“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones;” …
“…And men have lost their reason…”
“My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.”
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones;
“…the truth of our beliefs is revealed in history, within the contours of the mundane, and not through cosmic interruptions in the flow of time. Revelation comes to us ambiguously. Certitude and clarity are achieved only in hindsight, and even then provisionally.”
“If with a pure
mind a person speaks or acts, happiness follows
him like his never-departing shadow.”
“Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.”
“Even from an emotionless, pure utilitarian position we should aspire to make a world as far from slavery as possible, where everyone has sufficient opportunity to achieve…”
“Today thousands of pure geniuses die unknown to the world in the infinite sweatshops out there.
Even from an emotionless, pure utilitarian position we should aspire to make a world as far from slavery as possible, where everyone has sufficient opportunity to achieve what they want. This will benefit everyone from the fruits of innovation.
The economic institutions we maintained then, and even what we have now, have prevented and will continue to prevent us from achieving this equity however…”
“When the outer self appears to be at peace, the inner self is calm. When the outer self is aggressive, the inner self is defensive; thus, make the outer self and the inner self opposites
“…And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.””
Error or Mistake
“An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”
“The closest approximation to truth
is found usually
in the mean of extreme views.”
“In the light of fuller knowledge it will be thought that the claim has lapsed, or only remains as a pious belief prevailing among an uncritical minority. … Whose mental bias predisposes them to the defense of exploded views. In such a case, however, an indiscriminate rejection is not much less superficial than an unenquiring acquiescence of a non-proven claim. The history of debated questions of this kind teaches another lesson, and the closest approximation to truth is found usually in the mean of extreme views.”
“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
“If you chase two rabits, you will catch neither one.”
“No man can serve two masters: for either he shall hate the one, and love the other, or else he shall lean to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and riches.”
“A human heart throbs beneath the beggar’s gabardine; and that and no more stirs with its beating the Prince’s mantle. “
“The great problem of Humanity is wrought out in the humblest abodes; no more than this is done in the highest.
A human heart throbs beneath the beggar’s gabardine; and that and no more stirs with its beating the Prince’s mantle.
The beauty of Love, the charm of friendship, the sacredness of Sorrow, the heroism of Patience, the noble Self-sacrifice, these and their like, alone, make life to be life indeed, and are its grandeur and its power.
They are the priceless treasures and glory of humanity; and they are not things of condition. All places and all scenes are alike clothed with the grandeur and charm of virtues such as these.”
“… Taking nothing with us which does not belong to ourselves, leaving nothing behind us that is of our real selves,…”
“And so the Quest goes on. And the Quest, as it may be, ends in attainment- we know not where and when; so long as we can conceive of our separate existence, the quest goes on- an attainment continued henceforward. And ever shall the study of the ways which have been followed by those who have passed in front be a help on our path.
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ‘Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?’”
When you think an option is there, optimism may cloud your judgement. When you realize that the option was never there, you see how happiness made you a fool!
What is important to a fool could be important to a sage. What is happening right now has nothing to do with time.
“The securities and blessings of freedom do not belong to those who refuse to defend them, nor are those amenities inherent rights of the selfish correspondences in the universe.”
Doctrine and Literature of the Kabala page 62 by Arthur Waite, Jr.
“Many, many men
have been just as troubled
morally and spiritually
as you are right now.”
“You’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior.
You’re by no means alone on that score.
Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now.
Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You’ll learn from them— if you want to.
Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn’t education. It is history. It is poetry.”
“mathematically speaking, is why God is more like a line than a point.”
“Nicolaus proposed thinking of God in an image more than like the line which is by definition unbounded, impossible to hem-in or to possess.
Instead of thinking of God in constrained images equivalent to mathematical symbols of the sphere or the triangle…” he suggested viewing God as a line.
Constantine’s Sword page 349
“Theologians spoke of God as they understood God fully, and they sought to enforce a uniformity of thought that left no room for mystery, ambiguity or paradox. Nicolaus of Cusa saw, on the contrary, that God is God precisely in escaping and transcending total comprehension by human beings. Just as a line is defined by its movement in opposite directions at once, so God is the coincidence of opposites, the one in whom maximum and minimum fall together. In God, the coincidence occurs in such a way that the contraries maintain their differences, which, mathematically speaking, is why God is more like a line than a point.”
“It is the man who sways our minds by the prevalence of reason and the native force of truth, not they who reduce mankind to a state of slavery by force and downright violence… that claims our reverence.”
“Woe to him who makes God to be unto like any mode or attribute… Woe more if he make Him like unto sons of man, whose elements are earthly, and so are consumed and perish! There can be no conception attained of Him (God) except in so far as He manifests Himself when exercising dominion by and through some attribute.”
