Man Scouts of America

“The Scout goes by compass, both morally and navigationally and ventures only to glean the best of the whole. Mankind is dependent on The Scout. Information is The Holy Grail. Clarity is the Treasure! In our Scouts, our Rangers, the young men of the old, Mankind instills its faith.”

-Christopher Van Hassel


Non Nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

“In arrogance, there is great ruin and great instability. In idleness, there is loss and dire poverty, for idleness is the mother of famine.”

Book of Tobit 4:13

“Do not keep with you overnight the wages of those who have worked for you, but pay them at once. … Be on guard, son, in everything you do; be wise in all that you say, and discipline yourself in all your conduct. Do to no man or woman what you hate yourself.”

Book of Tobit 4:14-15
Continue reading “Man Scouts of America”

Blythe Miller’s Advice

Setting Your Horse Up for Every Next-Jump

Heels: DOWN and OUT in front of you!!!

Blythe Miller

A Leveled-Up Experience

There are moments when an athlete experiences this:

Not “Doing” it:

… the feeling of floating-

watching it all happen as
from the outside,

(Like watching a movie)

… not doing it,

but watching your body do it

and learning from it.
Chip Van Hassel

Look the Part To Be the Part

When You are pretending to be, “that”, you are, indeed, that character which you play!
While the scene is being filmed, the only reality which exists is what the camera sees.

Hot Riff

“Look the part.
Act the part.
Be the part.

Timothy Wyatt

Circular Connection


Make the aura around you flow of purple water-
It’s current- Strong,
Revolutionary of itself.
When you notice that your focus has been lost
down through your Sacral Chakra,
Circulating the inside of the chakra;
condensing it’s
outer physical membrane.

Continue reading “Circular Connection”

Reserved Mantra

“Keeping it Reserved”

“Stillness in Motion”

Jose Sameñego

Wrists broken-over,
“Praying Mantis hands”-

“Keeping everything re-chambered”

Hot Riff; Jonathan Sheppard; George Strawbridge, Agustin Stables

Templar Life

“The fine vocation of the sword and lance,
With the gross aims, and body-bending toil
Of a poor brotherhood, who walk the earth


Legend of Clermont College

“…have no relation to Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master- degrees, which were constructed for the general class of Masons. …”

Legend of Clermont College


Mike Tyson on Fear

“’Cus used to get turned on when I told him that I was afraid and I might be a coward. He loved that. He knew that would feed into my fear base and he worked everything off fear. Cus wanted you to react like a robot so that when he said something, you’d do it on command. Cus showed me the difference between fear and intimidation. Being intimidated prevents you from performing at the highest level you’re capable of. But fear can help you ascend to great heights. ‘Be afraid of your opponent personally but don’t be afraid to hurt him,’ he told me. What people don’t realize is that when controlled properly fear can take you to a level of euphoria where you believe you’re invincible. Very few people can get to that level. But when you do, a weird aberration of nature takes place and you’re sent to a level of invincible proportion.’”

Mike Tyson

“Chakra” Definition

“Inhibition and freedom, tension and relaxation, are the tides of the orange chakra.”
-Christopher Penczak

“Chakra is Sanskrit for “spinning wheel,”
referring to the spinning wheels of light within the energy body.”

Christopher Penczak; The Inner Temple of Witchcraft (page 205)

What is Dynamic Tension?

“Dynamic Tension is the iron wire of Kung Fu, retaining the flow of Tao, as rocks give way to water, but only over time.”
-Chip Van Hassel

Dynamic Tension is a self-resistance exercise,
(or method,) which pits muscle against muscle.

The practitioner tenses the muscles of a given body part
and then
moves the body part against the tension
as if a heavy weight were being lifted

To Increase Your Power, watch this short clip:

Never-Ending-River of Breath

“No need to block beyond the shoulders.”
—Master Brian Gray

“Always thinking about the River-
The unchangeable, the constant, not-judging-



Watch breath right now,
visualizing pushing the Chi down

This dynamic tension
is centered.
(Iron Palm,) Pushing down on the Upward chi of Earth.

Breathing is the never-ending river that orchestrates chi wherever it is instantaneously needed.

“Make the entire body solid and reactive.”


“No need to block beyond shoulders.”

Sifu, Grand Master Brian Gray

example of peace(-in-action)

Shaolin Monks’ Celibacy

As the Monk chooses celibacy,
his focus shifts.

His eyes are no longer
by selfish yearnings
of lust.

