Benefits of Canabis

  1. “One hectare of cannabis releases as much oxygen as 25 hectares of forest. Cannabis grows in 4 months and trees in 20-50 years.
  2. From one hectare of cannabis you get the same amount of paper as 4 hectares of forest.
  3. Trees make recyclable paper 3 times while hemp makes recyclable paper 8 times. Hemp paper is the best and most durable.
  4. Hemp plants are a radiation trap. Cannabis plantations purify the air.
  5. Hemp can be grown anywhere in the world, it needs very little water. Furthermore, because it can defend itself from parasites, it doesn’t need pesticides.
  6. Hemp textiles outperform flax products on their own properties.
  7. Hemp is an ideal plant for producing edges, ropes, bags, shoes, hats…
  8. Cannabis is banned in Bulgaria. But technical cannabis does not contain a drug and can be cultivated freely.
  9. The protein value of cannabis seeds is very high and two fatty acids contained in them are nowhere else in nature.
  10. Producing cannabis is much cheaper than soy.
  11. Animals who eat cannabis don’t need hormone supplements.
  12. All plastic products can be made with hemp, hemp plastic is environmentally friendly and completely biodegradable.
  13. Hemp can also be used for thermal insulation of buildings, it’s durable, cheap and flexible.
  14. Hemp soaps and hemp cosmetics do not pollute water, so they are completely environmentally friendly.
    And about the benefits of medical cannabis in the treatment of many different diseases,…”

The Story You Tell Yourself

“There are two ways of telling your story. One is to tell it compulsively and urgently, keep returning to it
because you see your present suffering
as the result of your past experiences.

But there is another way.

You can tell your story from the place where it no longer dominates you.
You can speak about it with a certain distance
and see it as the way
to your present freedom.”

Henri Nouwen
The Inner Voice of Love

Living the Sins of The Dead

Arrogance/Pride is the Deadly Sin which is dragging the world around.

Some would assume it is Gluttony, because there are a lot of very, very overly-obese people ambling around; and those people are also being Greedy whilst over-eating the wrong things.

Lust tends to overcrowd the minds of men and women nowadays as sex buys a woman in a pretty dress a drink while the notion of that dress purchases a man’s whims, employing a no-refund policy.

Sloth slows the feet down of the people. They trudge around, displaying no purpose or inspiration during the hours of their public day.
Wrath- the most misunderstood sin of all, seems to be many people’s unguided, “somebody is shaking the jar,” motive. It is the notion of, “social justice,” in action.

Envy imprisons the minds of the less fortunate. People view others, not knowing what others have acquired, however, they want what others have- not knowing what that is!

You Are Not Alone

“Many, many men
have been just as troubled
morally and spiritually
as you are right now.”

“You’re not the first person
who was ever confused
and frightened
and even sickened
by human behavior.

You’re by no means alone
on that score.

Many, many men
have been just as troubled
morally and spiritually
as you are right now.

Happily, some of them
kept records of their troubles.
You’ll learn from them—
if you want to.

Just as someday,
if you have something to offer,
someone will learn
something from you.
It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn’t education.
It is history.
It is poetry.”

J.D. Salinger

Mind of Change

“…some Student of The Great Mysteries is always eventually discovered amongst the people.”

Over time, people need different types of,… religious consultants to recalibrate their mental journey. In certain locations, the people need a priest or a minister.

At other times, in other places, a shaman, or medicine man, is sought after.

As in ISAIAH 65:1, these people do not directly ask for a minister or shaman; however, some Student of The Great Mysteries is always eventually discovered amongst the people.

Continue reading “Mind of Change”

Changing of the Advisors

“…Student of the Great Mysteries…”

Over time, people need different types of,… religious consultants to recalibrate their mental journey. In certain locations, the people need a priest or a minister. At other times, in other places, among other groups, a shaman, or medicine man, is sought after. As in ISAIAH 65:1, these people do not directly as for a minister or shaman; however, some student of The Great Mysteries is always eventually discovered amongst the people.
The two factors which separate the shaman, or Deacons, from the rest of the people are two fundamental characteristics:

Continue reading “Changing of the Advisors”

Double Dipping

“Drink water from your own cistern,…”

“For the lips of the adulterous woman
drip honey,
and her speech is smoother than oil;
but in the end she is bitter as gall,
sharp as a double-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death;
her steps lead straight to the grave.
She gives no thought to the way of life;
her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.”

