Ore Well 2084

“Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against consciousness expansion.”

The only danger we face in life is acceptance of any way other than the way of the individual. As a doormat cannot wipe its own feet on itself, the common man can only be common when he accepts the norm.

Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against positive consciousness expansion. The way to change reality is to Be the change within one’s own, individual mind.

Chip Van Hassel

We will never convince the people as a group; we can only convince the people by being an example for the group to follow.

To follow the group is to be a lemming, jumping off of the cliff.

To accept the common man's reality is an individual choice to sleep. 

To awaken, is the greater energy, tapped-in to by free thought and purposeful action.

Wealth can only be distributed when there is a definition of, “wealth”. Distribution only occurs when there are those who distribute.

Subtract “wealth,” from the equation; and subtract distribution from common man’s mentality, and the true answer becomes screamingly apparent.

Modern man- the evolutionary betrayer.

Individuals who are free thinkers will be ridiculed by their current peers, only to be recognized for their genius long, long after their deaths.

Society is never ready for the truth, but Positive thought is always ready for society.

-Chip Van Hassel

Blythe Miller’s Advice

Setting Your Horse Up for Every Next-Jump

Heels: DOWN and OUT in front of you!!!

Blythe Miller

A Leveled-Up Experience

There are moments when an athlete experiences this:

Not “Doing” it:

… the feeling of floating-

watching it all happen as
from the outside,

(Like watching a movie)

… not doing it,

but watching your body do it

and learning from it.
Chip Van Hassel

Resenting the Master

Revere The Teacher With Compassion.

A Short Article For Flourishing Students:

If there comes a time when you resent your teacher, you have become your own teacher; and you must relinquish your expectations of such former teacher.

Resentment is the product of contempt and the ego; both of which are cataclysms. 

After contempt for a teaching ha been acknowledged, the ego presents itself. Regardless of the validity of the ego’s claim, the added contempt limits your judgement, creating learning barriers.

Continue reading “Resenting the Master”

Cosmic Click

“there is no magical moment which makes everything change.”

There is No Cosmic Click.

Most people are seeking for that moment where it all, “clicks,” and everything, all of the sudden, makes sense and is correct, not realizing that there is no magical moment which makes everything change. (It’s all turtles!”)

Chip Van Hassel
Continue reading “Cosmic Click”

Travel to the Unknown Idea

pushing ourselves to our limits,

“Culture is missing the Grand Power of Motivation towards the unknown-
that physical action of advancing towards fear,
pushing ourselves to our limits,
so we may therefore push ourselves beyond those limits
to create more advantageous precipices from which thereupon, we we may elevate our efforts; for we are rewarded with the strength, courage and some wisdom which allows us to experience the Great Power of Motivation which operates the Sun and the Moon.”

Chip Van Hassel

Circular Connection


Make the aura around you flow of purple water-
It’s current- Strong,
Revolutionary of itself.
When you notice that your focus has been lost
down through your Sacral Chakra,
Circulating the inside of the chakra;
condensing it’s
outer physical membrane.

Continue reading “Circular Connection”

Your “Why?”

Be the beam of Light.

What Is Your, “Why,”?

What Drove You When You Were Younger?

What was your, “why,” when you were in high school?
Did your, “why,” since then change?
If so, why?

Does your original, “why,” still suit you?


Legend of Clermont College

“…have no relation to Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master- degrees, which were constructed for the general class of Masons. …”

Legend of Clermont College


Mike Tyson on Fear

“’Cus used to get turned on when I told him that I was afraid and I might be a coward. He loved that. He knew that would feed into my fear base and he worked everything off fear. Cus wanted you to react like a robot so that when he said something, you’d do it on command. Cus showed me the difference between fear and intimidation. Being intimidated prevents you from performing at the highest level you’re capable of. But fear can help you ascend to great heights. ‘Be afraid of your opponent personally but don’t be afraid to hurt him,’ he told me. What people don’t realize is that when controlled properly fear can take you to a level of euphoria where you believe you’re invincible. Very few people can get to that level. But when you do, a weird aberration of nature takes place and you’re sent to a level of invincible proportion.’”

