How a man bars his arrogance from his mannerisms while climbing up this Tower of Babble as an hourly challenge (these days,) is a phenomenal understanding!
It seems to be glaring liability that most members only reach the third. This fallacy of inefficiency has inculcated a liability of drastic proportions which has completed the dangerously unwanted (and unwarranted,) metamorphosis from an operative Craft, (a tangible, constructive ablative of means ,) to a speculating population, (incoherent and purposely-self-deceived anti-ouroboros). {cite Mackey}
Remaining exists the learning(s) which is(are) Beyond Common Man’s understanding and perception. There are great mysteries, historically only taught by masters of certain proclivities which had driven their intellect always beyond their past experiences’ status quo.
Any Masters’ question (to me,) would be, “What function would it serve you in gaining such sacred knowledge which you aspire to ascertain?
-{The most simplified answer to that query would be questions which qualified candidates would pose after comprehending intuitive questions.}
Are you seeking a bond of brotherhood which outlasts any sovereign entity, calamity, war and/ or cultural divide?
Are you simply curious?
Do you have some ulterior motive? Do you wish to enhance your financial capabilities?
Do you believe that you will be part of some secret society under which such affiliation may deem you more worthy, therefore, more fortunate than others? Most cowends and men of confused report contend with the above alluded to list. Granted, the above listed presumptions are relevant expectations, not unrealistic, however, quite unguided, and, if they are informed enough to have already put the cart before the horse, they are navigated by errors in cognition and (therefore,) miscalculated declinations of truth. As the great mysteries are beyond any parameter of comprehension which man is capable of scholastically surmising, the knowledge and involvement which I seek-out is not a concrete conclusion or a definable expectation; nor might my synopsis, (of what I have studied, from the outside-looking in,) be accurate, regardless of direction, volume of conviction or (my) intention. It is said, “What brings us to the table on this keeps us at the table on this.” What brings you and me to this Round Table? That question is precisely the query I have sojourned during my entire life to ask, which is this: “Why are my brothers only sitting at a square table, speculating over that which they refuse to define or build, when there are always groups of thirteen of us prepared, willing and vibrantly welcoming the day ‘round when we begin to operate by cutting a new table of stone, using age-old, proven, sacred and guarded methods?”
We are juxtaposed in society, for we are lead by followers; today’s “leaders,” are followers, not men of earned retirement. These men purposely fail to comport themselves up to par with the expectations of any gracious master.
In short, when did speculation become the sole operation which Our brotherhood preforms? When did actual laborers cease to exist by the mode of being replaced by un-self-educated minions?
The answer to that question is not as researchable as the month of June in the year, 1717. It is not as simple as adding blue to red with the intention of creating purple. Abraham Lincoln touched upon my query in his speech at Gettysburg. There is unfinished work; there is a great task remaining before us, indeed. This task is only a treasure we are granted to chase after which, with the result, the prize, being only something to offer our grandchildren and their children. Our unfinished work is likening to a tree which we plant, but never live to view its fully mature specimen. This notion is my understanding of the Craft. The Craft outlives our passions and desires, our selfish whims of worldly experiences and proliferates to the youth via observation, timely learning, vigilant selection and stern compassion for the cause. What is this, “cause,” you ask? The answer to that is this question:
“…the only true happiness is to learn, to advance, and to improve…”
“All is good and well and right; and shall be so forever. Through the eternal ages the light of God’s beneficence shall shine hereafter, disclosing all, consummating all, rewarding all that deserve reward. Then we shall see, what now we can only believe. The cloud will be lifted up, the gate of mystery be passed, and the full light shine forever; the light of which that of the Lodge is a symbol.
Then that which caused us trial shall yield us triumph; and that which made our heart ache shall fill us with gladness; and we shall then feel that there, as here, the only true happiness is to learn, to advance, and to improve; which could not happen unless we had commenced with error, ignorance, and imperfection.
We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light.”