Continue reading “Double Dipping”

Wordless Groans

“And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit”

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to s0nship, the redemption of our bodies.

For in this hope we are saved.

But hope that is seen
is no hope at all.
Who hopes for what they already have?
But if we hope for what we do not yet have,
we wait for it patiently.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for,
but the Spirit himself intercedes for us
through wordless groans.

And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”

ROMANS 8:22-27

Minor Peace

For the majority to overpower the un-peaceful minority would have to be an exercise of totalitarianism.

The loudest voice in the room is not usually the correct voice. The silence of the majority has its social benefit by virtue of compassion, however,

the silence and inaction of the majority is a fatal weapon against progress, survival and peace.

One person at a bar (a millennial,) talking loudly over others about how amazing or oppressed they are becomes annoying to the rest of the people at the bar.

It is unfortunate that society allows this!

The majority is silently annoyed, but nobody approaches the millennial to inform they that they are annoying everybody around them!
It seems, to maintain peace, the majority agrees to bear unpeaceful environments and succumb to actual abuse!

Of an entire nation aware that the government has overstepped its authority and function, no peaceful repose can be heard over the loudest, incorrect, most (not-at-peace) minority.

For the majority to overpower the un-peaceful minority would have to be an exercise of totalitarianism.

Chip Van Hassel

The Strife of the Smart Man

My Experience:

In a world where doing wrong is seen as being correct
and where being correct is treated as being revolutionary or argumentative,
those of us who have maintained our moral rectitude currently relate less and less to our fellow humans.
I have belabored, “The Dunning Kruger Affect,” to the extent of mocking my fellow man.

It confused and angered me. I did not know how to deal with people in my daily life in a cordial way anymore.
It felt like I was surrounded by idiots and that I was the only person who cared to make myself and the world around me better.

My good friend, Don Adams, explained it to me. Don said this to me:

“You are surrounded by grown men who have child’s minds.”

Don Adams

The Pareto Principle keeps bounding around inside my head. Realizing that there is no escaping this paradigm, this reality, I have sought coping mechanisms to attempt to maintain being courteous surrounded by a world of discourteous people. I have found no useful tools to dissuade my resentful knowing of these people.


“From her web, Grandmother Spider observed the first thoughts as the Universal Mind awakened from the dream. “

When the Universe was still so dark that not even shadows could be seen in the night, Grandmother Spider sat in her web in the Sky World, waiting and watching. No one knows how old Grandmother Spider is, or how long she sat waiting for the Universal Mind to awaken. But, every Creature Being who has ever lived knows her song and dance as the weaver of the Web of Life.

Continue reading “THE WEB OF LIFE”

Scribe Of The Twelfth Tribe

Uses the Holy Bible As His 24 Inch Rule
The Tribal Scribe divides his day into three parts, using the guise of the Entered Tyler’s appearance of Ignorance to comport himself in The Way (The Tao) by an of example. He writes what he has seen, what has been and what will be.



“After this , I will return
and rebuild David’s fallen tent.”

This is the beginning of, or cornerstone of, the Temple. As the Sela Hammahlkoth is a fresh, encouraging Attitude, the destination is exactly that Unknown Feeling! ‘Tis a school, this project. ACTS 15:16 is not the journey. The destination is its own mystery.

“After this , I will return
and rebuild David’s Fallen Tent.”

Juris Prudence

Juris Prudence “No Lodge shall make more than FIVE new Brethren at one Time.”

THE MASTER of a particular Lodge, has the right and authority of congregating the Members of his Lodge into a Chapter at Pleasure, upon any Emergency or Occurrence as well as to appoint the time and place of their usual forming : And in case of Sickness,


Absence of the MASTER,

Senior Warden

shall act as Master pro tempore, if no Brother is present who has been Master of that Lodge before ; for in that Case the absent Master’s Authority reverts to the last Master then present ; though he cannot act until the said senior Warden has once congregated the Lodge or in his Absence the junior Warden.”