Mike Tyson

The Story You Tell Yourself

“There are two ways of telling your story. One is to tell it compulsively and urgently, keep returning to it
because you see your present suffering
as the result of your past experiences.

But there is another way.

You can tell your story from the place where it no longer dominates you.
You can speak about it with a certain distance
and see it as the way
to your present freedom.”

Henri Nouwen
The Inner Voice of Love

Changing of the Advisors

“…Student of the Great Mysteries…”

Over time, people need different types of,… religious consultants to recalibrate their mental journey. In certain locations, the people need a priest or a minister. At other times, in other places, among other groups, a shaman, or medicine man, is sought after. As in ISAIAH 65:1, these people do not directly as for a minister or shaman; however, some student of The Great Mysteries is always eventually discovered amongst the people.
The two factors which separate the shaman, or Deacons, from the rest of the people are two fundamental characteristics:

Continue reading “Changing of the Advisors”

Rifleman’s Creed

“We are the masters of our enemy.”

This is my rifle.  
There are many like it,
but this one is mine.  
It is my life.  
I must master it as I must master my life.  
Without me my rifle is useless.  
Without my rifle, I am useless.        
I must fire my rifle true.  
I must shoot straighter than the enemy
who is trying to kill me.  
I must shoot him before he shoots me.  

I will.  

My rifle and I know that what counts in war
is not the rounds we fire,
the noise of our burst,
or the smoke we make.  
We know that it is the hits that count.  

We will hit.

      My rifle is human,
even as I am human,
because it is my life.  
Thus, I will learn it as a brother. 
 I will learn its weaknesses,
its strengths,
its parts,
its accessories,
its sights and its barrel.  
I will keep my rifle clean and ready,
even as I am clean and ready.  
We will become part of each other.
      Before God I swear this creed.  
My rifle and I are the defenders of my country.  

We are the masters of our enemy.  

We are the saviors of my life.

      So be it,

until victory is America’s
and there is no enemy.



“man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men.”

“We no longer expect to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. To us it has become but a symbol. To us the whole world is God’s Temple, as is every upright heart. To establish all over the world the New Law and Reign of Love, Peace, Charity, and Toleration, is to build that Temple, most acceptable to God, in erecting which Masonry is now engaged. No longer needing to repair to Jerusalem to worship, nor to offer up sacrifices and shed blood to propitiate the Deity, man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men. Wherever the humble and contrite heart silently offers up its adoration, under the overarching trees, in the open, level meadows, on the hill-side, in the glen, or in the city’s swarming streets; there is God’s House and the New Jerusalem.”


“Chakra” Definition

“Inhibition and freedom, tension and relaxation, are the tides of the orange chakra.”
-Christopher Penczak

“Chakra is Sanskrit for “spinning wheel,”
referring to the spinning wheels of light within the energy body.”

Christopher Penczak; The Inner Temple of Witchcraft (page 205)

What is Dynamic Tension?

“Dynamic Tension is the iron wire of Kung Fu, retaining the flow of Tao, as rocks give way to water, but only over time.”
-Chip Van Hassel

Dynamic Tension is a self-resistance exercise,
(or method,) which pits muscle against muscle.

The practitioner tenses the muscles of a given body part
and then
moves the body part against the tension
as if a heavy weight were being lifted

To Increase Your Power, watch this short clip:

example of peace(-in-action)

Shaolin Monks’ Celibacy

As the Monk chooses celibacy,
his focus shifts.

His eyes are no longer
by selfish yearnings
of lust.

His newly-found perception
differs from that of the laymen’s’;

for the monk is removed from selfish ambition.

The Monk’s frequency is non-combative.

nullifies the natural,
by which most men
are predisposed

Chip Van Hassel

Nietzsche and Jung Describe “The Three Stages Of Life”

The Three Stages Of Life

“…Nietzsche and Jung on the three metamorphoses of the spirit.