His newly-found perception
differs from that of the laymen’s’;

for the monk is removed from selfish ambition.

The Monk’s frequency is non-combative.

nullifies the natural,
by which most men
are predisposed

Chip Van Hassel

Neuro-Muscle Memory

Mental processes induce physical processes.
Being annoyed tenses muscles.
Allowing yourself to stew in annoyance creates muscle memory which becomes physically stressful.

A Dent of Deed

…”the body, the mind, the spirit,
flows as does water.”…

It starts with the in-breath and begins in the out-breath.
The continuous cycle is it’s own revolution,
it’s own change.
Hardened by it’s own hardness,
the body, the mind, the spirit,
flows as does water.
Water can wear rock away
even though rock can stop water.
Perserverence of the flow
proves phusical changd-
Maybe just a dent,
of deed.

Chip Van Hassel

The Answer Pits Itself In The Apple.

“…If you ask for Wisdom,
God’s words are Silence…”

If you ask for strength,

He will give it to you by weakening you.
If you ask for guidance,

His guidance is usually wrought through confusion.

If you ask for Wisdom,
His words are Silence.


-Purple Water Chakra


Make the aura around you flow of purple water-
It’s current- Strong,
Revolutionary of itself.
When you notice that your focus has been lost,
down through your Sacral Chakra,
Circulating the inside of the chakra;
condensing it’s
outer physical membrane.

Chip Van Hassel

Gary Vaynerchuk scrolled past this!


I’ll Never Get Gary Vee’s Attention This Way!!!

Mr. Vaynerchuk,

Your time is valuable!
I spend hours building my website
Who would pay
to build their sites using wordpress? Would you in any capacity?

Check out Gary’s Site:

Continue reading “Gary Vaynerchuk scrolled past this!”

Where Are Fellow Poor Young Soldiers Of Christ?

…However, the Poor FellowSoldiers Of Christ are not young; they are all old men with grey beards.
-Enter: The Young Tyler.
He calls himself a, P.F.S.C.,” yet he has zero poverty; he has food on his plate, shoes on his feet and a roof over his head.
Neither is nor.
They Young Tyler is Apprenticed into Entership- the state of arriving to an unfamiliar environment, thought paradigm and yet-to-be (if ever) -seen set of circumstances.
This “Entership,” is an internship into the realm of: “Void of Ego and Personal Gain,” therefore, is the most honorably practice!


Legendary horse racing announcers share Kentucky Derby memories

Tom Durkin, Dave Johnson, Larry Collmus and Mike Battaglia share their favorite memories of calling the Kentucky Derby over the years.

Rich Strike
Rich Strike

The “Throat/Root/Triangle” Exercise:

“It is an Art, indeed, for it requires imagination before any physical components by deed arise to fruition.”

The throat//root chakra exercise begins the long-awaited trip

Continue reading “The “Throat/Root/Triangle” Exercise:”


“Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God”

Remain Ordered As Directed.

Pass on your orders.

“Late one half moon night, I heard footsteps.

The sharp click of heels. Silence.

Another click. More silence.

Twenty-one footsteps.


Twenty-one seconds of silence.


Twenty-one seconds of silence.

Twenty-one more steps.

With each step, my war is over.”

Ride Free, or Die.

JAMES 1:2-4 

“Let perseverance finish her work so you may be mature and complete.”

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

JAMES 1:2-4
we don’t need guns to stand for freedom

The Perfect Ride by Gary Stevens

May you have the perfect ride, Gary. Christopher A. Van Hassel

The Orange Chakra

“Chakra is Sanskrit for “spinning wheel,”
referring to the spinning wheels of light within the energy body.”
-Christopher Penczak

“Inhibition and freedom, tension and relaxation, are the tides of the orange chakra.”

Christopher Penczak; The Inner Temple of Witchcraft (page 205)

Open Fist

“If your mind is like an open hand,

you will adapt quickly.

If your mind is closed like a fist,

you can only punch,

and you cannot climb the cliffs.

Train the mind as you train your fists:

condition them so they are not easily injured upon striking,

however, allow them to be open quickly

in order to grapple your opponent.”


From An Old Notebook

I don’t remember who I wrote this one about:

 I remember breathing in my boots
on your barn floor.

Each suspended moment lasted more and more;
so I use that education to smell and feel right now,
this moment,
more and longer right now more.

In between the beats of a measure of the heart which never ends nor begun.