The elephant in the room for a 45 year old man is this:
When you tell people the truth, they think you are crazy. Let’s say you were taught by a hall of fame trainer, and his methods were very, very successful. Then, you share those methods with other people so other trainers; … instead of being open minded, those trainers treat you like you are crazy and stupid and self-absorbed. The is like telling bill gates that he does not know how to accumulate wealth! Telling a hall of fame athlete that they do not know how to be the best athlete is,… fill in that blank!
This is what he showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true to plumb,[a] with a plumb line[b] in his hand. 8 And the Lord asked me, “What do you see, Amos?” “A plumb line,” I replied. Then the Lord said, “Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.
“A human heart throbs beneath the beggar’s gabardine; and that and no more stirs with its beating the Prince’s mantle. “
“The great problem of Humanity is wrought out in the humblest abodes; no more than this is done in the highest.
A human heart throbs beneath the beggar’s gabardine; and that and no more stirs with its beating the Prince’s mantle.
The beauty of Love, the charm of friendship, the sacredness of Sorrow, the heroism of Patience, the noble Self-sacrifice, these and their like, alone, make life to be life indeed, and are its grandeur and its power.
They are the priceless treasures and glory of humanity; and they are not things of condition. All places and all scenes are alike clothed with the grandeur and charm of virtues such as these.”
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, 2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.
3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
“His disappearance was suspected to have been effected by overzealous Freemasons enforcing the penalties of their obligations.”
Reprinted Without Permission:
The Morgan Affair
“All You Need to Know About the Infamous Morgan Affair!
On Sept. 11, 1826, William Morgan, of Batavia New York, was forcibly removed from the jailhouse at Canandaigua, NY, to a two-horse carriage and borne away into the mists of time.
His disappearance was suspected to have been effected by overzealous Freemasons enforcing the penalties of their obligations.
What you do with your physical body and posture grants communication with God.
– Pastor Richard Cecil
To Be Victorious In Spirit:
Comfort Yourself, First.
“As long as you obey with your physical body, you will be victorious in the spiritual world.”
R. Cecil
“A little leaven doth leaven the whole lump.”
Our posture is important to God.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”
“A man on his deathbed, raising his hands, (after saying, ‘I surrender all,’ is physically victorious. His actions, through surrender, (his posture,) granted him the power to express the Greatness of God.”
Jesus’s lesson was to: Not walk around being an asshole; because, when you read the Good Book you will see where Jesus walked around telling people how they were wrong, they perceived him as being an asshole… So they killed him!
Concentrate on quick-twitch muscle movements (for power, also to “slow it down”) … That has become the life experience: watching everything- feeling speed, but slowing it down to slow motion.
The only way to spread happiness is to feel happiness in the presence of others. If you need to search for it, your practices lack it. This is because it is always there, you simply need to hitch a ride on it.
“Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.”
“It is useless to reason with those whose confidence is not shaken in the face of impossibilities, whose imagination can bridge all gulfs in evidence by fantastic suppositions.”
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”
She asked me, “How could disillusion manifest hope?” Whether false or probable, hope is a phenomenon that facilitates us to function within our Uncomfort Zone.
1. Begin with a title page. 2. Explain your why with a summary. 3. State the problem, or need. 4. Propose a solution. 5. Share your qualifications. 6. Include pricing options. 7. Summarize with a conclusion.
Language makes no mistake in making a synonym of the word, “right,” with the term, “correct”. Furthermore, language correlates the word, “left,” with abandonment. If you are, “left,” you are, “left behind”. When you are right, you are, “correct”. When mankind’s understanding becomes, “right,” about something, it leaves what is, “wrong,” behind. In humanity, people rendered as being incorrect are left behind by those who are correct. This is true of the animal kingdom, for the weakest or injured animals are many times left behind; because one injured animal attracts the danger of many predators. Faith does not ensure survival in the animal kingdom.
They create an unproductive work environment, then, blame it on the employees. Over time, this drains people’s souls and creates a low-level, low-paying workplace. They take away your value on purpose, and manipulate to make it appear that they display more value than you by explaining something that is menial at best.
