Saturn Day, February 2, 2025: Journal Entry

…I enjoyed the time but was mentally exhausted, (as an introvert,) of having to socialize with people….

Journeyman’s Journal

Saturday February 1, 2025
70°F sunny, nice
15:32 HRS

I went and had lunch with Rebecca today. We met at Cody’s where she introduced me to, her, “work husband,” …. Caleb, I think that;s what his name is; but I know that I am wrong about that. I am sure it starts with a, “C,”.

We had a bland conversation, peppered- over by and uncontainable excitement of not having seen each other at Deleware Park about 22 years!

The expectation to expel the excitement of the other side did not come to fruition, as there simply was not enough time to re-hash, or to make-known exactly how exasperated by happiness we were to be in each other’s company again after all these years!

Continue reading “Saturn Day, February 2, 2025: Journal Entry”

Wednesday January 29, 2025

the Senate is number, one, but the House is always just busy doing the, “number, two!”

Who Is Congress Doing the, “Number Two,” all over?

Journal Entry

Wednesday January 29, 2025
14:32 HRS
70°F sunny, windy

The True, “Me”
Bible Verse: MATTHEW 7:6

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; 
do not throw your pearls to pigs. 

If you do, they may trample them under their feet
and turn 
and tear you to pieces.”


Everybody projects their best, “self,” out to the rest of the world. We attempt to mold people’s expectations of us according to the fabrications in our heads, (or fabrications of expectations which we deem to exist in other people’s heads about us).

This as a natural instinct in response to the ever-changing minds of the other humans around us. It is a social construct.

Most People are NOT Like Me.

I do not fit into that social construct. I have lost the expectations I had of myself when I was younger; and I have been disappointed, time and time again, when other people do not live-up to their word or change their expectations of me.

Therefore, I have lost, not only the expectations I used to harbor of other people, but I have also relinquished my interests in the former expectations which I had relegated myself to.

Call That A Mid-Life Crisis If You Want, But I Call It An After-Mid-Life-Crisis-Hump!

I have less expectations of myself and nearly zero expectation of other people. When a person has no expectations of himself or the people around him, that person does not respond to other people in the ways which everybody else typically projects their personalities out into the world.

The person of less expectation exercises apathy in a genuine way (“The True, ‘Me’!”).

This way is different from most peoples’, because most people view, “apathy,” simply as being, “un-caring,” or, “not emotionally affected by a situation”.

However, to a person who has experienced trauma repeatedly throughout their lives, their type of, “apathy,” is completely different from the average person’s apathy!

As for the last kid being pointed at and laughed at because he is the last one picked for kick-ball, traumatized people have felt and understand what is going through that kid’s head! Therefore, our apathy is not for the kid who’s picked last, but for the lack of love from those people who have picked the kid last!

They lack love for themselves more than they lack love for others; and that is what I experience apathy for!

I am much different from the finger pointers and those laughers- they who chose the poor kid to be last!

Ironically, for that ^, (their own actions,) I am shunned from their social construct!

Why Aren’t Most People Like Me?

When you do a job better than expectations or do something nice for (certain,) people, (these days,) most People expect you to expect some sort of overly-inflated return for that kindness.

Therefore, it is, now, normal to, “instinctively,” refrain from, “going that extra mile;” or, “lending an extra ear,” to a stranger in need!

For me, apathy has set-in. Survival instinct compels me to suppress my being aware of all of which I am aware of, (dictionary definition of, “cognitive dissonance”).

More and more, as people around me bury their heads in their phones or are so encumbered by all of their time and their spiritual energy being commandeered by their work, do not read the laws which are bing passed right now.

They are not reading the text of the papers which the House of Representatives and the Senate, then, the President are voting into law. …. Does this concern me? …. No. …

Apathy? No. … Cognitive Dissonance!

So, How Are Most People NOT Like Me If EVERYBODY Employs Cognitive Dissonance?

I Do read those papers and laws which the Senate, House and Commander In Chief are debating over.

I publish the shit which they are doing.

It is shit which ends up with me serving you a Shit-Sandwich, butt which is something which I do! Due
to the last two sentences, I just said, “do due!”!!!


The President to me is number, zero; the Senate is number, one, but the House is always just busy doing the, “number, two!”

Who Is Congress Doing the, “Number Two,” All Over?

All over your grandchildren’s prepubescent, squishy, little heads, that’s who!


So, What is on the Roster for Today?
Stock Market:

I gotto check out PTLE

And DVN.

I need to figure out how much money I don’t have!

After speaking with Rebecca on the phone for about an hour today, tomorrow leads me to a brand new day; and I look forward to moving forward upon it!


-Ride Tight


Read More

JFK Files soon

“…More than 50 years after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Federal Government has not released to the public all of its records related to those events. Their families and the American people deserve transparency and truth. It is in the national interest to finally release all records related to these assassinations without delay.” -President Donald J. Trump

Read the full post.


“…It asks itself whether man is not the sport of a blind, merciless Fate: whether all philosophies are not delusions, and all religions the fantastic creations of human vanity and self-conceit; …”

“Then the shadows of a horrible doubt fall upon the soul that would fain love, trust and believe; a darkness, of which this that surrounded you was a symbol.

It doubts the truth of Revelation, its own spirituality, the very existence of a beneficent God.

It asks itself if it is not idle to hope for any great progress of Humanity toward perfection, and whether, when it advances in one respect, it does not retrogress in some other, by way of com-pensation: whether advance in civilization is not increase of self-ishness: whether freedom does not necessarily lead to license and anarchy: whether the destitution and debasement of the masses does not inevitably follow increase of population and commercial and manufacturing prosperity.