There is a passage in ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ in which Friedrich Nietzsche describes the spiritual evolution of man from childhood to old age.

He begins the passage by showing how a child spends his first years as a collector of duties, traumas and the word ‘No’, and how he resembles that of a camel, a beast of burden who must carry whatever is thrown onto its back.

Continue reading “Nietzsche and Jung Describe “The Three Stages Of Life””

Manic Depression

The Manic Depressive Person
Must stay in the middle.
The higher they are,
the deeper Low they will go.
The Lower they go,
the higher they are-
both causing crashes.
Going too low keeps them low.
Staying too high helps to raise.

chip Van Hassel

Neuro-Muscle Memory

Mental processes induce physical processes.
Being annoyed tenses muscles.
Allowing yourself to stew in annoyance creates muscle memory which becomes physically stressful.

Strength Until the Last Hour

Jesus comes down and touches someone’s heart
and someone’s soul;
and they will show mercy.
A lot of people don’t have the strength
to hold their faith until that last hour.
Jesus held his faith until the last hour on the cross.
That’s when miracles happen-

In the last hour!


A Dent of Deed

…”the body, the mind, the spirit,
flows as does water.”…

It starts with the in-breath and begins in the out-breath.
The continuous cycle is it’s own revolution,
it’s own change.
Hardened by it’s own hardness,
the body, the mind, the spirit,
flows as does water.
Water can wear rock away
even though rock can stop water.
Perserverence of the flow
proves phusical changd-
Maybe just a dent,
of deed.

Chip Van Hassel

The Answer Pits Itself In The Apple.

“…If you ask for Wisdom,
God’s words are Silence…”

If you ask for strength,

He will give it to you by weakening you.
If you ask for guidance,

His guidance is usually wrought through confusion.

If you ask for Wisdom,
His words are Silence.


-Purple Water Chakra


Make the aura around you flow of purple water-
It’s current- Strong,
Revolutionary of itself.
When you notice that your focus has been lost,
down through your Sacral Chakra,
Circulating the inside of the chakra;
condensing it’s
outer physical membrane.

Chip Van Hassel

Gary Vaynerchuk scrolled past this!


I’ll Never Get Gary Vee’s Attention This Way!!!

Mr. Vaynerchuk,

Your time is valuable!
I spend hours building my website
Who would pay
to build their sites using wordpress? Would you in any capacity?

Check out Gary’s Site:

Continue reading “Gary Vaynerchuk scrolled past this!”

Was Buddha’s Basis Correct?

Buddha’s question about human suffering must first be understood by recognizing where/who this question was coming from. Most people imagine Buddha’s question of suffering from the standpoint that Buddha was a man who witnessed suffering all around him, then, one day, questioned, “What is the cause of human suffering?” STOP

Continue reading “Was Buddha’s Basis Correct?”

The Lost Bartender

The evil that propels people intrinsically bequeaths them to blame others, (or feel jealousy,) for short comings which they fluidly fabricate.
This, “evil,” (this lower level of existence,) is a common human paradigm which compels a man to feel inferior to another man, then, aggressively, physically act-out as a result of such fluid, self-creating assertion.

The “Throat/Root/Triangle” Exercise:

“It is an Art, indeed, for it requires imagination before any physical components by deed arise to fruition.”

The throat//root chakra exercise begins the long-awaited trip

Continue reading “The “Throat/Root/Triangle” Exercise:”

Ominis in Numeris Sita Sunt

You are cooler than water

that is almost ice.

In the world order,

You are soothingly nice

and precisely

the find

my mind becomes balanced by

at this time.


Equation, or strange, shamanistic


No just you and me.

Just the world

that is all Amy.

Be and keep.

Number 23.

Black and White Keys

Physical Obedience

Three Great LIghts

When even the pastor of the church fails to greet you, and however retires to mannerisms of cold-sustain, an “I am only tolerating you; you are not completely welcome here,” physical presence, the sojourner questions his fellow man’s faith in the Great Power.

Continue reading “Black and White Keys”


“Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God”

Remain Ordered As Directed.