“If a majority are capable of preferring their own private interest, or of their families, counties and party to that of a nation collectively, some provision must be made in the constitution, in favor of justice, to compel all to respect the common right, the public good, the universal law in preference to all private and partial considerations.”
“The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. “
“America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is a well-wisher of freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator of only her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benign sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence; should would involve herself beyond the powers of extrication, in all wars of interest and intrigue, of envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.
The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. She might become a dictatress of the world. We would no longer be the ruler of her own spirit.”
“A majority taken collectively is not an individual whose opinions and frequently, whos interests are opposed to those of another individual who is styled a minority. If it be admitted that a man possessing absolute power may misuse that power by wronging his adversaries, why should not the majority he held liable to the same reproach? Men do not change their characters by uniting with each other; nor does their patience in the presence of obstacles increase with their strength. For my own part, I cannot believe it, the power to do everything which I should refuse to my equals, I will never grant to any number of them?
“ It is useless to reason with those whose confidence is not shaken in the face of impossibilities, whose imagination can bridge all gulfs in evidence by fantastic suppositions.”
Arthur Edward Waite; Doctrine and Literature of the Kabala (page 116)
“This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me.
I will.
My rifle and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count.
We will hit.
My rifle is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my country.
We are the masters of our enemy.
We are the saviors of my life.
So be it,
until victory is America’s and there is no enemy.“
“Such is the decree of destiny. If the people are content with freedom of conscious and constitutional liberty, it will be well. If, going to the other extreme, they plunge into universal doubt and anarchy, let us hope that this may be but a step in the process of spiritual and political regeneration. For us, the only law is, to fulfill our duty.”
“Blue Masonry neither remembers its duty, nor knows its powers. It can neither prevent political convolutions, nor avert the horrors of civil war. When these rage, it’s voice is not uplifted to still the storm; but it withdrawals into its cells and asyla, hoping to emerge again when the skies are clear once more, to renew its self-glorification, and weary men with its idle vanities.”
“There is no care or cross of our daily labor, but was especially ordained to nurture in us patience, calmness, resolution, perseverance, gentleness, disinterestedness, magnanimity.
Nor is there any tool or implement of toil, but is a part of the great spiritual instrumentality.”
“This is true happiness: to have no ambition and to work like a horse as if you had every ambition.
To live far from men, not to need them and yet to love them. To have the stars above, the land to your left and the sea to your right and to realize of a sudden that in your heart, life has accomplished its final miracle:
“…it renders everybody equally responsible for the structure adopted by the group…”
If both Science and Religion have become a disservice, What is left?
Chip Van Hassel
To allow “scientists,” to retain the privilege which they have gained in some measure over time, without holding individual scientists accountable for their words would accomplish these two things: 1. It would render science a disservice. 2. It would render society a disservice.
“…Madison was the correlation between education and liberty. He famously wrote,
‘Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw light over the public mind, which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.’”
Jesus comes down and touches someone’s heart and someone’s soul; and they will show mercy. A lot of people don’t have the strength to hold their faith until that last hour. Jesus held his faith until the last hour on the cross. That’s when miracles happen-
“you have to ‘lose your mind’
before you can come to your senses.”
“You now see everything through a veil of associations about things, projected over a direct, simple awareness. ‘You’ve seen it all before’: it’s like watching a movie for the twentieth time. You see only memory of things, so you become bored, trapped in your mind. This is why you have to ‘lose your mind’ before you can come to your senses.”
“They do not investigate the material of corruptible bodies; their generation operates independently of any foreign action, sustained by prayer and divinegrace.”
The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah (page 451)
"...The symbol of chemistry is drawn from creation..."
“…who save and purify the divine soul enchained in the elements, and, above all, who separate the divine spirit confoundedy with the flesh.”
“The Degree of Knight once existed among (this) fraternity which were termed high by their disciples and spurious by some who resented innovations; and especially those who led to nothing. ‘It defines the Kabbalist as a man who has acquired the Sacerdotal Art and The Royal Art by the communication of the tradition.
“The Zohar explains it as follows: ‘When man comes into the world, it appears in him at that moment the evil spirit which always arraigns him… This evil spirit never forsakes man from the day he is born into the world. But the spirit comes to the man from the clay he is made clean. When does a man become clean? At the age of thirteen years. Then he joins himself with both spirits, one on the right and one on the left, and these are the two spirit which are appointed ever to remain by man. If he strive after perfection, the evil spirit is restrained, so that the right rules the left and both unite to secure him in all his ways.'”