It asks itself whether man is not the sport of a blind, merciless Fate: whether all philosophies are not delusions, and all religions the fantastic creations of human vanity and self-conceit; and, above all, whether, when Reason is abandoned as a guide, the faith of Buddhist and Brahmin has not the same claims to sovereignty and implicit, unreasoning credence, as any other.”
Morals and Dogma (page 299)

January 24, 2025

The more you expect from this world, the less you will receive.
The less you expect from this world, the more you will understand.​
-Chip Van Hassel

Friday, January 24, 2025
10:09 HRS
41°F windy, sunny
Out of Few Come Many

Last night was not too cold.

The wind has become less aggressive as the brisk winter-front dusts northern Florida and Louisiana with snow!

Bible Verse:

A pastor once told the congregation to, “Journalize the Bible!” I understood what he meant. I have simply not done that. It does, though, say, in PROVERBS,

“Do not envy the wicked,
    do not desire their company;
for their hearts plot violence,
    and their lips talk about making trouble.
By wisdom a house is built,
    and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.

The wise prevail through great power,
    and those who have knowledge muster their strength.

Surely you need guidance to wage war,
    and victory is won through many advisers.”

The Horse Racing Business:

No, I do not envy, nor do I pity the wicked. I keep away from they!

Many people in the horse racing business are always plotting; … making trouble! Usually, it is the pencil pushers, the desk jockeys and the clipboard carriers who make the trouble.

The reason they do this is because they are less capable than other people. Indeed, they attempt to surround theirselves with people of lower value, who lack ability, but they cannot find enough similarly incompetent people; so they plot schemes and create a haphazard environment, causing any self-respecting professional to eventually redress grievances. Thereafter, they are labeled as, “The Problem”!

Yes, the person, in this business, who points out faults with the intention of bettering the business, (as a whole,) is always the one pushed, (chased, rather,) out of the barn and treated as a complication and a difficult person, rather than being recognized as a well-thought-out proponent of the vested interests of the entire racing industry as one, whole mechanism!

Every place I have been, (most recently, Kenny McPeek’s,) every time I have put-forth the correct amount of effort to better the product and the industry, my coworkers, and, especially, the assistants and people above me, (including the trainers in many cases,) begin to chastise me and attempt to gaslight and to project upon me; because they do not understand the realm of perfection which I have already experienced, which inspires me to share it with everybody I meet for the rest of my life!

Perfection is frowned upon and shunned!

Kenny McPeek’s assistants even told me, “Yeah, every time I think I’m doing a good job, the next day, I come in, and it feels like I am just waiting to get fired! Every time I put-forth a good effort to make this place better, the people around me freak-out, and it feels like I’m just going to get fired!” (Paraphrased)

Be Advised:

That’s right, after you have been to the top, you begin to think and act differently. Your expectations of the people around you become heightened; therefore, your level of disappointment in your fellow man is heightened in congruency with that raised level of expectation!

The more you expect from this world, the less you will receive.
The less you expect from this world, the more you will understand.


On a Different Note:

I have not written poetry in over fifteen years. I used to write pages and pages of it when I was in my teens and early twenties! As my realizations and expectations have changed over time, so has my writing style and my reading preferences. I stay completely away from fiction. I study a lot of history, political history, Masonic shit, religious and philosophical shit as well.

I have come to understand that the Masons are the only ones who truly know history as it actually happened and that the secretes of freemasonry are merely the Truth about reality more than anything. It is not, “ha, ha,” funny that they have collectively, purposely hidden the shape of the world from their neighbors’ children, and even their grandchildren (at this juncture); yet it is funny in a peculiar way!

This, “peculiar way,” is, in fact, their intentionally refusing to know the truth and to purposely push lies that they, themselves, don’t even believe! These people know that they do not know the truth; and they are happier with being aware of their ignorance, in the stead of feeling (self)-discontent for their willful ignorance. This is the result of pure, natural stupidity!


I admit that my most recent studies have been comprised of studying graphs of the stock market, trying to see and understand the patterns of the price fluctuations of the stocks.

My buddy, Travis, has turned $150.00 in to $1,600.00 in the last five months; and, if he cashes in 495 shares of PTLE at $14.25, he will have proved a profit of $6,903.75! …. In five months off of a one hundred and fifty dollar investment!!!

I still own 8 shares of PTLE.

I also own 1 shares of DVN, but I am down $36.00, because Robinhood charged $100.00 to transfer my account from them to Fidelity. ACTUALLY, that is a LIE! They did not charge me; what they did was, create a negative $100.00 balance, transfer that negative balance to Fidelity; then, Fidelity charged me that $100.00. …. It is all a scam! I am simply going to wait for the stock to make-up for that loss; at which point, I am going to find a more legitimate way to play the market!

I used AutoPilot to see that Nancy Pelosi purchased one million dollars of stock in Vistra Corp, tempted to buy one share with the last $190.00 I have!

Crazy, isn’t it?!

The plan is to start making money tomorrow and the next day, somehow.

I have been keeping an eye on President Donald Trump’s Executive Actions. I am entertained by the whole, horrifying deal!

If he survives the next four years, it would be a feat of security, vigilance and a testament to how capable and amazing Men are (specifically on the battle-front)!

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Trump just signed an order to release the JFK Files!

It was the driver, Bill Greer, shooting a pneumatic pistol with his left hand:

Watch the Driver in the video below!

When Jackie tried to climb out of the back of the car, she stoped and ran away from the secret service member! She turned back around and got back into the limousine and hunched-down on the floor!

“They killed Jack”. She said. “They,” meaning the Secret Service!

Bill Greer, Kennedy’s, … … “Driver”

Tomorrow, I build this post concerning the above described events:

Today is going to be another day of mental organization- of writing in my daily planner and notebooks; sticking post-it notes, in procrastination, in specific places in my daily planner. It is going to be an administrative day, of sorts. I am bracing for tonight’s 31 degree weather! Contemplating removing my stuff from storage; but, knowing the money, time and energy involved in such an endeavor, I shall be putting-it-off one, more day, as I have for the last two years!