… Being employed by men who want to do it all themselves to show you that they don’t need you, that they can do it themselves, but, more importantly, (to them,) they think they are showing you that they are tougher and better than you are; when, in actuality, they are ignorant in ostracizing the very fellow-man which they, themselves, need in order to survive! A farm is not run by one man; and a one man farm is a lonely, pitiful situation rather than a farm.
The issue is that none of the work that I do right now builds something for the future. A man pays me, and he’s done with me; and all of my work leaves me with nothing.
It used to be, when you work, you were working towards something in the end- a piece of the pie; however, nowadays, there is no reward- Only thieves.
They are curious about me, not because they want to show interest and compassion, however the opposite: they want to quell their fear caused by their confused assumptions.
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?
Many men are selling useless merchandise to their own hearts- this merchandise being those ideas and material things which draw us away from The Message!
This immediate urge to do something which humans experience is God knocking on the door, attempting to inspire us to remember what our purpose is here, on earth.
All interaction is ones and zeros. When the negative aura abounds, Supply zeros. In these zeros, the warrior provides Zero feedback for the enemy to fight against.
“There are two ways of telling your story. One is to tell it compulsively and urgently, keep returning to it because you see your present suffering as the result of your past experiences.
But there is another way.
You can tell your story from the place where it no longer dominates you. You can speak about it with a certain distance and see it as the way to your present freedom.”
The Templar Knight diverts his eyes from pretty women in the crowd, (and in private). The Knight displays his moral example through the look in his eyes.
“The securities and blessings of freedom do not belong to those who refuse to defend them, nor are those amenities inherent rights of the selfish correspondences in the universe.”
Doctrine and Literature of the Kabala page 62 by Arthur Waite, Jr.
Arrogance/Pride is the Deadly Sin which is dragging the world around.
Some would assume it is Gluttony, because there are a lot of very, very overly-obese people ambling around; and those people are also being Greedy whilst over-eating the wrong things.
Lust tends to overcrowd the minds of men and women nowadays as sex buys a woman in a pretty dress a drink while the notion of that dress purchases a man’s whims, employing a no-refund policy.
Sloth slows the feet down of the people. They trudge around, displaying no purpose or inspiration during the hours of their public day. Wrath- the most misunderstood sin of all, seems to be many people’s unguided, “somebody is shaking the jar,” motive. It is the notion of, “social justice,” in action.
Envy imprisons the minds of the less fortunate. People view others, not knowing what others have acquired, however, they want what others have- not knowing what that is!
I see that it is going to be a problem with these monkeys which I am surrounded by! Their misplaced anger, Their Triggered-Disposition, Retains zero accountability. Angry, little children, Picking a fight With every taunting, blabbering Noise which primitively Vomits from their Culture-neglected mouths.
“Many, many men
have been just as troubled
morally and spiritually
as you are right now.”
“You’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior.
You’re by no means alone on that score.
Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now.
Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You’ll learn from them— if you want to.
Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn’t education. It is history. It is poetry.”
“…always providing that one has the courage to ask questions, to be dissatisfied, to think with the mind and heart one actually has and not with the mind and heart one is supposed to have.”
In a world where doing wrong is seen as being correct and where being correct is treated as being revolutionary or argumentative, those of us who have maintained our moral rectitude currently relate less and less to our fellow humans. I have belabored, “The Dunning Kruger Affect,” to the extent of mocking my fellow man.
It confused and angered me. I did not know how to deal with people in my daily life in a cordial way anymore. It felt like I was surrounded by idiots and that I was the only person who cared to make myself and the world around me better.
My good friend, Don Adams, explained it to me. Don said this to me:
“You are surrounded by grown men who have child’s minds.”
Don Adams
The Pareto Principle keeps bounding around inside my head. Realizing that there is no escaping this paradigm, this reality, I have sought coping mechanisms to attempt to maintain being courteous surrounded by a world of discourteous people. I have found no useful tools to dissuade my resentful knowing of these people.
