MARK Antony

“The evil that men do 
lives after them;
The good 
is oft 
interred with their bones;” …
“…And men have lost their reason…”

“My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.”

Friends, Romans, countrymen,
lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar,
not to praise him.

The evil that men do
lives after them;
The good
is oft
interred with their bones;

Caesar’s Friend and Murderer
Continue reading “MARK Antony”

Insanity of the Religion Of Government

“…those falsehoods being society’s conditioning of humans to be polite and to pay taxes and to follow certain laws and customs, how we view our interdependencies with our physical environment, along with our political and social assimilations.”

So the people who define “sanity” are the most introverted and insane of the bunch- insane because they think that their town is secure

Continue reading “Insanity of the Religion Of Government”

Cosmic Interruptions In the Flow of Time

“…the truth of our beliefs is revealed in history,
within the contours of the mundane,
through cosmic interruptions
in the flow of time.
Revelation comes to us ambiguously.
Certitude and clarity
are achieved only in hindsight,
and even then

James Carroll

Ore Well 2084

“Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against consciousness expansion.”

The only danger we face in life is acceptance of any way other than the way of the individual. As a doormat cannot wipe its own feet on itself, the common man can only be common when he accepts the norm.

Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against positive consciousness expansion. The way to change reality is to Be the change within one’s own, individual mind.

Chip Van Hassel

We will never convince the people as a group; we can only convince the people by being an example for the group to follow.

To follow the group is to be a lemming, jumping off of the cliff.

To accept the common man's reality is an individual choice to sleep. 

To awaken, is the greater energy, tapped-in to by free thought and purposeful action.

Wealth can only be distributed when there is a definition of, “wealth”. Distribution only occurs when there are those who distribute.

Subtract “wealth,” from the equation; and subtract distribution from common man’s mentality, and the true answer becomes screamingly apparent.

Modern man- the evolutionary betrayer.

Individuals who are free thinkers will be ridiculed by their current peers, only to be recognized for their genius long, long after their deaths.

Society is never ready for the truth, but Positive thought is always ready for society.

-Chip Van Hassel

When Doing Nothing is the Plan

…gold sold in the shops of Germany in 1946 was of questionable origin…

Some things are greater than one man to overcome by force,
but no force can overcome
the great spirit of man!

Have faith good/spirit shall reign.
In action, when speaking The Great Truth, -The Great Struggle,-

Continue reading “When Doing Nothing is the Plan”

The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen

“Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020….”

Republished without permission from: “”

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

Published by The Thinking Conservative on November 7. 2024

“A very odd occurrence happened between the 2020 election where Joe Biden supposedly won and the 2024 election where Donald Trump won the presidency. Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020. Both of those factors can’t be true and anybody with the math ability of an 8th grader should be scratching their heads.

Given the divide between Democrat and Republican voters due to the two vastly different personalities and political positions of vice president Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, people were expecting vote totals meeting or exceeding those of 2020.

Continue reading “The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen”

Error or Mistake

“…And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.””

Error or Mistake

“An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Audio Clip:

Continue reading “Error or Mistake”

Blythe Miller’s Advice

Setting Your Horse Up for Every Next-Jump

Heels: DOWN and OUT in front of you!!!

Blythe Miller

Happy New Year

In the Book of Genesis:

“And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.”


Isaiah the Dark Messenger

Isaiah the Messenger

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

He said, “Go and tell this people:

Continue reading “Isaiah the Dark Messenger”

New Strange World

Active-Bitch Face

In an overly-sexualized culture, there exists an air(e) of, “active-passive aggression,” which could be described as building(/being) the bridge upon which, “resting bitch face,” hath transmuted into, “active-bitch-face,”. This (invisible) force is a subconscious reaction to self-loathing. The catalyst of this paradigm is not conscientiously explored by the the common man. Most people are unaware

Continue reading “New Strange World”

Isaiah the Dark Messenger

“Until the cities lie ruined and without inhabitants, … though a tenth remain in the land…”

Isaiah the Messenger

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

He said, “Go and tell this people:

Continue reading “Isaiah the Dark Messenger”

Shackleton’s Shipwreck Found

Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Ship, “Endurance”

“In 2022 Scientists have found and filmed one of the greatest ever undiscovered shipwrecks 107 years after it sank. The Endurance, the lost vessel of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, was found at the weekend at the bottom of the Weddell Sea.