My complacency has become stagnancy!

It did, though, take me two hours and forty minutes to type what you have just read!

Don Adams Studies:

I was doing some research for my friend, Don Adams. Our research had compelled me to contact the George Washington Presidential Library, requesting a letter written by George Washington Parke Curtis, (President Washington’s step-son,) to Lawrence Lewis, dated, June 20, 1846.

What I want to find in the letter is correspondence regarding Lawrence Lewis’ desire to be relinquished of the responsibility of being one of the only two, surviving executors of President George Washington’s estate.

According to this SOURCE, “…Nearly half a century after Washington’s death, with all of the executors but George Washington Parke Custis dead, no final settlement of the estate had been reached.”

Washington’s Presidential Library responded with the following email; and photos of the letter are below.

“….Thank you for your inquiry. The document you requested has been digitized and is available online using the following link –



-Chip Van Hassel

Journeyman’s Journal 1-23-2025

“This afternoon, I invested about $23.00, purchasing 8 shares of PLTE and placed a stop limit order to sell at $14.24, getting out just one penny before my buddy, Travis, (who clued-me-in on the stock,)…”

Journeyman’s Journal

Thursday, January 23, 2025
14:45 HRS
48°F windy, cloudy & cold
Day of Waiting the Cold out in Ocala

Spent the night under blankets to survive the thirty-five degree temperature. Woke up well after sunrise; and the wind still blew as it does now, as it did last night.

Tarp Fingers in the Sky!

The flapping of my tarp, overhead, reminds me of a flag made of thin fabric which surfs upon the treacherously wailing wind, waiting to rip and tear, to become tattered to fly as fingers of listless strings, waving irratically in the wind; losing theirselves, piece-by-piece, with every blast of time-intensifying, cold breeze which ravages the woven fabric into martyr-like shreds of disappearing embers into the grey, Florida, winter sky.

Starbucks Oligarchic System Defeat! (POWER UNLOCKED!)

Yesterday, I spent over five hours at Starbucks typing and researching; getting caffeine-high as fuck as the fourth coffee rolled around!

I have defeated their system! …. At Starbucks, after you purchase a coffee, the refill is $0.54. So, I just buy a large and keep paying fifty-four cents for a refill, saving me an average of $15.95 every time I visit!

I suffered quite the headache in the evening as the result of downing five coffees in five hours and not eating a single thing! (That was last night.)

Stock Market Venture

This afternoon, I invested about $23.00, purchasing 8 shares of PLTE and placed a stop limit order to sell at $14.24, getting out just one penny before my buddy, Travis, (who clued-me-in on the stock,) sells his 495 shares! He is convinced that the stock will hit $15.00; but I contend that most people will get out around $11.48. (Don’t ask me why.).

I also placed a limit buy order on VST if the price drops down to $190.00 per share, to buy one share; and the offer expires by 4pm, today; (and it did expire). My intuition tells me to leave all of my money in there and to find a similar stock, such as in companies like: NVIDIA, which is at $146.23 right now. I need to do more stock research.

I got a kick out of watching events at the Oval Office. One of them being this one:

Read more


An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends
    and against all sound judgment starts quarrels.

Fools find no pleasure in understanding
    but delight in airing their own opinions.

When wickedness comes, so does contempt,
    and with shame comes reproach.

The words of the mouth are deep waters,
    but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream.

It is not good to be partial to the wicked
    and so deprive the innocent of justice.

The lips of fools bring them strife,
    and their mouths invite a beating.

The mouths of fools are their undoing,
    and their lips are a snare to their very lives.

The words of a gossip are like choice morsels;
    they go down to the inmost parts.

One who is slack in his work
    is brother to one who destroys.

10 The name of the Lord is a fortified tower;
    the righteous run to it and are safe.

11 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city;
    they imagine it a wall too high to scale.

12 Before a downfall the heart is haughty,
    but humility comes before honor.

13 To answer before listening—
    that is folly and shame.

14 The human spirit can endure in sickness,
    but a crushed spirit who can bear?

15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge,
    for the ears of the wise seek it out.

16 A gift opens the way
    and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

17 In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right,
    until someone comes forward and cross-examines.

18 Casting the lot settles disputes
    and keeps strong opponents apart.

19 A brother wronged is more unyielding than a fortified city;
    disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel.

20 From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled;
    with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.

21 The tongue has the power of life and death,
    and those who love it will eat its fruit.

22 He who finds a wife finds what is good
    and receives favor from the Lord.

23 The poor plead for mercy,
    but the rich answer harshly.

24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
    but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Zero Degrees of Difference

That which appeals to the 14th degree.

It seems to be glaring liability that most members only reach the third. This fallacy of inefficiency has inculcated a liability of drastic proportions which has completed the dangerously unwanted (and unwarranted,) metamorphosis from an operative Craft, (a tangible, constructive ablative of means ,) to a speculating population, (incoherent and purposely-self-deceived anti-ouroboros). {cite Mackey}

Remaining exists the learning(s) which is(are) Beyond Common Man’s understanding and perception. There are great mysteries, historically only taught by masters of certain proclivities which had driven their intellect always beyond their past experiences’ status quo.

Any Masters’ question (to me,) would be, “What function would it serve you in gaining such sacred knowledge which you aspire to ascertain?

-{The most simplified answer to that query would be questions which qualified candidates would pose after comprehending intuitive questions.}

Are you seeking a bond of brotherhood which outlasts any sovereign entity, calamity, war and/ or cultural divide?

Are you simply curious?

Do you have some ulterior motive? Do you wish to enhance your financial capabilities?