The hands of your fellow brethren have laid the foundation of this temple; and the hands of your fellow brethren are now beginning to complete its stronghold. Through your studies and actions, we, under this delicate ceiling, are Awake, as if from humanity’s deep sleep. (Zechariah 4:1)
“I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside. 2 He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it
It used to be, “The Power of God,” until the population got to insurmountable numbers, and the many could not be killed in secret- World wars are what are needed to bring the population down in a more expedited manner.
“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth.
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before theSon of Man.”
“Summon archers against Babylon, all those who draw the bow. Encamp all around her; let no one escape. Repay her for her deeds; do to her as she has done. … Therefore, her young men will fall in the streets; all her soldiers will be silenced in that day,”
“Because of the Lord’s anger she will not be inhabited but will be completely desolate. All who pass Babylon will be appalled; they will scoff because of all her wounds. ‘Take up your positions around Babylon, all you who draw the bow.
“In the 1876 election, one marked by murder and outright fraud – the county where Hamburg was located ended up logging 2,000 more votes than it had registered voters, O’Bryant said – white Democrats took control of the South Carolina government.”
“Before 1307 the Knights Templar – together with the Knights of St. John of Jeruzalem and in part the Teutonic Knights (these two were originally charitable orders) – were leading organizations behind the crusades in the middle east.”
“In 1523 the Turkish siege of Cyprus put the Knights Hospitaller on the move again, and they found refuge in Malta, given to them by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, where they became known as the Knights of Malta or the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Napoleon’s invasion of Malta in 1798 forced the Sovereign Military Order into a diaspora, and today it exists as scattered branches throughout the world.”
“You have many workers: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as those skilled in every kind of work in gold and silver, bronze and iron—craftsmen beyond number. Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.”
When USS Independence encountered a full-rigged ship in 1962, the carrier signaled to ask the vessel to identify itself. “Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy,” was the response.“ Independence replied “You are the most beautiful ship in the world.” #SeaStorySaturday
“You who practice deceit, your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor. 3 You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth.
“An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends and against all sound judgment starts quarrels. 2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. 3 When wickedness comes, so does contempt, and with shame comes reproach. 4 The words of the mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream. 5 It is not good to be partial to the wicked and so deprive the innocent of justice. 6 The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating. 7 The mouths of fools are their undoing, and their lips are a snare to their very lives. 8 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.”
“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”
“The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. 19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.”
“Evildoers are trapped by their sinful talk, and so the innocent escape trouble. From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.”
“The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous stands firm.”
“The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.
“From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.”
Since her little, “If you don’t let me verbally abuse him, I’ll quit and take the other rider with me,” Game Did NOT work, Let’s see what lies And Problems The Narcissist Conjures up now!
“…I am neither the champion nor the apologist of our Society; and that my opinion of its merits is the less liable to the imputation of partiality that I do not attempt to conceal or palliate the defects it is our common object to correct.”
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones;
“The Gift of Life is No Fucking Accident!” -Jordan B. Peterson
“There’s no better pathway to self-realization and the ennoblement of being than to posit the highest good that you can conceive of and commit yourself to it.”
Some people use the silent treatment as a tool for exerting power over someone or creating emotional distance. … People who use the silent treatment as a means of control want to
“Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own. 18 Like a maniac shooting flaming arrows of death 19 is one who deceives their neighbor and says, “I was only joking!”
A leader who says, “I,” instead of, “We,” is not a leader, but a dictator- a privateer.
It all started when the narcissist refused to communicate with one of her coworkers. In doing that, she took away her own ability to speak passive-aggressively while telling the victim which horse they were getting on. The narcissist used the set-list to abuse the victim before every, single horse using micro-aggressions.
That day when the micro-aggression tool was no longer employable, the Narcissist envoked the flying monkeys and the crazy-making routine.
When those did not work, the Narcissist lost her composure, and her true self was revealed.
