  14. Hemp soaps and hemp cosmetics do not pollute water, so they are completely environmentally friendly.
    And about the benefits of medical cannabis in the treatment of many different diseases,…”

Missing Provision

in the constitution,

“If a majority are capable of preferring
their own private interest,
or of their families,
counties and party to that of a nation
some provision must be made in the constitution,
in favor of justice,
to compel all to respect
the common right,
the public good,
the universal law
in preference to all private
and partial considerations.”

John Adams

The Now Civil War

“ It is useless to reason with those whose confidence is not shaken in the face of impossibilities, whose imagination can bridge all gulfs in evidence by fantastic suppositions.”

Arthur Edward Waite; Doctrine and Literature of the Kabala (page 116)

Waite the Doctrine and Lite… by HNFingo

The Archer’s Bow

“Because of the Lord’s anger she will not be inhabited
    but will be completely desolate.
All who pass Babylon will be appalled;
    they will scoff because of all her wounds.
 ‘Take up your positions around Babylon,
    all you who draw the bow.
Shoot at her! Spare no arrows,
    for she has sinned against the Lord.
Shout against her on every side!
    She surrenders, her towers fall,
    her walls are torn down.
Since this is the vengeance of the Lord,
    take vengeance on her;
    do to her as she has done to others.
 Cut off from Babylon the sower,
    and the reaper with his sickle at harvest.
Because of the sword of the oppressor
    let everyone return to their own people,
    let everyone flee to their own land.'”

JERIMIAH 50:13-16

Weak Men Drive Cars; Strong Men Ride Camels.

…more normal than they even know how to be!

I ate at a restaurant today; and there was no knife on the table. I used my pocket knife. The owner of the place got all nervous and started acting scared and giving me the “side-eye”.
I’ve used my knife

Continue reading “Weak Men Drive Cars; Strong Men Ride Camels.”

Employers Taking Taxes Out of Your Paycheck is a Crime!

It violates: 10 U.S. Code § 921 – Art. 121.

Larceny and wrongful appropriation

(a) Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds, by any means, from the possession of the owner or of any other person any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind—

Continue reading “Employers Taking Taxes Out of Your Paycheck is a Crime!”

Taxation Without Representation

“87,000 new IRS agents.

By the way, those agents will be trained to use armed force.

That can’t be good!!””

We sent a letter to one of our collogues requesting advice.

The response from our collogue was a bitter taste of the truth; supportive, inspiring, and reminding us

Rome was nether built, nor torn down in one day!

Continue reading “Taxation Without Representation”

Ghost Post!

The Ghost Continues

So, after the Doug Fout Debacle, I ended up dealing with the frustrating pain and anguish of dealing with the Florida Gaming Commission.
The red-tape of bullshit brings a man’s tolerance to it’s knees
as he listens to people tell him,

“I understand. I’m sorry, and I understand; but I cannot help you.

Lemme transfer you to somebody else who understands, is sorry, but,… they won’t help you, either!”

Every Asshole on the phone

They act like,

Continue reading “Ghost Post!”

Employers Taking Taxes Out of Your Paycheck is a Crime!

“…with intent permanently to deprive or defraud another person of the use…”

It violates: 10 U.S. Code § 921 – Art. 121.

Larceny and wrongful appropriation

(a) Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds, by any means, from the possession of the owner or of any other person any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind—

Continue reading “Employers Taking Taxes Out of Your Paycheck is a Crime!”

It’s Not You; It Is They!

Out of Five People, Only One Accounts For 80 Percent Of All The Work

A Common Tale of a Man, Sad, But True:

I’ve realized that my true family does not actually
Love me, but loves their own complacency as a replacement of that love.

Continue reading “It’s Not You; It Is They!”

Physics Questions:

A country so narcissistic, it’s satellites take selfies!

Is the camera on a long arm, using a flash?

 “Look at me! ... I’m in 'space'!” 

Where’s the snapshot of it’s plate of food?

Continue reading “Physics Questions:”

Overtly Shining the Lamp of Diogenes Through Example via Action

Notes on reigning-in the Aggressive Power of The G.A.’s Intention:


Meritocracy is dead.
How does a (an operative)
Laborer survive
in a selfish (Inactive/Apathetic; speculative) World?

Continue reading “Overtly Shining the Lamp of Diogenes Through Example via Action”

Have You Figured It Out Yet?

How the Bankers get richer and the Poor get poorer:

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert T. Kiyosaki is an American businessman, investor, and best-selling author. One of his most popular books is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and it’s a great educational tool on the way to financial freedom. Kiyosaki is well known for revealing the truth about money and finances that they don’t teach in any school.

Get His Book Here:
Continue reading “Have You Figured It Out Yet?”

Conspiracy Is No Theory

“… there were daily election ballot deliveries to the center by Runbeck Election Services. …”

Maricopa Using Runbeck Again to Scan Ballots With No Observers

Posted on  by Texans Jack & Dodie

We were in Phoenix on Election Day 2022 to report and interview on voting activities. The most important thing we learned was that very little has changed in Maricopa County, Arizona since the cheating and corruption of the November 2020 election.