Endurance: Shackleton’s Ship
Continue reading “Shackleton’s Shipwreck Found”


“Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
    and its circuit to the end of them;
    and there is nothing hid from its heat.”

God hath pitched a tent.

“… and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. …”

“… yet their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.

In them he has set a tent for the sun, …”

PSALM 19:4
Continue reading “Firmament”

Your “Why?”

Be the beam of Light.

What Is Your, “Why,”?

What Drove You When You Were Younger?

What was your, “why,” when you were in high school?
Did your, “why,” since then change?
If so, why?

Does your original, “why,” still suit you?


South Carolina York Rite History

“It was,” says he, “through gratitude for having been admitted to the labors of the mystical temple, that the Knights Hospitallers” (he should have said, “the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Jesus Christ”) “requested of Pope Eugenius II.

On the 11th March, 542 years ago, the last Grand Master of the whole Order of the Temple breathed his last; and our noble brotherhood ceased publicly to exist as a great religio-military institution. The anniversary of his martyrdom should ever be held in sacred remembrance by all Knights Templars, whether they follow

Continue reading “South Carolina York Rite History”

Inflation is a Lie.

We send, “money,” to Ukraine but send words to the Middle East. Imagine how foolish people are right now, believing that inflation is a real thing. Think about it: if we printed “too much” money, nobody would refuse it saying, “that money isn’t worth anything because there is too much it it.” … how STUPID are people to believe that “inflation,” is a cause and effect scenario? Inflation is simply lying about the value of a piece of paper and saying that a banana is worth more of those pieces of paper, as the result of having too many of those pieces of paper!

Chip Van Hassel

No Time

“There is no time in nature. There is rhythm in nature, yes. There is motion in nature. But the clock as a measure of motion is a human artifact. The world, as it spins on its axis, doesn’t tick.”

Alan Watts, excerpt from seminar TIME AND THE FUTURE, July, 1967.

Path of the Righteous Horseman

It is accurate to say that all the Old School horsemen are all gone. Just as capitalism no longer guarantees freedom (for the middle class), working hard in aspiration of earning an adequately-compensatory wage deems to be in incongruence with sanity, according to the current, socioeconomic reality. The delegation of a man of higher caliber insists that his such sojourn be ambulated, or accompanied by, similarly-spirited, likely-educated and strongly-willed, gentile warriors of both the sword and the book.

Changing of the Advisors

“…Student of the Great Mysteries…”

Over time, people need different types of,… religious consultants to recalibrate their mental journey. In certain locations, the people need a priest or a minister. At other times, in other places, among other groups, a shaman, or medicine man, is sought after. As in ISAIAH 65:1, these people do not directly as for a minister or shaman; however, some student of The Great Mysteries is always eventually discovered amongst the people.
The two factors which separate the shaman, or Deacons, from the rest of the people are two fundamental characteristics:

Continue reading “Changing of the Advisors”

How America Has Changed

“The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. “

“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
She is a well-wisher of freedom and independence of all.
She is the champion and vindicator of only her own.
She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice,
and the benign sympathy of her example.
She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence; should would involve herself beyond the powers of extrication, in all wars of interest and intrigue, of envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.

The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. She might become a dictatress of the world. We would no longer be the ruler of her own spirit.”

John Quincy Adams, July, 1821

The Archer’s Bow

“Because of the Lord’s anger she will not be inhabited
    but will be completely desolate.
All who pass Babylon will be appalled;
    they will scoff because of all her wounds.
 ‘Take up your positions around Babylon,
    all you who draw the bow.
Shoot at her! Spare no arrows,
    for she has sinned against the Lord.
Shout against her on every side!
    She surrenders, her towers fall,
    her walls are torn down.
Since this is the vengeance of the Lord,
    take vengeance on her;
    do to her as she has done to others.
 Cut off from Babylon the sower,
    and the reaper with his sickle at harvest.
Because of the sword of the oppressor
    let everyone return to their own people,
    let everyone flee to their own land.'”

JERIMIAH 50:13-16


“man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men.”