A narcissist will threaten their boss to quit and hold that over their boss’s head if the boss does not allow the narcissist to Verbally Abuse their coworkers.
The narcissist destroys everybody who refuses to put up with their petty behavior.
What the hell is this thing where we Rush to be the first to be tacked-up and out the door, Only to walk as slowly as equinely possible to and from the track?
And, then, Rush to be the first to be tacked-up and out the door, again, only to Never employ the Working Walk?
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
“If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches. If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you.”
It’s not you; it’s they, two. The negativity you have been feeling from people your whole life is simply The Evil One trying to chase God Away. The righteous are as bold as a lion.
1 Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble. 2 The Lord protects and preserves them— they are counted among the blessed in the land— he does not give them over to the desire of their foes.
The “ 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) The 3d United States Infantry Regiment is a regiment of the United States Army. It currently has three active battalions, and is readily identified by its nickname, The Old Guard, as well as Escort to the President.
1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; 2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
The “Universe 25″ experiment is one of the most terrifying experiments in the history of science, which, through the behavior of a colony of mice, is an attempt by scientists to explain human societies. The idea of ”Universe 25” Came from the American scientist John Calhoun, who created an “ideal world” in which hundreds of mice would live and reproduce. More specifically, Calhoun built the so-called “Paradise of Mice”, a specially designed space where rodents had Abundance of food and water, as well as a large living space. In the beginning, he placed four pairs of mice that in a short time began to reproduce, resulting in their population growing rapidly. However, after 315 days their reproduction began to decrease significantly. When the number of rodents reached 600, a hierarchy was formed between them and then the so-called “wretches” appeared. The larger rodents began to attack the group, with the result that many males begin to “collapse” psychologically. As a result, the females did not protect themselves and in turn became aggressive towards their young. As time went on, the females showed more and more aggressive behavior, isolation elements and lack of reproductive mood. There was a low birth rate and, at the same time, an increase in mortality in younger rodents. Then, a new class of male rodents appeared, the so-called “beautiful mice”. They refused to mate with the females or to “fight” for their space. All they cared about was food and sleep. At one point, “beautiful males” and “isolated females” made up the majority of the population.
According to Calhoun, the death phase consisted of two stages: the “first death” and “second death.” The former was characterized by the loss of purpose in life beyond mere existence — no desire to mate, raise young or establish a role within society. As time went on, juvenile mortality reached 100% and reproduction reached zero. Among the endangered mice, homosexuality was observed and, at the same time, cannibalism increased, despite the fact that there was plenty of food. Two years after the start of the experiment, the last baby of the colony was born. By 1973, he had killed the last mouse in the Universe 25. John Calhoun repeated the same experiment 25 more times, and each time the result was the same.
Calhoun’s scientific work has been used as a model for interpreting social collapse, and his research serves as a focal point for the study of urban sociology.
We are currently witnessing direct parallels in today’s society..weak, feminized men with little to no skills and no protection instincts, and overly agitated and aggressive females with no maternal instincts.
The Manic Depressive Person Must stay in the middle. The higher they are, the deeper Low they will go. The Lower they go, the higher they are- both causing crashes. Going too low keeps them low. Staying too high helps to raise.
Jesus comes down and touches someone’s heart and someone’s soul; and they will show mercy. A lot of people don’t have the strength to hold their faith until that last hour. Jesus held his faith until the last hour on the cross. That’s when miracles happen-
“You now see everything through a veil of associations about things, projected over a direct, simple awareness. You’ve ‘seen it all before’: it’s like watching a movie for the twentieth time. You see only memory of things, so you become bored, trapped in your mind. this is why you have to ‘lose your mind’ before you can come to your senses.”
“In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not. There was a man sent…whose name was, ‘John.’ The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light,…
He was not that light, but was sent to bear witness of that light.