…There is an ALARM at the door.

Why The Weak Are Now, “In Charge”

“Such is the decree of destiny. If the people are content with freedom of conscious and constitutional liberty, it will be well. If, going to the other extreme, they plunge into universal doubt and anarchy, let us hope that this may be but a step in the process of spiritual and political regeneration. For us, the only law is, to fulfill our duty.”

“Blue Masonry
neither remembers its duty,
nor knows its powers.
It can neither prevent political convolutions,
nor avert the horrors
of civil war.
When these rage,
it’s voice is not uplifted
to still the storm;
but it withdrawals
into its cells and asyla,
hoping to emerge again
when the skies are
clear once more,
to renew its self-glorification,
and weary men
with its idle vanities.”

LEGENDA XXXII (pages 23-24)

A Reminder to Myself

“We give our power away as humans- we blame others for things that happen to us,…”

“You’re probably not even at the halfway mark in your life, and if you think about it the first 25, you probably didn’t know much about anything.

Point being, your life up to this point has prepared you for this.

Now, you need to have the integrity of self to make decisions which align with your vision.”

Arch Kingsley
Continue reading “A Reminder to Myself”

The Unpopular Secret

Population Control

It used to be, “The Power of God,” until the population got to insurmountable numbers, and the many could not be killed in secret-
World wars are what are needed to bring the population down in a more expedited manner.


See MATTHEW 24:40

Weak Men Drive Cars; Strong Men Ride Camels.

…more normal than they even know how to be!

I ate at a restaurant today; and there was no knife on the table. I used my pocket knife. The owner of the place got all nervous and started acting scared and giving me the “side-eye”.
I’ve used my knife

Continue reading “Weak Men Drive Cars; Strong Men Ride Camels.”

Never-Ending-River of Breath

“No need to block beyond the shoulders.”
—Master Brian Gray

“Always thinking about the River-
The unchangeable, the constant, not-judging-



Watch breath right now,
visualizing pushing the Chi down

This dynamic tension
is centered.
(Iron Palm,) Pushing down on the Upward chi of Earth.

Breathing is the never-ending river that orchestrates chi wherever it is instantaneously needed.

“Make the entire body solid and reactive.”


“No need to block beyond shoulders.”

Sifu, Grand Master Brian Gray

This is NOT the End Times

People say, “We are living in the, “End Times.”

They say this in result to observing the behavior of others around them.

Wrong is correct these days;
the truth is feared.

In the Biblical vibe, people see light as darkness and darkness as light today.

Continue reading “This is NOT the End Times”


“Want” and “need” know nothing of love.

Changing your life means Doing what is necessary.

Human nature is funny
in that two people can read
the same words on the page,
and, even though they are on the same page,
they still read the words differently.

There is always an independent variable-
which is not open for interpretation.

The soul
deep down
in a person’s heart

Continue reading “Stability”

Sober Judgement

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Continue reading “Sober Judgement”

Neuro-Muscle Memory

Mental processes induce physical processes.
Being annoyed tenses muscles.
Allowing yourself to stew in annoyance creates muscle memory which becomes physically stressful.

A Dent of Deed

…”the body, the mind, the spirit,
flows as does water.”…

It starts with the in-breath and begins in the out-breath.
The continuous cycle is it’s own revolution,
it’s own change.
Hardened by it’s own hardness,
the body, the mind, the spirit,
flows as does water.
Water can wear rock away
even though rock can stop water.
Perserverence of the flow
proves phusical changd-
Maybe just a dent,
of deed.

Chip Van Hassel

The Power of God in the Head of Penny

“… United us as,
‘The New Family Among Us’.”

Where is the Power of God In the Head of a Single Penny ?

It had been a long day,
turning into a long night
when I walked in to a gas station,
counting a stack of quarters
I had in my palm.

Upon my arrival,
the clerk made eye contact
with me;
and she had angry eyes.

She was pissed off.

Continue reading “The Power of God in the Head of Penny”

The One That Got Away

“The yearning to comfort me…
I had not felt somebody’s eyes
do that for a long time!”

The look in her eyes,
When she listened to my plight

The wet eyes,
The yearning to comfort me…
I had not felt somebody’s eyes
do that for a long time!