“We no longer expect to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. To us it has become but a symbol. To us the whole world is God’s Temple, as is every upright heart. To establish all over the world the New Law and Reign of Love, Peace, Charity, and Toleration, is to build that Temple, most acceptable to God, in erecting which Masonry is now engaged. No longer needing to repair to Jerusalem to worship, nor to offer up sacrifices and shed blood to propitiate the Deity, man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men. Wherever the humble and contrite heart silently offers up its adoration, under the overarching trees, in the open, level meadows, on the hill-side, in the glen, or in the city’s swarming streets; there is God’s House and the New Jerusalem.”


Juris Prudence

Juris Prudence “No Lodge shall make more than FIVE new Brethren at one Time.”

THE MASTER of a particular Lodge, has the right and authority of congregating the Members of his Lodge into a Chapter at Pleasure, upon any Emergency or Occurrence as well as to appoint the time and place of their usual forming : And in case of Sickness,


Absence of the MASTER,

Senior Warden

shall act as Master pro tempore, if no Brother is present who has been Master of that Lodge before ; for in that Case the absent Master’s Authority reverts to the last Master then present ; though he cannot act until the said senior Warden has once congregated the Lodge or in his Absence the junior Warden.”

…There is an ALARM at the door.

The Unpopular Secret

Population Control

It used to be, “The Power of God,” until the population got to insurmountable numbers, and the many could not be killed in secret-
World wars are what are needed to bring the population down in a more expedited manner.


See MATTHEW 24:40

South Carolina Statute Regarding Equine Liability

§ 47-9-730:
“Under South Carolina law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in an equine activity resulting from an inherent risk of equine activity, pursuant to Article 7, Chapter 9 of Title 47, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976”

Trainers Already Have Immunity and do NOT Need to Purchase Insurance for their Riders. SEE:

South Carolina Statute Title 47; Article 7, Chapter 9 “Equine Immunity”

Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976 Annotated. Title 47. Animals, Livestock and Poultry. Chapter 9. Livestock Generally. Article 7. Equine Liability Immunity.


This South Carolina section provides that an equine activity sponsor or an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant resulting from an inherent risk of equine activity. The statute also requires the visible displaying of warning signs that alert participants

Continue reading “South Carolina Statute Regarding Equine Liability”

This is NOT the End Times

People say, “We are living in the, “End Times.”

They say this in result to observing the behavior of others around them.

Wrong is correct these days;
the truth is feared.

In the Biblical vibe, people see light as darkness and darkness as light today.

Continue reading “This is NOT the End Times”

Holding Both Science and Religion Accountable

“…it renders everybody equally responsible for the structure adopted by the group…”

If both
Science and Religion
have become a disservice,
What is left?

Chip Van Hassel

To allow “scientists,”
to retain the privilege which
they have gained
in some measure over time,
without holding individual scientists accountable for their words
would accomplish
these two things:
1. It would render science a disservice.
2. It would render society a disservice.

Allusion to:

The Day The Universe Changed. Copyright; 1984, James Burke. NY ISBN: 0-316-11706-4
1. page 337

Continue reading “Holding Both Science and Religion Accountable”

Cigar in the 1995 Breeders’ Cup

“…followed by Tinner’s Way and Concern is still last; three furlongs to go. CIGAR!!! Cigar Makes His Move; and he Sweeps to the lead with a dramatic rush!”

Allen Paulson named most of his racehorses after aircraft check points and aviation terms.

“Cigar,” is a mnemonic that refers to a pre-takeoff checklist performed by Untied States Air Force pilots. It stands for:

• Controls
• Instruments
• Gas
• Airplane secure
• Run-up.

About James Madison

“…Madison was the correlation between education and liberty. He famously wrote,

‘Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw light over the public mind, which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.’”


Nietzsche and Jung Describe “The Three Stages Of Life”

The Three Stages Of Life

“…Nietzsche and Jung on the three metamorphoses of the spirit.

There is a passage in ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ in which Friedrich Nietzsche describes the spiritual evolution of man from childhood to old age.

He begins the passage by showing how a child spends his first years as a collector of duties, traumas and the word ‘No’, and how he resembles that of a camel, a beast of burden who must carry whatever is thrown onto its back.

Continue reading “Nietzsche and Jung Describe “The Three Stages Of Life””

Taxation Without Representation

“87,000 new IRS agents.