That was the true light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
…However, the Poor FellowSoldiers Of Christ are not young; they are all old men with grey beards. -Enter: The Young Tyler. He calls himself a, P.F.S.C.,” yet he has zero poverty; he has food on his plate, shoes on his feet and a roof over his head. Neither is nor. They Young Tyler is Apprenticed into Entership- the state of arriving to an unfamiliar environment, thought paradigm and yet-to-be (if ever) -seen set of circumstances. This “Entership,” is an internship into the realm of: “Void of Ego and Personal Gain,” therefore, is the most honorably practice!
“To Comport,” refers to your physical posture, first, then, to your words; for your Actions precede words forever. The Tongue must physically move before any sound may come out.
“The Zohar explains it as follows: ‘When man comes into the world, it appears in him at that moment the evil spirit which always arraigns him… This evil spirit never forsakes man from the day he is born into the world. But the spirit comes to the man from the clay he is made clean. When does a man become clean? At the age of thirteen years. Then he joins himself with both spirits, one on the right and one on the left, and these are the two spirit which are appointed ever to remain by man. If he strive after perfection, the evil spirit is restrained, so that the right rules the left and both unite to secure him in all his ways.'”
“The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. “
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Sort Ballots Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS. Ben Bergquam was outside the Maricopa County election center and followed a Penske truck leave the center and return to Runbeck. Once at Runbeck, the gate is closed.
Every mail-in ballot that is returned in the county is sent to Runbeck first. Runbeck is scanning the Maricopa ballots before they are sent to the Maricopa County Elections Center.
“Do not keep with you overnight the wages of those who have worked for you, but pay them at once. … Be on guard, son, in everything you do; be wise in all that you say, and discipline yourself in all your conduct. Do to no man or woman what you hate yourself.”
“Our white garments decorated with the Blood Red Cross remind each of us that we must be capable of making sacrifices. Do not strive for worldly wealth—perhaps tomorrow we might have to give account of ourselves. We shall not know, until it is too late, for excuses are not acceptable to the Greatest Being, Almighty God.”
“Each day we must help our brethren for whom we are responsible, for one day God will say, ‘Where is thy Brother?’ Accept no reward, always be a pillar of the Temple, for all the Order holds for us is the opportunity to flee the sins of the world, to live charitably, to be penitent, and above all, to be the servant of Almighty God.” “As true Templars, we must always be prepared for battle in either the temporal or spiritual realms. Our oaths require moral courage and our way of life demands dedication to our knightly ideals. The true knight is, of course, humble before the Lord and his fellow man. If a true Templar would boast about anything, he boasts in our Lord!”
“The principles of St. Bernard of Clairvaux’s life are still valid today. We must care for mind, body and soul. Work happily, but with humility and at all times honor your fellow man. Care not for worldly goods.“
“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.”
“…The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting.”
-Retired Journeyman, Christopher Van Hassel
I had always planned to train racehorses after I retired from my riding career, but I had not predicted that the racing business would change the ways in which it has. The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting. Why do I say that?
“Recognize with gladness that we are neither lost, nor strangers to God, but one of His good creatures, and in our Temple we shall meet people from many nations and religions. There is no shame in seeking God; forget not when we ponder that God’s Temple is our own being. God will not look for us, but we first must seek Him. Each day, time must be put aside for meditation and prayers for our Order and its work.”
Even though you have fought daily, constant battles (in order) to make the World a better place, the Devils are always going to be around you, taunting you, attempting to bring the Nerves-Of-God upon the brink of opening the sky.
“Remember, brothers, that we are the descendants of the ‘Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ’ who first held their meetings in the precincts of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. We must contemplate the word and meaning of the Temple. Remember also that we are but rough stones and must continuously work to build our own Temple with the smooth stones within us.”
The easiest name for, “Ego,” is, “I”. What war, or which weapon, shall a man wage against himself, albeit the teeth of the snake devouring its own tail?
To, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” in order to know thine enemy, fails survival if thine self is thy enemy.
To know your enemy, or to know your own ego, is a most
prized attribute of war
and is the most powerful utensil for serving peace.