It remains the only jurisdiction in the United State that receives completed ballots at a USPS Processing Distribution Center, but doesn’t bring them back to their election department or tabulation center.

Continue reading “Conspiracy Is No Theory”


“Almost like history repeating itself from 2020!”


Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Sort Ballots Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS. Ben Bergquam was outside the Maricopa County election center and followed a Penske truck leave the center and return to Runbeck. Once at Runbeck, the gate is closed.

Berguam runbeck video: arizona election fraud again! ballots stop at printing company before being counted! banned

Every mail-in ballot that is returned in the county is sent to Runbeck first. Runbeck is scanning the Maricopa ballots before they are sent to the Maricopa County Elections Center.


Sharing Thoughts With Elon Musk

(Book) where people communicate telepathically; and it is like the internet- where predictive text starts “tweeting,” faster than people think, sending incorrect telepathic messages. (Be careful not to beat the dead dog about this by over-using it in the plot;) Incorrect tweets sent cause catastrophic damage. (That is the main suspense of the plot)

I got this idea wondering if I could telepathically communicate with Elon Musk right now, (considering our current technology). Upon wondering this, I realized the current technology we use today would have this above mentioned idiosyncrasy.

Why The Powers Of Man Must Be Self-Regulated

Continue reading “Sharing Thoughts With Elon Musk”

Deep State Propaganda In Full Swing

Biden Admits the planned set-up for another ELECTION FRAUD

“We are in a situation where we … We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -Joe Biden



“Secondly, we are in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for president Obama’s administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Joe Biden

He does not even realize that the days of lying in plain sight are done for a long time. There are too many third Degree Masons in the world, now, that Hiding It In Plain Sight is no longer hiding, but the opposite.

Continue reading “Deep State Propaganda In Full Swing”

Did The FBI Manipulate Video Evidence?

“The world’s most advanced economy magically can’t figure out how to count a friggin’ vote!?!” -Dan Bongino

The Dan Bongino Show

“Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises”

The New York Times

“Two percent of mailed ballots are rejected, double the rate for in-person voting. “

Credit: Sarah Beth Glicksteen for The New York Times
Continue reading “Did The FBI Manipulate Video Evidence?”

Twitter Melt Down Begins, ROUND ONE:

“Elon LEAKS Internal Twitter Comms Showing Potential FRAUD, Will FIRE 25% Of Staff & STRIP Blue Check”

Continue reading “Twitter Melt Down Begins, ROUND ONE:”

“Twitter Exec Fired by Musk Was Having Secret Meetings with US Government”

Rubin Report

The Globalist Push For Digital ID With Michael Rectenwald

The Dan Bongino Show:

COVID 19 The Great Reset, The Book:

The Dan Bongino Show

Stick With A Big Walk.

The easiest name for, “Ego,” is, “I”. What war, or which weapon, shall a man wage against himself, albeit the teeth of the snake devouring its own tail?

To, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” in order to know thine enemy, fails survival if thine self is thy enemy. To know your enemy, or to know your own ego, is a most prized attribute of war and is the most powerful utensil for serving peace. To know how to avoid developing an enemy avoids war, but to know what your Loved Ones love most equips you with the prize which outlasts war. Chip Van Hassel

Intellect: The Muscle That Needs Exercise Through Humor

“Should we investigate this stupidity? … May we point it out with the purpose of teaching the younger generation about these people? We MUST!”

“It is a waste of journalism
to describe the everyday instances
where their petty, selfish stupidity
interferes with the success of business.
There is a higher level of thinking to exercise.
There is a better way to live;
there are smarter ways to
conduct ourselves.”


Spun Off Axis

“Well nothing here looks new to me
But a score of mothers’ sons
Caught ‘tween the devil and the deep blue sea”

At a time when the youngest generations neither seek advise, nor heed direction,
the pillars of culture
have begun to bow,
as it seems like heaven is falling,
and who’s arms will raise up
to palm the stars
as they plummet to the crust?

“As I walk beneath the valley
I shall fear no evil
For thanks to King George and his rainbow cabinet
Today murder is legal
God I know that it’s wrong
To kill my brother for what he hasn’t done
And as the planes blacken the sky
It sounds like heaven is falling…”

Continue reading “Spun Off Axis”

Essence of the Fellow Craft Degree

“…because their Beehive Mind has absolutely corrupted the Craft…”

The essence of the FC Degree is the ablative of means through which Masters operate.

Continue reading “Essence of the Fellow Craft Degree”

Women Are Not Boy Scouts.

Is was so much more serious than
George and Seinfeld’s
“One tuck and one No Tuck” scenario.

I have become the Midnight Ghost. A ghost is invisible. At midnight,… what happens?

Patti used to be a friend of mine.
I ended up cutting ties with her
in response to her posting pictures
of herself
wearing a Boy Scout uniform-
the Shirt not tucked in.

Is was so much more serious than
George and Seinfeld’s
“One tuck and one No Tuck” scenario.

It came down to the root of the tree,
the trunk of the matter
and leaves everybody disconnected from each other.