Sharing Existence With Each Other

“Transitional People transcend their own needs and tap into the deepest, most noble impulses of human nature. …
…these responses are the synthesis through which we all experience each other…”

Today, The World NEEDS Transitional People.

What is a, “Transitional Person”?

According to Enkindle Wellness,
a, “Transitional Person is:
“A person who breaks unhealthy, harmful, abusive or unfortunate learned behaviors and replaces them with proactive, helpful, effective behaviors.  This person models positive behaviors and passes on effective habits that strengthen and build others in positive ways.”

Stephen Covey
Continue reading “Sharing Existence With Each Other”

When Larceny Became, “The American Way”

Why has the American worker allowed for it’s employer to steal from it on the daily basis?

Correct Me If I Am Wrong!

You’ve Heard the Phrase Before:

“Taxation is Theft!”

Well, that is true!

When employers take taxes out of your paycheck, they are committing Larceny!

Continue reading “When Larceny Became, “The American Way””

Ghost Post!

The Ghost Continues

So, after the Doug Fout Debacle, I ended up dealing with the frustrating pain and anguish of dealing with the Florida Gaming Commission.
The red-tape of bullshit brings a man’s tolerance to it’s knees
as he listens to people tell him,

“I understand. I’m sorry, and I understand; but I cannot help you.

Lemme transfer you to somebody else who understands, is sorry, but,… they won’t help you, either!”

Every Asshole on the phone

They act like,

Continue reading “Ghost Post!”

Things Are Not What You Had Planned They’d Be!

The world will never be the way it has been taught to be!

Keeping yourself removed from the world
while being completely enthralled by it
all at the same time
has become my realized paradigm. 

Continue reading “Things Are Not What You Had Planned They’d Be!”

-Purple Water Chakra


Make the aura around you flow of purple water-
It’s current- Strong,
Revolutionary of itself.
When you notice that your focus has been lost,
down through your Sacral Chakra,
Circulating the inside of the chakra;
condensing it’s
outer physical membrane.

Chip Van Hassel

Gary Vaynerchuk scrolled past this!


I’ll Never Get Gary Vee’s Attention This Way!!!

Mr. Vaynerchuk,

Your time is valuable!
I spend hours building my website
Who would pay
to build their sites using wordpress? Would you in any capacity?

Check out Gary’s Site:

Continue reading “Gary Vaynerchuk scrolled past this!”

Feel like You’re Surrounded By Idiots?

Feel like You’re Surrounded By Blank Personalities?

Feel like You’re Surrounded By Idiots?

Written in a fit of realistic rage in the Jeep:

I’m tired of being surrounded by idiots
Arrogant, loud people
Who want your attention
By way of being annoying.

These people are so

Continue reading “Feel like You’re Surrounded By Idiots?”

A Crossed Sojourn

“Chaplain Bob smiled as he handed me a ten dollar bill from his wallet.”

His name is Chaplain Bob Miller. I cold-called him, asking for help one day. When he returned my call, he was driving back from the airport with his wife; they had just arrived home from Cuba.

Bob was warm and inviting. He understood my situation. He had a lot on his plate at the time, but he took a couple of moments to meet with me and briefly listen to my quandary. Little did he know,

The Day the Crossed Sojourn Began

“I’m giving you the last bit of cash I have.”

His name is Chaplin Bob Miller. I cold-called him, asking for help one day. When he returned my call, he was driving back from the airport with his wife; they had just arrived home from Cuba.

Bob was warm and inviting. He understood my situation. He had a lot on his plate at the time, but he took a couple of moments to meet with me and briefly listen to my quandary. Little did he know, I hadn’t told him

Continue reading “The Day the Crossed Sojourn Began”

Overtly Shining the Lamp of Diogenes Through Example via Action

Notes on reigning-in the Aggressive Power of The G.A.’s Intention:


Meritocracy is dead.
How does a (an operative)
Laborer survive
in a selfish (Inactive/Apathetic; speculative) World?