By the way, those agents will be trained to use armed force.

That can’t be good!!””

We sent a letter to one of our collogues requesting advice.

The response from our collogue was a bitter taste of the truth; supportive, inspiring, and reminding us

Rome was nether built, nor torn down in one day!

Continue reading “Taxation Without Representation”

Where Are Fellow Poor Young Soldiers Of Christ?

…However, the Poor FellowSoldiers Of Christ are not young; they are all old men with grey beards.
-Enter: The Young Tyler.
He calls himself a, P.F.S.C.,” yet he has zero poverty; he has food on his plate, shoes on his feet and a roof over his head.
Neither is nor.
They Young Tyler is Apprenticed into Entership- the state of arriving to an unfamiliar environment, thought paradigm and yet-to-be (if ever) -seen set of circumstances.
This “Entership,” is an internship into the realm of: “Void of Ego and Personal Gain,” therefore, is the most honorably practice!


Physics Questions:

A country so narcissistic, it’s satellites take selfies!

Is the camera on a long arm, using a flash?

 “Look at me! ... I’m in 'space'!” 

Where’s the snapshot of it’s plate of food?

Continue reading “Physics Questions:”

A Crossed Sojourn

“Chaplain Bob smiled as he handed me a ten dollar bill from his wallet.”

His name is Chaplain Bob Miller. I cold-called him, asking for help one day. When he returned my call, he was driving back from the airport with his wife; they had just arrived home from Cuba.

Bob was warm and inviting. He understood my situation. He had a lot on his plate at the time, but he took a couple of moments to meet with me and briefly listen to my quandary. Little did he know,

Conspiracy Is No Theory

“… there were daily election ballot deliveries to the center by Runbeck Election Services. …”

Maricopa Using Runbeck Again to Scan Ballots With No Observers

Posted on  by Texans Jack & Dodie

We were in Phoenix on Election Day 2022 to report and interview on voting activities. The most important thing we learned was that very little has changed in Maricopa County, Arizona since the cheating and corruption of the November 2020 election.

It remains the only jurisdiction in the United State that receives completed ballots at a USPS Processing Distribution Center, but doesn’t bring them back to their election department or tabulation center.

Continue reading “Conspiracy Is No Theory”

Maricopa County’s Unique Process in Handling Ballots Exposes Added Opportunity for Fraud

By Jim Hoft
Published November 11, 2022 at 7:45am

Maricopa ballots from the August 2022 primary election.

“Maricopa County  is the only jurisdiction in the country that picks up completed ballots at USPS Processing Distribution Center, but doesn’t bring them back to the election department or tabulation center.

Maricopa County picks up mail-in ballots and takes them directly to its print vendor Runbeck Election Services, which is headquartered in Phoenix.

Every single completed mail-in ballot, whether mailed or dropped off at a polling place, goes to Runbeck. All mail-in ballots collected on election day, and the previous few days, are sitting at Runbeck headquarters. Maricopa has no idea how many ballots are in their possession because the ballots are at their print vendor.

Continue reading “Maricopa County’s Unique Process in Handling Ballots Exposes Added Opportunity for Fraud”

Hospitals Are Killing Factories Now.

Scott Shara: “The Hospital Killed My Daughter, Grace.”

Deep State Propaganda In Full Swing

Biden Admits the planned set-up for another ELECTION FRAUD

“We are in a situation where we … We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -Joe Biden



“Secondly, we are in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for president Obama’s administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Joe Biden

He does not even realize that the days of lying in plain sight are done for a long time. There are too many third Degree Masons in the world, now, that Hiding It In Plain Sight is no longer hiding, but the opposite.

Continue reading “Deep State Propaganda In Full Swing”

President Donald J. Trump in Sioux City, IA

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Sioux City, Iowa on Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 8:00PM EDT.

Did The FBI Manipulate Video Evidence?

“The world’s most advanced economy magically can’t figure out how to count a friggin’ vote!?!” -Dan Bongino

The Dan Bongino Show

“Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises”

The New York Times

“Two percent of mailed ballots are rejected, double the rate for in-person voting. “

Credit: Sarah Beth Glicksteen for The New York Times
Continue reading “Did The FBI Manipulate Video Evidence?”