Do you believe that you will be part of some secret society under which such affiliation may deem you more worthy, therefore, more fortunate than others?
Most cowends and men of confused report contend with the above alluded to list.
Granted, the above listed presumptions are relevant expectations, not unrealistic, however, quite unguided, and, if they are informed enough to have already put the cart before the horse, they are navigated by errors in cognition and (therefore,) miscalculated declinations of truth.
As the great mysteries are beyond any parameter of comprehension which man is capable of scholastically surmising, the knowledge and involvement which I seek-out is not a concrete conclusion or a definable expectation; nor might my synopsis, (of what I have studied, from the outside-looking in,) be accurate, regardless of direction, volume of conviction or (my) intention.
It is said, “What brings us to the table on this keeps us at the table on this.” What brings you and me to this Round Table?
That question is precisely the query I have sojourned during my entire life to ask, which is this:
“Why are my brothers only sitting at a square table, speculating over that which they refuse to define or build, when there are always groups of thirteen of us prepared, willing and vibrantly welcoming the day ‘round when we begin to operate by cutting a new table of stone, using age-old, proven, sacred and guarded methods?”

We are juxtaposed in society, for we are lead by followers; today’s “leaders,” are followers, not men of earned retirement. These men purposely fail to comport themselves up to par with the expectations of any gracious master.

In short, when did speculation become the sole operation which Our brotherhood preforms? When did actual laborers cease to exist by the mode of being replaced by un-self-educated minions?

The answer to that question is not as researchable as the month of June in the year, 1717. It is not as simple as adding blue to red with the intention of creating purple.
Abraham Lincoln touched upon my query in his speech at Gettysburg. There is unfinished work; there is a great task remaining before us, indeed. This task is only a treasure we are granted to chase after which, with the result, the prize, being only something to offer our grandchildren and their children.
Our unfinished work is likening to a tree which we plant, but never live to view its fully mature specimen. This notion is my understanding of the Craft.
The Craft outlives our passions and desires, our selfish whims of worldly experiences and proliferates to the youth via observation, timely learning, vigilant selection and stern compassion for the cause.
What is this, “cause,” you ask?
The answer to that is this question:

What is the cause of that cause?

Reality of Harsh Time

I’ve realized that my true family does not actually Love me, but loves their own complacency as a replacement of that love. Even those who have accepted me and shown me love before have decided to be cold, heartless and ignore me when I communicate. I met a beautiful woman a while back, and she looked at me with Lust in her eyes even though her husband was in the other room, talking to Elli. Days later, that same woman caught me glancing at her open shirt and covered up- annoyed that I had looked, but it was SHE who gave me permission to look at her with lust, because that is what she did to me days before! I’ve learned that that woman is cold, lost and self-involved, too, just like my true family. The truth is: most people do not want to hear the truth. I am a mirror- which is why most people steer clear of me. Even the frog-lickers, the shaman visitors, the Crystal sellers,… they all, connected to the Great Spirit or not,… they ALL avoid me. The place I am in life now is that I’ve finally realized: after all these years (I’m 43;) of people acting uncomfortable around me, speaking to me in a nervous way, acting around me in a nervous way- they all tried to project their mental issues on me- treating me like I am the one who is strange and wrong, and that they are the ones who are normal and correct. … I have come to the place in my life where I recognize that it has NEVER been me and ALWAYS been they who are inadequate, strange and wrong! When my own family who thinks the fact that I am a traveler, that I never stay in one place- my own family treats that as irresponsible, strange, immature; and they think that I am lost. The reality of the matter is that it is they who are irresponsible, strange, immature and lost! My own family is irresponsible, because they blindly believe and do what the television and what the, “government,” tells them to believe and to do. My own family is strange, because they never hugged me when they greeted me, they are scared of true affection. (Maybe, because they lack love for themselves.). My own family is lost, because they have each other, but push me away and tell me I am not welcome in their home, or even in their town. They reach-out for the respect and acceptance of their neighbors and say, “we’ve built a life here…” but their neighbors don’t care about them and don’t know them; and they did not, “build a life;” they merely lived in a house and,… Lived- that is not, “building a life;” that is just staying in one place, never becoming more or doing more for their fellow man. They care only about the three people inside of their houses; and they have unwelcomed me from their houses. The irony is that- it is warriors such as myself who have allowed these weak people to live in such houses.
I ate at a restaurant today; and there was no knife on the table. I used my pocket knife. The owner of the place got all nervous and started acting scared and giving me the “side-eye”.
I’ve used my knife at restaurants many times before. I’ve gotten the same exact response from people. It’s not me; it is they… It is completely normal for a man to carry a knife. It is not normal for a man to NOT carry a knife. Real men carry a knife, and we use it at least twice a day. They – The nervous people who are scared of a pocket knife- are the stupid ones, not me! The thought never crosses my mind to stab somebody with my knife; however, when people see me using it to cut my food at a restaurant, those idiots think I’m gonna stab somebody… They are the stupid ones; and I am not strange. I am more normal than they even know how to be!
Of all of the people who have accepted me, but now, and forever-more, will treat me like I am not normal and that I make them nervous- it is not my doing- it is their own. They have a mental problem; and they are scared of me, because the mirror hides no wrinkles!
“Thank You For Letting Me Share.”
FYI: Evan is one of those people. Anybody who earns a living by only talking on the phone is a parasite. Those of us who pick up the axe and the shovel- we are the true spirit; whereas the bankers and Relators are the untrue darkness.

Man Scouts of America

“The Scout goes by compass, both morally and navigationally and ventures only to glean the best of the whole. Mankind is dependent on The Scout. Information is The Holy Grail. Clarity is the Treasure! In our Scouts, our Rangers, the young men of the old, Mankind instills its faith.”

-Christopher Van Hassel


Non Nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

“In arrogance, there is great ruin and great instability. In idleness, there is loss and dire poverty, for idleness is the mother of famine.”