Continue reading “Overtly Shining the Lamp of Diogenes Through Example via Action”


“Each day we must help our brethren for whom we are responsible, for one day God will say, ‘Where is thy Brother?’ Accept no reward, always be a pillar of the Temple, for all the Order holds for us is the opportunity to flee the sins of the world, to live charitably, to be penitent, and above all, to be the servant of Almighty God.”
“As true Templars, we must always be prepared for battle in either the temporal or spiritual realms. Our oaths require moral courage and our way of life demands dedication to our knightly ideals. The true knight is, of course, humble before the Lord and his fellow man. If a true Templar would boast about anything, he boasts in our Lord!”


Ore Well 2084

“Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against consciousness expansion.”

The only danger we face in life is acceptance of any way other than the way of the individual. As a doormat cannot wipe its own feet on itself, the common man can only be common when he accepts the norm. Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against positive consciousness expansion. The way to change reality is to Be the change within one’s own, individual mind.

Chip Van Hassel

We will never convince the people as a group; we can only convince the people by being an example for the group to follow. To follow the group is to be a lemming jumping off of the cliff.

To accept the common man's reality is an individual choice to sleep. To awaken is the greater energy, tapped-in to by free thought and purposeful action. 

Wealth can only be distributed when there is a definition of, “wealth”. Distribution only occurs when there are those who distribute. Subtract “wealth,” from the equation; and subtract distribution from common man’s mentality, and the true answer becomes screamingly apparent.

Modern man- the evolutionary betrayer.

Individuals who are free thinkers will be ridiculed by their current peers, only to be recognized for their genius long, long after their deaths.

Society is never ready for the truth. Positive thought is always ready for society.

-Chip Van Hassel

Repeal the PREP Act.

The citizens of The United States have made Medical Malpractice Legal!

COVID-19 PREP Act Declarations

The PREP ACT suggests that somebody who has zero legal authority,
who does not work for the legal branch of government

is legally bound to interfere with another branch of government.
Not only that, but THE PREP ACT gives their
this authority. NONE of these people are voted for; they are all appointed.
The Secretary’s Secretary
is, in no way,
an elected person!
“…the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary)”

Continue reading “Repeal the PREP Act.”

Trick Or Treason!

“…The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting.”

-Retired Journeyman, Christopher Van Hassel

I had always planned to train racehorses after I retired from my riding career, but I had not predicted that the racing business would change the ways in which it has. The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting. Why do I say that?

Continue reading “Trick Or Treason!”

Knights’ Love of Meditation

“Recognize with gladness that we are neither lost, nor strangers to God, but one of His good creatures, and in our Temple we shall meet people from many nations and religions. There is no shame in seeking God; forget not when we ponder that God’s Temple is our own being. God will not look for us, but we first must seek Him. Each day, time must be put aside for meditation and prayers for our Order and its work.”


“Remember, brothers, that we are the descendants of the ‘Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ’ who first held their meetings in the precincts of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. We must contemplate the word and meaning of the Temple. Remember also that we are but rough stones and must continuously work to build our own Temple with the smooth stones within us.”

Tribal Scribe

Flying Monkeys or Projection: the Narcissist’s Powerless Way Of Life

“You sent me something Crazy, and it was all in caps-lock!”

When a narcissist says that you did something crazy, however, (in reality,) YOU did something completely normal, they are using a manipulative tool called, “Projection”.

Continue reading “Flying Monkeys or Projection: the Narcissist’s Powerless Way Of Life”

From An Old Notebook

I don’t remember who I wrote this one about:

 I remember breathing in my boots
on your barn floor.

Each suspended moment lasted more and more;
so I use that education to smell and feel right now,
this moment,
more and longer right now more.

In between the beats of a measure of the heart which never ends nor begun.


Are You Having Licensing Issues with Florida Racetracks?

If the Florida Gaming Control Commission ever denies your license for, “failure to complete an application,” … Read this!

Experience of Licensing Issues with Florida Racetracks:

1 When obtaining your license to work at Tampa Bay Downs, pay the Florida Gaming Control Commission (FGCC) $37.25 to be fingerprinted, then, pay the FGCC $80.00 to process that application with those fingerprints.

A Knights Templar’s Mission

“I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. …”
-ACTS 26:17

Our Mission:

“… ‘to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’”

ACTS 26:18