The Purge Has Begun, Twitter Users Say Followers Are Disappearing As Bots Get Purged

Continue reading “The Purge Has Begun, Twitter Users Say Followers Are Disappearing As Bots Get Purged”

November, 2022 Song of the Month:

New Dark Ages


Bad Religion


New Maps of Hell

Acoustic at KROC


Now can you hear the call in our rambling land?
Susurrations that can expand
Beyond all hope of light
And plunge us into unrelenting night

A pall, a truth and reason
It feels like hunting season
So avoid those lines of sight

Continue reading “November, 2022 Song of the Month:”

Trick Or Treason!

“…The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting.”

-Retired Journeyman, Christopher Van Hassel

I had always planned to train racehorses after I retired from my riding career, but I had not predicted that the racing business would change the ways in which it has. The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting. Why do I say that?

Continue reading “Trick Or Treason!”

Legendary horse racing announcers share Kentucky Derby memories

Tom Durkin, Dave Johnson, Larry Collmus and Mike Battaglia share their favorite memories of calling the Kentucky Derby over the years.

Rich Strike
Rich Strike


Published October 27, 2022  by:

Russell Brand with, “Is Free Speech Finally Back!?”

Elon Musk BUYS Twitter!

“Fact-Checkers” Scramble To Protect Bill Gates

The Dan Bongino Show

The Globalist Push For Digital ID With Michael Rectenwald

The Dan Bongino Show:

COVID 19 The Great Reset, The Book:

The Dan Bongino Show

Staying Inside The Box

… because they purposely create a toxic work environment…

‘Tis a strange experience, being an expert in my field, surrounded by people who are beginners, however, these beginners act and feel as though they are superior to me! The, “Dunning Krueger affect,” comes to mind.

Continue reading “Staying Inside The Box”

Stick With A Big Walk.

The easiest name for, “Ego,” is, “I”. What war, or which weapon, shall a man wage against himself, albeit the teeth of the snake devouring its own tail?

To, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” in order to know thine enemy, fails survival if thine self is thy enemy. To know your enemy, or to know your own ego, is a most prized attribute of war and is the most powerful utensil for serving peace. To know how to avoid developing an enemy avoids war, but to know what your Loved Ones love most equips you with the prize which outlasts war. Chip Van Hassel

Spun Off Axis

“Well nothing here looks new to me
But a score of mothers’ sons
Caught ‘tween the devil and the deep blue sea”

At a time when the youngest generations neither seek advise, nor heed direction,
the pillars of culture
have begun to bow,
as it seems like heaven is falling,
and who’s arms will raise up
to palm the stars
as they plummet to the crust?

“As I walk beneath the valley
I shall fear no evil
For thanks to King George and his rainbow cabinet
Today murder is legal
God I know that it’s wrong
To kill my brother for what he hasn’t done
And as the planes blacken the sky
It sounds like heaven is falling…”

Continue reading “Spun Off Axis”

Essence of the Fellow Craft Degree

“…because their Beehive Mind has absolutely corrupted the Craft…”

The essence of the FC Degree is the ablative of means through which Masters operate.

Continue reading “Essence of the Fellow Craft Degree”

Women Are Not Boy Scouts.

Is was so much more serious than
George and Seinfeld’s
“One tuck and one No Tuck” scenario.

I have become the Midnight Ghost. A ghost is invisible. At midnight,… what happens?

Patti used to be a friend of mine.
I ended up cutting ties with her
in response to her posting pictures
of herself
wearing a Boy Scout uniform-
the Shirt not tucked in.

Is was so much more serious than
George and Seinfeld’s
“One tuck and one No Tuck” scenario.

It came down to the root of the tree,
the trunk of the matter
and leaves everybody disconnected from each other.

Chip Van Hassel

Vocabulary term of the Year:“Active Shooter”

Active Shooter

1. An Alert to observe the timeline to keep the story straight so that the lie seems true.
2. The timeframe in which the truth must not be filmed, recorded or documented.
3. An alert to turn off all cameras, because if the Location where they say there is an “active shooter” is filmed, there is proof that there was nobody shooting anybody at all.

Google: “crisis actor

Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:

holidays are no longer “working days” and won’t be considered “counted” days.