Book of Tobit 4:13

“Do not keep with you overnight the wages of those who have worked for you, but pay them at once. … Be on guard, son, in everything you do; be wise in all that you say, and discipline yourself in all your conduct. Do to no man or woman what you hate yourself.”

Book of Tobit 4:14-15
Continue reading “Man Scouts of America”

The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen

“Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020….”

Republished without permission from: “”

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

Published by The Thinking Conservative on November 7. 2024

“A very odd occurrence happened between the 2020 election where Joe Biden supposedly won and the 2024 election where Donald Trump won the presidency. Somehow we had a total turnout of 18 million fewer votes cast in 2024 than in 2020. Both of those factors can’t be true and anybody with the math ability of an 8th grader should be scratching their heads.

Given the divide between Democrat and Republican voters due to the two vastly different personalities and political positions of vice president Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, people were expecting vote totals meeting or exceeding those of 2020.

Continue reading “The 2024 Election Proved the 2020 Election Was Stolen”

Blythe Miller’s Advice

Setting Your Horse Up for Every Next-Jump

Heels: DOWN and OUT in front of you!!!

Blythe Miller

One Man’s Conundrum

“…His neurons tend not to carve-out the necessary pathways to the doors- beyond which the candle of truth flickers relentlessly for eternity.”

The Face Which Tries to Look at Itself

A man interprets, “doing the Lord’s work,” as living as the example of compassion and unconditional love. The man knows that, “the ultimate answer,” is to love the Lord above everything else.
The man deems the act of loving himself as being the most selfish action a man could possibly undertake. (PROVERBS 16:5) The man, rather, deems that sacrificing himself for the sake of the happiness of others is, “doing the Lord’s work.” The man fails to actively share the love with himself which he yearns to share with others. In order to become the light of God for others, the man must learn to love the one person whom he deems to be most unworthy of such unconditional love!* This man has trained his mind to employ self-sacrifice over self-love. His neurons tend not to carve-out the necessary pathways to the doors- beyond which the candle of truth flickers relentlessly for eternity.

*The man is unforgivingly judgmental of himself.

Equine Inactive Side of Infinity

the. “Slow Walk”

The Equine Inactive Side of Infinity

Refers to a stagnant mental process.

Infinity expands perpetually from one point in all directions.

Example of a Horse Stuck in the Inactive Side of Infinity:

A horse who slow-walks off of the track with the intention of being near other horses who are acting-up, therefore, giving them an excuse to act-up as well.

The Horse’s Reason for Doing This:

It Is Three-Pronged

Continue reading “Equine Inactive Side of Infinity”

The Attractive Dilemma

“Beautiful women do not have to work a day in their life; they simply need to charm a man who makes enough money to keep them both happy.”

Young Women- What They Want

“What is the dilemma with all of these young women being attracted to you?” Charlie asked me.


“All they want from me is sex, Charlie; … a quick night of passion of animalistic hedonism.”

Charlie smirked at me brightly.

“They are looking for that amazing action which changes their world-view.” I continued. “They are not looking for a husband to commit to or to hold on lonely nights.

Continue reading “The Attractive Dilemma”

What Is Your Dilemma?

We Are Surrounded By Adults Who Think Other Adults Are Authority Figures Over Each Other

The conundrum is that our fellow adults are still inundated by their childish and immature thought processes which guide their actions. Like a Christian yelling at the world to, “Repent!” I find myself screaming on the street corner, wearing a sandwich-board sign that says, “The End Is Near!” … telling my fellow man that we are all doomed to suffering and failure if we all do not collectively change our ways!

Society seems leery and scared of me. It is as if, if I genuinely be myself, people would look at me like I was dangerous and crazy.

The fact of the matter is that they are scared of their own realization of failure, that they purposely and actively deplete the value of their fellow man in order to maintain a dysfunctional status quo, therefore, lowering the worldly standard, making it easier to live at whatever quality of life they deem to be satisfactory.

Mid-Life Change

We are all simply practicing, “the art of being ourselves!”

The Second Library

I used to scribe allegories all the time. In fact, I view human interaction in an allegorical sense. This inspired creative neurons to establish pathways throughout my brain. I wrote a lot of poetry and philosophical work.

I viewed the world as an artist does and interacted with it in an, “eccentric,” way.

Continue reading “Mid-Life Change”

Conversations With Don Adams

“…just sitting’ here in the truck.”
-Don Adams

I Miss the Phone Calls we Used to Have.

Don never calls me anymore.

Even though, it used to be the same conversation every time, I miss it.

I’d start by saying, “Hey, Don! How ya doin’?”

Continue reading “Conversations With Don Adams”

The Choice

It Is A Choice.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 

And over all these virtues put on love,which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”


What is Love?

Defining Love

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies,they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.”


Pass Through Darkness

“…the only true happiness is to learn, to advance, and to improve…”

“All is good and well and right; and shall be so forever.
Through the eternal ages the light of God’s beneficence shall shine hereafter,
disclosing all,
consummating all,
rewarding all that deserve reward.
Then we shall see, what now we can only believe.
The cloud will be lifted up,
the gate of mystery be passed,
and the full light shine forever;
the light of which that of the Lodge is a symbol.

Then that which caused us trial shall yield us triumph;
and that which made our heart ache
shall fill us with gladness;
and we shall then feel that there,
as here,
the only true happiness is to learn,
to advance,
and to improve;
which could not happen unless we had commenced with error, ignorance, and imperfection.

We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light.”

Morals and Dogma

Pink Elephant

The elephant in the room for a 45 year old man is this:

When you tell people the truth, they think you are crazy.
Let’s say you were taught by a hall of fame trainer, and his methods were very, very successful. Then, you share those methods with other people so other trainers; … instead of being open minded, those trainers treat you like you are crazy and stupid and self-absorbed. The is like telling bill gates that he does not know how to accumulate wealth! Telling a hall of fame athlete that they do not know how to be the best athlete is,… fill in that blank!