“Aren’t you guys aware of the ballot trucks that were at Runbeck printing co on Saturday. RSBN had the cameras rolling!!!!” -vidwildnerness
Ben Bergquam was outside the Maricopa County election center and followed a Penske truck leave the center and return to Runbeck. Once at Runbeck, the gate is closed.
Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Scan Ballot Envelopes Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS
Nov 12, 2022
More of the Penske trucks at the Maricopa County elections office. Almost like history repeating itself from 2020! Is it in confidence or corruption?@RealAmVoicepic.twitter.com/T2dNfOw0b7
— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) November 11, 2022
“It’s a bit odd that the ballots all go to the company that prints them so the can scan the envelopes… no cameras.. then they go to be tabulated.. I smell rats”
Biden Admits the planned set-up for another ELECTION FRAUD
“We are in a situation where we … We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -Joe Biden
“Secondly, we are in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for president Obama’s administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Joe Biden
He does not even realize that the days of lying in plain sight are done for a long time. There are too many third Degree Masons in the world, now, that Hiding It In Plain Sight is no longer hiding, but the opposite.
Even though you have fought daily, constant battles (in order) to make the World a better place, the Devils are always going to be around you, taunting you, attempting to bring the Nerves-Of-God upon the brink of opening the sky.
The easiest name for, “Ego,” is, “I”. What war, or which weapon, shall a man wage against himself, albeit the teeth of the snake devouring its own tail?
To, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” in order to know thine enemy, fails survival if thine self is thy enemy.
To know your enemy, or to know your own ego, is a most
prized attribute of war
and is the most powerful utensil for serving peace.
To know how to avoid developing an enemy avoids war,
but to know what your Loved Ones love mostequips you with the prizewhich outlasts war.
Chip Van Hassel
“As we become conscious of the wisdom in the world within we mentally take possession of this wisdom, and by taking mental possession we come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to bring into manifestation the essentials necessary for our most complete and harmonious development”
Announcer: Good afternoon, Diogenes. In keeping with your reputation as a non-conformist, I see that you keep your bathtub outside of your house. Diogenes: The bathtub is my house. Announcer: I see. Well there must be some advantage to that. Diogenes: Certainly. No window can give a view like this, and if the neighborhood goes bad, I can just walk off with the house.
When even the pastor of the church fails to greet you, and however retires to mannerisms of cold-sustain, an “I am only tolerating you; you are not completely welcome here,” physical presence, the sojourner questions his fellow man’s faith in the Great Power.
“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
“…as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure…”
“We live in a nation of scared people who do not say what is on their mind. Weaklings believe the lies and live as if they are subordinate to some “higher authority,” as if the Walmart greeter who checks your receipt is an authority figure of some sort!
“If mankind is indeed depraved and immoral, requiring armed police and an army to keep its members in line, than no defense for anarchism can be made.”
“Live your crazy to the best of your expression, as nobody else completely understands what your borders are or what your limits could be. Do for you, being true to yourself. If you have no selfish intent, this is not selfish.”
“Do the very best you can for the world, your kids, and each other, because it’s your love that makes you immortal, and the more you give it away the richer you’ll be.”
Once, when watching an incompetent bowman at an archery contest, Diogenes walked over and sat down right next to the target, explaining that it was the only place where he felt safe.
“To whom, no high, no low, no great, no small, He fills, He bounds, connects and equals all. Sustains heaven’s myriad orbs and all their suns From seeming evil, still educing good And better thence again, and better still In infinite progression.”
“The Answer,” is actually the questioning, itself, as like the layers of an onion are not layers, but the onion, itself, only composed of the core- layered of its own core.
“That could have been Mickey Mouse, that could have been a dead person;… that could have been the same person thirty times; … All these things have happened, by the way.”
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Well, maybe, Jordon Peterson said it best when he said,
“If you follow what’s meaningful and you do it honestly, it will take you somewhere you really do not want to go; and until you go there, you’ll never be able to climb up higher on the other side.”
“…that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.”
“Relevance cannot be shifted by people’s opinions, your honor. We must not overshadow the facts of the case simply because some people’s feelings are hurt.”
“When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place. His unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden.” Viktor Frankl
“Relevance cannot be shifted by people’s opinions, your honor. We must not overshadow the facts of the case simply because some people’s feelings are hurt.”
“It didn’t exist, and I got rid of it.” Josh Abbey (when referring to a piece of malware that made itself appear to be a device to the operating system.) 8/30/12
“The mysteries were established by men of great genius who, in early days, strove to teach purity, ameliorate the cruelty of the race, to refine its morals and manners and to restrain society by a stronger bond than those which human laws impose.”