Pass on your orders.

“Late one half moon night, I heard footsteps.

The sharp click of heels. Silence.

Another click. More silence.

Twenty-one footsteps.


Twenty-one seconds of silence.


Twenty-one seconds of silence.

Twenty-one more steps.

With each step, my war is over.”

Ride Free, or Die.

Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!

Deaf and Denied an Interpreter in Florida State Prison

Watch the Trailer.

I love Michelle. And I believe her story empowers all of us to recognize our own strengths and innate abilities even when our surrounding culture and systems do not. The systems must change in the United States and globally to support everyone.


BEING MICHELLE follows the astounding journey of a deaf and disabled woman who survived incarceration under unimaginable circumstances by a system that refused to accommodate her needs as a deaf person with autism.

Continue reading “Being Michelle: Deaf and Autistic, Wrongfully Imprisoned!”

Tic Tac Tow

On June 23, 1983, “Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel ran the first successful test of the distributed Domain Name System (DNS). This automated process was to take over failing Arpanet and CSnet protocols because those relied on address books.

DNS uses a hierarchical distributed naming system for the Internet or any private network. It associates the domain names with numerical IP addresses.”

Greetings, Professor Falken.

Continue reading “Tic Tac Tow”

Keynote 9

“Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.”

Charles F. Haanel

“Mission Accomplished”

“We don’t need guns to stand for Freedom.”

“Peace is so simple in philosophy and motive, it therefore stands as mankind’s Ultimate Goal.

What is stopping each individual man from acting-out that goal on the day he is called to go to war?

Who is empowering the jailors to jail the man who refuses to wage war?

What single man is the jailor?”

Chip Van Hassel

Keynote 8

“The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is what has been found within. In the world within may be found infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, and an infinite Supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development and expression. If we recognize these potentialities in the world within, they will take form in the world without.”

Charles F. Haanel

ISAIAH 65:1-5

Will you keep silent and punish us beyond measure?

“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me;
I was found by those who did not seek me.
To a nation that did not call on my name,
I said,
‘Here am I,
here am I’.
All day long,
I have held my hands to
an obstinate people,
who walk in ways not good,
pursuing their own imaginations-
people who continually provoke me to my very face,
offering sacrifices in gardens
and burning incense
on alters of brick;
who sit among the graves
and spend their nights keeping secret vigil,
who eat the flesh of pigs
and whose pots hold broth of impure meat;
who say, ‘Keep away;
don’t come near me.
I am too sacred for you!
Such people are smoke in my nostrils,
a fire that keeps burning all day.”

Action In Stillness

Concentrate on quick-twitch muscle movements (for power, also to “slow it down”).


That has become the life experience: watching everything- feeling speed, but slowing it down to slow/guide-by-way-of-control in order to preform focused stiles.

Keynote 9

“Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.”

Charles F. Haanel

The Perfect Ride by Gary Stevens

May you have the perfect ride, Gary. Christopher A. Van Hassel

The Orange Chakra

“Chakra is Sanskrit for “spinning wheel,”
referring to the spinning wheels of light within the energy body.”
-Christopher Penczak

“Inhibition and freedom, tension and relaxation, are the tides of the orange chakra.”

Christopher Penczak; The Inner Temple of Witchcraft (page 205)

Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants.

The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.

The main six Solfeggio frequencies are:

Continue reading “Solfeggio Frequencies”

Open Fist

“If your mind is like an open hand,

you will adapt quickly.

If your mind is closed like a fist,

you can only punch,

and you cannot climb the cliffs.

Train the mind as you train your fists:

condition them so they are not easily injured upon striking,

however, allow them to be open quickly

in order to grapple your opponent.”


Mount Moriah

-Ride tightly.

_Fly Tight


Welcome Home, Poor Fellow-Soldiers!

Nine Knights of Peace are granted a place of habitation within the sacred inclosure of the Temple upon Mount Moriah.

the Knighthood of the Temple of Solomon

ACTS 15:16

Lodge 908