A Kindred Sermon

An Abundant Life

Good Morning Everyone. My topic is Abundant Life. In John 10:10, Jesus said,

“I came that they may have Life, and have it more abundantly.” 

So, I ask you, are you living that Abundant Life right now.  You can, and you should, but are you?  Do you even know what it means?  Do you know how to get that Abundant Life?

What it means –

Continue reading “A Kindred Sermon”

Reading List:

“ …The religion taught by Moses, which, like the laws of Egypt, enunciated the principle of exclusion, borrowed, at every period of its existence, from all the creeds with which it came in contact. … “

Knight of the East and West

“THIS is the first of the Philosophical Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and the beginning of a course of instruction which will fully unveil to you the heart and inner mysteries of Masonry.”

Morals and Dogma

Read More

The Morgan Affair

“His disappearance was suspected to have been effected by overzealous Freemasons enforcing the penalties of their obligations.”

Reprinted Without Permission:

The Morgan Affair

“All You Need to Know About the Infamous Morgan Affair!

On Sept. 11, 1826, William Morgan, of Batavia New York, was forcibly removed from the jailhouse at Canandaigua, NY, to a two-horse carriage and borne away into the mists of time.

His disappearance was suspected to have been effected by overzealous Freemasons enforcing the penalties of their obligations.

Continue reading “The Morgan Affair”

Resenting the Master

Revere The Teacher With Compassion.

A Short Article For Flourishing Students:

If there comes a time when you resent your teacher, you have become your own teacher; and you must relinquish your expectations of such former teacher.

Resentment is the product of contempt and the ego; both of which are cataclysms. 

After contempt for a teaching ha been acknowledged, the ego presents itself. Regardless of the validity of the ego’s claim, the added contempt limits your judgement, creating learning barriers.

Continue reading “Resenting the Master”

Comfort is Not Home-Base

Seeking Comfort Shall Find Desire.

“People make their decisions designed on comfort, but God does not work that way.”

“It is no bed of roses to follow Jesus!”

R. Cecil

“… Also we know that all things work together for the best unto them that love God, even to them that are called of his purpose.

For those which he knew before, he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Moreover, whom he predestinated, them also he called, and whom he called, them also he justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified.”

ROMANS 8:28-30

Nibble, Nibble

“Women use sex as a magical power- a power which men do not possess. This phenomena has ravaged our culture…. …

…“active-passive-aggression,” which could be described as building(/being) the bridge upon which, “resting bitch face,” hath transmuted into, “active-bitch-face,”

Sex is only a Game for most women but seems to be the meaning of life for most men!

How many women in your circle know how to bake a loaf of bread from scratch or how to potty-train an infant?”

Two Reasons Why Women Wearing Sexy Pants Is Corrupting Our Culture.

For many women, today, sex is the only thing they have to offer!

Did women ever wear mini skirts in the 1930’s,… why not?

We are living in an overly-sexualized culture where women walk around wearing spandex- which is the equivalent to a woman wearing a short skirt in the 1930’s!

Let Us Quote:
“…I also want women to dress mosdestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”

1 TIMOTHY 2:9-10

Women use sex as a magical power- a power which men do not possess. This phenomena has ravaged our culture to the point of devolving us into camel riders, again!

How many women in your daily life know how to bake a loaf of bread from scratch or how to potty-train a toddler?
How many men do you know who can change the oil in a car?

Continue reading “Nibble, Nibble”

Words Between Brothers

… Of Doug Kindred:

We Exchanged These Words Lovingly:

When Chip first saw Doug it was when Doug gave a short sermon during a Sunday morning service at the Ocala Farm Ministry church.

On the phone, with Mr. Kindred,

months later. Chip said this:

“When I first met you, I hated you, because you were so White-bred, … I hated you!”

“I know; …and I own it!”

Doug Kindred

The New Masonic Oath

“…. Finding out that someone you know is a Freemason used to be a later step in developing a personal relationship with them; NEVER the opening of a friendship with somebody whom you have just met!

This juxtaposition has completely corrupted the Craft! …”

What is Different about Freemasonry Today?

The Freemasonic attitude towards his fellow man has changed from Fear of a Greater Power to an Ego-based display of stupidity! Why do I say that?

The Charge:

The Craft Has Been Corrupted… But HOW?:

This is how… ask yourself this question:

“How Do You Spot a Fellow Brother in the Crowd?”

Continue reading “The New Masonic Oath”

Cosmic Click

“there is no magical moment which makes everything change.”

There is No Cosmic Click.

Most people are seeking for that moment where it all, “clicks,” and everything, all of the sudden, makes sense and is correct, not realizing that there is no magical moment which makes everything change. (It’s all turtles!”)

Chip Van Hassel
Continue reading “Cosmic Click”

Seeking Council

The “Answer,” one seeks is more simple than the question asked.

Are You Troubled?

As we seek council to acquire clarity amongst our confusion, the only true clarity we find can be described as a love for one’s self.

Seeking the answer from an outside source seems ludicrous after the fact, because the answer is accepted from inside our own heart, beaming-outwardly, not from the outside of our body, beaming-inwardly!

The “Answer,” one seeks is more simple than the question asked.

Continue reading “Seeking Council”

The Divergent Talk

“Let the Righteous Smite Me!”

PSALM 141:5

Doing nothing at a time when nothing can be done has never been my strongpoint. Being a man who cares about reforming culture to some moral rectitude of accountability has been an exhausting mental exercise of futility.
To say that society has lost its responsibilities is a gross understatement! Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington and James Madison all have one attribute in common. Let us call that characteristic, “Redemption”.

The Difference Between Truth and Justice:

Why do Evil Doers Define What Society Defines What it is to “Be a Good Person”?