(Copied and edited by Van Hassel Conditioners)

By July 1, 2022 all licensed racetrack personnel are being required to register with HISA.

Continue reading “Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:”

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Wrote

“The time has come to nullify government interferences with personal autonomy by disregarding them, and to threaten seriously to leave and ignore the governments that hate our freedoms. If we don’t do this, make way for voluntary servitude.”

“I have been writing for years asking if we still have the U.S. Constitution. That issue has come into sharper focus in the past 18 months as mayors and governors have created dictatorial powers and exercised those powers to interfere with personal autonomy in America.

Continue reading “Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Wrote”

Secretary of State- Term of the Month:

Secretary of State


The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser.

The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department, which includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service, and U.S. Agency for International Development.”

Continue reading “Secretary of State- Term of the Month:”

A Day With Diogenes

by: Terry Ballard

Announcer: Good afternoon, Diogenes. In keeping with your
reputation as a non-conformist, I see that you keep your bathtub
outside of your house.
Diogenes: The bathtub is my house.
Announcer: I see. Well there must be some advantage to that.
Diogenes: Certainly. No window can give a view like this, and if
the neighborhood goes bad, I can just walk off with the house.

Continue reading “A Day With Diogenes”


“Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God”

Remain Ordered As Directed.

Pass on your orders.

“Late one half moon night, I heard footsteps.

The sharp click of heels. Silence.

Another click. More silence.

Twenty-one footsteps.


Twenty-one seconds of silence.


Twenty-one seconds of silence.

Twenty-one more steps.

With each step, my war is over.”

Ride Free, or Die.

Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!

Deaf and Denied an Interpreter in Florida State Prison

Watch the Trailer.

I love Michelle. And I believe her story empowers all of us to recognize our own strengths and innate abilities even when our surrounding culture and systems do not. The systems must change in the United States and globally to support everyone.


BEING MICHELLE follows the astounding journey of a deaf and disabled woman who survived incarceration under unimaginable circumstances by a system that refused to accommodate her needs as a deaf person with autism.

Continue reading “Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!”


Police Do Not Create the law.



To whom this may concern, 

 We are writing this letter to inform you of both civil rights violations and criminal activity in our community

Continue reading “UnLawful”

Tic Tac Tow

On June 23, 1983, “Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel ran the first successful test of the distributed Domain Name System (DNS). This automated process was to take over failing Arpanet and CSnet protocols because those relied on address books.

DNS uses a hierarchical distributed naming system for the Internet or any private network. It associates the domain names with numerical IP addresses.”

Greetings, Professor Falken.

Continue reading “Tic Tac Tow”

“Mission Accomplished”

“We don’t need guns to stand for Freedom.”

“Peace is so simple in philosophy and motive, it therefore stands as mankind’s Ultimate Goal.

What is stopping each individual man from acting-out that goal on the day he is called to go to war?

Who is empowering the jailors to jail the man who refuses to wage war?

What single man is the jailor?”

Chip Van Hassel

Stopping the Spread of Taxpayer Funded Bioweapon Act of 2022

“The program works with foreign countries to address the risks from weapons of mass destruction, including by securing such weapons and detecting the spread of especially dangerous pathogens.”

Sponsor:Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylor [R-GA-14] (Introduced 03/17/2022)
Committees:House – Foreign Affairs; Appropriations
Latest Action:House – 03/17/2022 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Appropriations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.  (All Actions)
Tracker: TipThis bill has the status IntroducedHere are the steps for Status of Legislation:IntroducedPassed HousePassed SenateTo PresidentBecame Law

2d Session

H. R. 7125

To amend the Department of Defense Cooperative Threat Reduction Act to prevent the proliferation of biological weapons under the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, and for other purposes.

Continue reading “Stopping the Spread of Taxpayer Funded Bioweapon Act of 2022”

The Perfect Ride by Gary Stevens

May you have the perfect ride, Gary. Christopher A. Van Hassel


Only Criminals Wear Masks.

The criminals of today are wearing masks.

Nelson Mandela spent time in jail.

Martin Luther King, Jr. spent time in jail.

Were they criminals; or were the “Authorities,” who put them in jail the criminals?