Chip Van Hassel

Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:

holidays are no longer “working days” and won’t be considered “counted” days.

(Copied and edited by Van Hassel Conditioners)

By July 1, 2022 all licensed racetrack personnel are being required to register with HISA.

Continue reading “Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:”

A Day With Diogenes

by: Terry Ballard

Announcer: Good afternoon, Diogenes. In keeping with your
reputation as a non-conformist, I see that you keep your bathtub
outside of your house.
Diogenes: The bathtub is my house.
Announcer: I see. Well there must be some advantage to that.
Diogenes: Certainly. No window can give a view like this, and if
the neighborhood goes bad, I can just walk off with the house.

Continue reading “A Day With Diogenes”

Black and White Keys

Physical Obedience

Three Great LIghts

When even the pastor of the church fails to greet you, and however retires to mannerisms of cold-sustain, an “I am only tolerating you; you are not completely welcome here,” physical presence, the sojourner questions his fellow man’s faith in the Great Power.

Continue reading “Black and White Keys”

Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!

Deaf and Denied an Interpreter in Florida State Prison

Watch the Trailer.

I love Michelle. And I believe her story empowers all of us to recognize our own strengths and innate abilities even when our surrounding culture and systems do not. The systems must change in the United States and globally to support everyone.


BEING MICHELLE follows the astounding journey of a deaf and disabled woman who survived incarceration under unimaginable circumstances by a system that refused to accommodate her needs as a deaf person with autism.

Continue reading “Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!”


Police Do Not Create the law.



To whom this may concern, 

 We are writing this letter to inform you of both civil rights violations and criminal activity in our community

Continue reading “UnLawful”

Stopping the Spread of Taxpayer Funded Bioweapon Act of 2022

“The program works with foreign countries to address the risks from weapons of mass destruction, including by securing such weapons and detecting the spread of especially dangerous pathogens.”

Sponsor:Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylor [R-GA-14] (Introduced 03/17/2022)
Committees:House – Foreign Affairs; Appropriations
Latest Action:House – 03/17/2022 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Appropriations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.  (All Actions)
Tracker: TipThis bill has the status IntroducedHere are the steps for Status of Legislation:IntroducedPassed HousePassed SenateTo PresidentBecame Law

2d Session

H. R. 7125

To amend the Department of Defense Cooperative Threat Reduction Act to prevent the proliferation of biological weapons under the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, and for other purposes.

Continue reading “Stopping the Spread of Taxpayer Funded Bioweapon Act of 2022”

Sure In Life

If even God took the seventh day off for rest, why must a man toil seven days a week for another man who cares not for he, however labels time as money, and pretends that money, or a paycheck, is so gracious a gift, offered in charity, that the worker should forever be grateful to the employer and never question any selfish intention that could be interpreted of such a mutual agreement?

Chip Van Hassel

Civilizational De-Evolution

“…as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure…”

“We live in a nation of scared people who do not say what is on their mind. Weaklings believe the lies and live as if they are subordinate to some “higher authority,” as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure of some sort!

They are the opposite.”

Chip Van Hassel

Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants.

The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.

The main six Solfeggio frequencies are:

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JFK’s Speech To The Press:

“…for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. …”

Audio Clip:

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted

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Doctor, doctor!

Dr. Lindsay has over 30 years of scientific experience with an emphasis on the study of inhalation

She Remarks on “The Big V”…

“Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay is the Director of Toxicology and Molecular Biology for Toxicology Support Services, LLC. She holds a doctorate (PhD) in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology…

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Teachers Brainwash Children in Secret

Matt Walsh Writes:

“Teachers Openly Fret that Parents Might Hear them Brainwashing Children, call Parents, ‘Dangerous’.”

In one of the creepiest yet most revealing Twitter threads ever to be posted on the platform, a teacher recently fretted out loud that virtual classes might allow parents to hear him brainwashing their kids.

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2018 Hemp Farm Bill

Hemp Farmers Act of 2018:

(a) Extension.—Section 1444 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3221) is amended—

(1) in subsection (a), by adding at the end the following:

“(5) FISCAL YEAR 2019, 2020, 2021, OR 2022.—In addition

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Never forget the dozens of bloody, crying firemen who screamed about the bombs in the towers and the lobby before and after the planes hit.

Never forget the 2,300,000,000,000 dollars that was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11.
Never forget that the controller in charge of the Pentagon’s budget was Doc Zakheim who lost the 2.3 trillion dollars by doing poor book keeping (lost 1.55 billion dollars, per day, for five years….)

Continue reading “Today”

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,

by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Copyright 1898 by Scott, Foresman and Company


It is an ancient Mariner,

And he stoppeth one of three.

‘By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,

Now wherefore stopp’st thou me?

The Bridegroom’s doors are opened wide,

And I am next of kin;

Continue reading “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,”

Isaiah 39:3-4

“Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked, “What did those men say, and where did they come from?”

“From a distant land,” Hezekiah replied. “They came to me from Babylon.”

The prophet asked, “What did they see in your palace?”

“They saw everything in my palace,” Hezekiah said. “There is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them.””