The Pareto Principle

Continue reading “The Divergent Talk”

Bearing Witness

You Cannot Witness Yourself.

“If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.

There is another who testifies in my favor, and I know that his testimony about me is true.”

JOHN 5:31-32

Of a man who chooses not to see the light, neither all the books in the world may enlighten him; and for a man who sees the light, a single word is too much!
As we are surrounded by (and ruled by,) self-deceiving people, the only recompense is to constantly and instantly forgive them.

Be an example of the Great Light which shineth from above.

Chip Van Hassel

Directed Energy

Press Play to see video:

Subtitle D–Matters Relating to Israel

Sec. 1251. Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program.
Sec. 1252. Extension of United States-Israel anti-tunnel cooperation.
Sec. 1253. Improvements relating to United States-Israel cooperation to
counter unmanned aerial systems.
Sec. 1254. Modification of authority for cooperation on directed energy
Sec. 1255. Ensuring peace through strength in Israel.
Sec. 1256. Assistance to Israel for aerial refueling.
Sec. 1257. Rules governing transfer of aerial refueling tankers to
Sec. 1258. Report.

How to Write a Business Proposal

How to Write a Business Proposal

1. Begin with a title page.
2. Explain your why with a summary.
3. State the problem, or need.
4. Propose a solution.
5. Share your qualifications.
6. Include pricing options.
7. Summarize with a conclusion.

12 TIPS for writing one

Continue reading “How to Write a Business Proposal”

Back In The Day

This Movie

I saw this movie when I was 23 and thought, “Man, what a lunatic!”

I saw it at 33 and thought, “I mean, I guess he might have a point in there somewhere, but still – that’s insane.”

At 43, it became “Well, ok. I kind of get it, now. A bit extreme, but I get it.”

Today at 53? “I have no problem with anything this man is doing”

Turf Dispute

“I want breakfast.”

Time Defined

“Time” is defined by a general feeling.
While focusing on a certain experience,
Using definable paradigms,
This creates a, “general feeling.”
When it feels like, “day,” it is “daytime.”
During the quiet, darkness of night,
you focus on the crickets, the frogs
and the smell of the air.
It feels like, “nighttime”!
Time is not linear.

“Durations of time”
are simply general feelings
compiled to create an overall feeling,
known as an, “era”.
The end of an era is simply
the end of one overall feeling
and the beginning to one, other,
particular, general feeling.

Chip Van Hassel

Narcissistic Managers

The Narcissistic Boss Will:

They create an unproductive work environment, then, blame it on the employees. Over time, this drains people’s souls and creates a low-level, low-paying workplace. They take away your value on purpose, and manipulate to make it appear that they display more value than you by explaining something that is menial at best.


Ostracizing Your Fellow Man

… Being employed by men who want to do it all themselves to show you that they don’t need you, that they can do it themselves, but, more importantly, (to them,) they think they are showing you that they are tougher and better than you are; when, in actuality, they are ignorant in ostracizing the very fellow-man which they, themselves, need in order to survive!
A farm is not run by one man; and a one man farm is a lonely, pitiful situation rather than a farm.


Lack of Population Control

The issue is that none of the work that I do right now builds something for the future.
A man pays me,
and he’s done with me;
and all of my work leaves me with nothing.

It used to be,
when you work,
you were working towards something in the end- a piece of the pie;
there is no reward-
Only thieves.


Yes, You Can

Then Jesus told his disciples,
“If anyone would come after me,
let him deny himself
and take up his cross
and follow me.
For whoever would save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life
for my sake
will find it.
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world
and forfeits his soul?
Or what shall a man give in return
for his soul?

MATTHEW 16:24-36

Living the Sins of The Dead

Arrogance/Pride is the Deadly Sin which is dragging the world around.

Some would assume it is Gluttony, because there are a lot of very, very overly-obese people ambling around; and those people are also being Greedy whilst over-eating the wrong things.

Lust tends to overcrowd the minds of men and women nowadays as sex buys a woman in a pretty dress a drink while the notion of that dress purchases a man’s whims, employing a no-refund policy.

Sloth slows the feet down of the people. They trudge around, displaying no purpose or inspiration during the hours of their public day.
Wrath- the most misunderstood sin of all, seems to be many people’s unguided, “somebody is shaking the jar,” motive. It is the notion of, “social justice,” in action.

Envy imprisons the minds of the less fortunate. People view others, not knowing what others have acquired, however, they want what others have- not knowing what that is!

Mind of Change

“…some Student of The Great Mysteries is always eventually discovered amongst the people.”

Over time, people need different types of,… religious consultants to recalibrate their mental journey. In certain locations, the people need a priest or a minister.

At other times, in other places, a shaman, or medicine man, is sought after.

As in ISAIAH 65:1, these people do not directly ask for a minister or shaman; however, some Student of The Great Mysteries is always eventually discovered amongst the people.

Continue reading “Mind of Change”

Wordless Groans

“And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit”

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to s0nship, the redemption of our bodies.

For in this hope we are saved.

But hope that is seen
is no hope at all.
Who hopes for what they already have?
But if we hope for what we do not yet have,
we wait for it patiently.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for,
but the Spirit himself intercedes for us
through wordless groans.

And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”

ROMANS 8:22-27

Minor Peace

For the majority to overpower the un-peaceful minority would have to be an exercise of totalitarianism.

The loudest voice in the room is not usually the correct voice. The silence of the majority has its social benefit by virtue of compassion, however,

the silence and inaction of the majority is a fatal weapon against progress, survival and peace.

One person at a bar (a millennial,) talking loudly over others about how amazing or oppressed they are becomes annoying to the rest of the people at the bar.

It is unfortunate that society allows this!

The majority is silently annoyed, but nobody approaches the millennial to inform they that they are annoying everybody around them!
It seems, to maintain peace, the majority agrees to bear unpeaceful environments and succumb to actual abuse!