Civilizational De-Evolution

“…as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure…”

“We live in a nation of scared people who do not say what is on their mind. Weaklings believe the lies and live as if they are subordinate to some “higher authority,” as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure of some sort!

They are the opposite.”

Chip Van Hassel

Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants.

The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.

The main six Solfeggio frequencies are:

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Anarchism: Political Innocence or Social Violence?

Click on Image to see book!

“If mankind is indeed depraved and immoral, requiring armed police and an army to keep its members in line, than no defense for anarchism can be made.”

James D. Forman; Anarchism (page. 34)
James Forman

Doctor, doctor!

Dr. Lindsay has over 30 years of scientific experience with an emphasis on the study of inhalation

She Remarks on “The Big V”…

“Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay is the Director of Toxicology and Molecular Biology for Toxicology Support Services, LLC. She holds a doctorate (PhD) in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology…

Continue reading “Doctor, doctor!”

James Lopez: Journeyman Jockey, Gentleman and Brother

Anyone would give their last dollar to James Lopez. Whenever you knew you were in his presence, that forever made you feel good. Any time I have ever thought of you, love was the only thing I could feel.

You live on

Forever and Ever.

Today in History:

November 19, 1863

Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, Continue reading “Today in History:”

Food of the Month, November, 2020


Hardtack is an old-fashioned type of bread or cracker that sailors used to bring with them during long voyages. The taste and texture of hardtack wasn’t popular, but it lasted a long time without spoiling.

If you take a close look at the word hardtack, you’ll have a clear sense of how sailors felt about having to eat it day after day. The hard part is accurate — it was so dry and tough that it was difficult to bite. Tack once meant “food,” but in dialect it was specifically “bad food.” Hardtack had many alternate names, including “soda crackers” and “sea biscuits,” but also “dog biscuits” and “molar breakers.” “


Billy Hardtack; Gentleman, Journeyman Jockey

Song of the Month

November, 2020

New Dark Ages


Bad Religion


New Maps of Hell

Acoustic at KROC


“Yeah, can you hear the call in our rambling land susurrations
That can expand beyond all hope of light and plunge us into unrelenting night?A pall on truth and reason
It feels like hunting season
So avoid those lines of sight and we’ll set this rightWelcome to the new Dark Ages
Yeah, I hope you’re living right
These are the new Dark Ages
And the world might end tonightNow come ye children one and all – let’s heed Ezekiel’s call
And bide until the word is good and ripe and get plucked clean out of sightThe world will be erased
Our kin will be immaculate ejaculate in space before the King of King’s love
He’ll snatch us from above
Brothers, help me sing itWelcome to the new Dark Ages
Yeah, I hope you’re living right
These are the new Dark Ages
And the world might end tonightSo, how do you sleep?
There’s nothing to keep
This is deepBecause we’re animals with golden rules
Who, who can’t be moved by rational views, yeahWelcome to the new Dark Ages
I hope you’re living right
Welcome to the new Dark Ages
Say it again, yeah
These are the new Dark Ages
I hope you’re living right
Welcome to the new Dark Ages
And the world might end tonight”

Teachers Brainwash Children in Secret

Matt Walsh Writes:

“Teachers Openly Fret that Parents Might Hear them Brainwashing Children, call Parents, ‘Dangerous’.”

In one of the creepiest yet most revealing Twitter threads ever to be posted on the platform, a teacher recently fretted out loud that virtual classes might allow parents to hear him brainwashing their kids.

Continue reading “Teachers Brainwash Children in Secret”

Song of the Month

Deuces Are Wild lyrics
I love to look into your big brown eyes
They talk to me and seem to hypnotize
They say the things nobody dares to say
And I’m not about to let you fly away

My lover with no jet lag
We’re staying up all night in my sleeping bag
You got a heart beatin’ rhythm from the subterranean
I really love you little girl
I don’t need to explain

I love you ’cause your deuces are wild, girl
Like a double shot of love is so fine
I been lovin’ you since you was a child, girl
‘Cause you and me is two of a kind

Ah, like deja vu I feel like I’ve been here
Or somewhere else but you’ve been always near
It’s you that’s in my dreams I’m begging for
But I woke up when someone slammed the door

So hard I fell outta bed
Screamin’ mama’s little baby loves shortnin’ bread
And the moral of the story I can testify
I get stoned on you girl
That’s the best reason why

Historical Timeline of Marijuana

History of Marijuana as Medicine – 2900 BC to Present


2900 BC-1599 AD

“2900 BC – Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi References Marijuana as a Popular Medicine“The Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi (ca. 2900 BC), whom the Chinese credit with bringing civilization to China, seems to have made reference to Ma, the Chinese word for Cannabis, noting that Cannabis was very popular medicine that possessed both yin and yang.”