Of an entire nation aware that the government has overstepped its authority and function, no peaceful repose can be heard over the loudest, incorrect, most (not-at-peace) minority.

For the majority to overpower the un-peaceful minority would have to be an exercise of totalitarianism.

Chip Van Hassel

Phases of Mitosis

What is mitosis?

“The great majority of the cell divisions that happen in your body involve mitosis. During development and growth, mitosis populates an organism’s body with cells, and throughout an organism’s life, it replaces old, worn-out cells with new ones. For single-celled eukaryotes like yeast, mitotic divisions are actually a form of reproduction, adding new individuals to the population.”

Continue reading “Phases of Mitosis”

4th Amendment

“The right of the people
to be secure
in their
and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated,

and no Warrants shall issue,
but upon probable cause,

supported by Oath or affirmation,
and particularly describing the place to be searched,
and the persons
or things
to be seized.”

U.S. Constitution

The Strife of the Smart Man

My Experience:

In a world where doing wrong is seen as being correct
and where being correct is treated as being revolutionary or argumentative,
those of us who have maintained our moral rectitude currently relate less and less to our fellow humans.
I have belabored, “The Dunning Kruger Affect,” to the extent of mocking my fellow man.

It confused and angered me. I did not know how to deal with people in my daily life in a cordial way anymore.
It felt like I was surrounded by idiots and that I was the only person who cared to make myself and the world around me better.

My good friend, Don Adams, explained it to me. Don said this to me:

“You are surrounded by grown men who have child’s minds.”

Don Adams

The Pareto Principle keeps bounding around inside my head. Realizing that there is no escaping this paradigm, this reality, I have sought coping mechanisms to attempt to maintain being courteous surrounded by a world of discourteous people. I have found no useful tools to dissuade my resentful knowing of these people.

Rifleman’s Creed

“We are the masters of our enemy.”

This is my rifle.  
There are many like it,
but this one is mine.  
It is my life.  
I must master it as I must master my life.  
Without me my rifle is useless.  
Without my rifle, I am useless.        
I must fire my rifle true.  
I must shoot straighter than the enemy
who is trying to kill me.  
I must shoot him before he shoots me.  

I will.  

My rifle and I know that what counts in war
is not the rounds we fire,
the noise of our burst,
or the smoke we make.  
We know that it is the hits that count.  

We will hit.

      My rifle is human,
even as I am human,
because it is my life.  
Thus, I will learn it as a brother. 
 I will learn its weaknesses,
its strengths,
its parts,
its accessories,
its sights and its barrel.  
I will keep my rifle clean and ready,
even as I am clean and ready.  
We will become part of each other.
      Before God I swear this creed.  
My rifle and I are the defenders of my country.  

We are the masters of our enemy.  

We are the saviors of my life.

      So be it,

until victory is America’s
and there is no enemy.



“After this , I will return
and rebuild David’s fallen tent.”

This is the beginning of, or cornerstone of, the Temple. As the Sela Hammahlkoth is a fresh, encouraging Attitude, the destination is exactly that Unknown Feeling! ‘Tis a school, this project. ACTS 15:16 is not the journey. The destination is its own mystery.

“After this , I will return
and rebuild David’s Fallen Tent.”

Juris Prudence

Juris Prudence “No Lodge shall make more than FIVE new Brethren at one Time.”

THE MASTER of a particular Lodge, has the right and authority of congregating the Members of his Lodge into a Chapter at Pleasure, upon any Emergency or Occurrence as well as to appoint the time and place of their usual forming : And in case of Sickness,


Absence of the MASTER,

Senior Warden

shall act as Master pro tempore, if no Brother is present who has been Master of that Lodge before ; for in that Case the absent Master’s Authority reverts to the last Master then present ; though he cannot act until the said senior Warden has once congregated the Lodge or in his Absence the junior Warden.”

…There is an ALARM at the door.

The Unpopular Secret

Population Control

It used to be, “The Power of God,” until the population got to insurmountable numbers, and the many could not be killed in secret-
World wars are what are needed to bring the population down in a more expedited manner.


See MATTHEW 24:40


If the man ever acted the way that woman did, they would call him rude

Ignoring People

It is not normal to ignore people. It is an overt sign of disrespect.

He loaded a horse on to the trailer. As he exited the trailer, he said, “good morning!” to the driver’s girlfriend and daughter; but the women continued to lean-down petting a dog, ignoring the man.

It is the weak person’s way of seemingly maintaining dominance over other people. It is a shameful act of narcissism and selfishness. It is childish and petty. If the man ever acted the way that woman did, they would call him rude.

This is all because we live in a speculative world, and the operative people are shunned by weaker people.


Monday Jan 28 2013

You may face a conflict today, Sagittarius, but that could actually be a good thing. Even though you may find a certain challenge frustrating, don’t let it get the better of you. Because through this conflict great things can happen. You will begin to think of solutions you’ve never thought of before. You will feel stronger, more creative, and very inspired. As long as you don’t take on an angry or negative attitude about a confusing development, you will be rewarded by the universe, and you will begin to receive opportunities that you never even imagined would be possible.

From An Old Notebook

I don’t remember who I wrote this one about:

 I remember breathing in my boots
on your barn floor.

Each suspended moment lasted more and more;
so I use that education to smell and feel right now,
this moment,
more and longer right now more.

In between the beats of a measure of the heart which never ends nor begun.


Writing Sample

Which training method did Jonathan Sheppard employ?

When somebody complained how Jonathan Sheppard would never explain his training program to them, this was my response:

Well, some of us understood his training program which was essentially reverse-engineered in congruency with the horse’s running date, its condition, the competition it would be up against, along with the expectations of its upcoming performance while always keeping the race AFTER that performance in mind.

Continue reading “Writing Sample”