Continue reading “Historical Timeline of Marijuana”

William Mitchell Court Marshaled

Sentenced to suspension from rank and pay for five years, he resigned from the army on Feb. 1, 1926, and retired to a farm near Middleburg, Va.

United States Army general

The climax of Mitchell’s campaign came in September 1925, when the loss of the navy dirigible Shenandoah in a storm inspired him to publicly accuse the War and Navy departments of “incompetency, criminal negligence, and almost treasonable administration of the national defense.” He was, as he expected, immediately court-martialed, and, after he made the trial a platform for his views, he was convicted in December of insubordination. Sentenced to suspension from rank and pay for five years, he resigned from the army on Feb. 1, 1926, and retired to a farm near Middleburg, Va.


Continue reading “William Mitchell Court Marshaled”




We no longer expect to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. To us it has become but a symbol. To us the whole world is God’s Temple, as is every upright heart. To establish all over the world the New Law and Reign of Love, Peace, Charity, and Toleration, is to build that Temple, most acceptable to God, in erecting which Masonry is now engaged. No longer needing to repair to Jerusalem to worship, nor to offer up sacrifices and shed blood to propitiate the Deity, man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men. Wherever the humble and contrite heart silently offers up its adoration, under the overarching trees, in the open, level meadows, on the hill-side, in the glen, or in the city’s swarming streets; there is God’s House and the New Jerusalem.

Continue reading “PRINCE OF JERUSALEM.”

South Carolina York Rite History



On the 11th March, 542 years ago, the last Grand Master of the whole Order of the Temple breathed his last; and our noble brotherhood ceased publicly to exist as a great religio-military institution. The anniversary of his martyrdom should ever be held in sacred remembrance by all Knights Templars, whether they follow the banner of the Cross and Serpent, that of the Black Eagle, or that of the Blood-red Cross.
Prompted by these holy emotions, your committee requested me to address you on that occasion.

Continue reading “South Carolina York Rite History”

George Washington’s Last Will and Testiment

George Washington’s Last Will and Testament
[Mount Vernon, 9 July 1799]

In the name of God amen I George Washington of Mount Vernon—a citizen of the United States, and lately Pr⟨es⟩ident of the same, do make, ordai⟨n⟩ and declare this Instrument; w⟨hic⟩h is written with my own hand ⟨an⟩d every page thereof subscribed ⟨wit⟩h my name, to be my last Will & ⟨Tes⟩tament, revoking all others.

Continue reading “George Washington’s Last Will and Testiment”


“A technical … term which signifies to make valid or legal. Hence one who has received a degree in an irregular manner or from incompetent authority is not recognized until he has been healed. The precise mode of healing depends on circumstances. If the Lodge which conferred the degree was clandestine, the whole ceremony of initiation would have to be repeated. If the authority which conferred the degree was only irregular, and the question was merely a technical one of legal competence, it has been supposed that it was only necessary to exact an obligation of allegiance, or in other words to renew the covenant.” -Copyright, 1878, by Moss & Co and A.G. Mackey; Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by, Edward L. Hawkins and William J. Hughan

Tuesday, November 20, 1314:

Pope Clement Appears before the Judgement Seat of God. Long Live James de. Molay!!

Isaiah 39:3-4

“Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked, “What did those men say, and where did they come from?”

“From a distant land,” Hezekiah replied. “They came to me from Babylon.”

The prophet asked, “What did they see in your palace?”

“They saw everything in my palace,” Hezekiah said. “There is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them.””

Mount Moriah

-Ride tightly.

_Fly Tight


Welcome Home, Poor Fellow-Soldiers!

Nine Knights of Peace are granted a place of habitation within the sacred inclosure of the Temple upon Mount Moriah.

the Knighthood of the Temple of Solomon

ACTS 15:16

Lodge 908