To know how to avoid developing an enemy avoids war,
but to know what your Loved Ones love mostequips you with the prizewhich outlasts war.
Chip Van Hassel
“Should we investigate this stupidity? … May we point it out with the purpose of teaching the younger generation about these people? We MUST!”
“It is a waste of journalism to describe the everyday instances where their petty, selfish stupidity interferes with the success of business. There is a higher level of thinking to exercise. There is a better way to live; there are smarter ways to conduct ourselves.”
Only by light can we see shadows. Only by comparing to darker hues can we distinguish lighter hues. Evil doers foster rebellion against honesty. The Messenger of Death has been sent upon them. The Dark Knight is the most merciful of all. After all, even the Angel of Death brings relief from anguish.
“Well nothing here looks new to me
But a score of mothers’ sons
Caught ‘tween the devil and the deep blue sea”
At a time when the youngest generations neither seek advise, nor heed direction, the pillars of culture have begun to bow, as it seems like heaven is falling, and who’s arms will raise up to palm the stars as they plummet to the crust?
“As I walk beneath the valley I shall fear no evil For thanks to King George and his rainbow cabinet Today murder is legal God I know that it’s wrong To kill my brother for what he hasn’t done And as the planes blacken the sky It sounds like heaven is falling…”
“What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise.”
Right Supraspinatus connected to “back” of the Triceps; to Inner Lats, pushing down to “Squeeze with Lower Leg;” (in to, “foot Triangles,”culminating in the Sacral Chakra
“My common-core disgust had been skewed to a a new side. This disgust for people’s meanderings, never disheveled, (this core-disgust,) but always evolving, a metamorphosis from disgust to utter disgust permeated all emotional plateaus which created another level of judgement of my fellow man.
Not that it helped anything or made anything worse, however, became a conspiracy of sorts between the Mental State which I had worked so hard over the years to achieve and the positive Psyche which was the ablative of means by which I had arrived at that mental state (on it’s continuous level).”
Buddha’s question about human suffering must first be understood by recognizing where/who this question was coming from. Most people imagine Buddha’s question of suffering from the standpoint that Buddha was a man who witnessed suffering all around him, then, one day, questioned, “What is the cause of human suffering?” STOP
The evil that propels people intrinsically bequeaths them to blame others, (or feel jealousy,) for short comings which they fluidly fabricate. This, “evil,” (this lower level of existence,) is a common human paradigm which compels a man to feel inferior to another man, then, aggressively, physically act-out as a result of such fluid, self-creating assertion.
“As we become conscious of the wisdom in the world within we mentally take possession of this wisdom, and by taking mental possession we come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to bring into manifestation the essentials necessary for our most complete and harmonious development”
The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser.
The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department, which includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service, and U.S. Agency for International Development.”
Announcer: Good afternoon, Diogenes. In keeping with your reputation as a non-conformist, I see that you keep your bathtub outside of your house. Diogenes: The bathtub is my house. Announcer: I see. Well there must be some advantage to that. Diogenes: Certainly. No window can give a view like this, and if the neighborhood goes bad, I can just walk off with the house.
“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?”
When even the pastor of the church fails to greet you, and however retires to mannerisms of cold-sustain, an “I am only tolerating you; you are not completely welcome here,” physical presence, the sojourner questions his fellow man’s faith in the Great Power.
Deaf and Denied an Interpreter in Florida State Prison
Watch the Trailer.
I love Michelle. And I believe her story empowers all of us to recognize our own strengths and innate abilities even when our surrounding culture and systems do not. The systems must change in the United States and globally to support everyone.
BEING MICHELLE follows the astounding journey of a deaf and disabled woman who survived incarceration under unimaginable circumstances by a system that refused to accommodate her needs as a deaf person with autism.
“If we find wisdom in the world within, we shall have the understanding to discern the marvelous possibilities that are latent in this world within, and we shall be given the power to make these possibilities manifest in the world without.”
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you”
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
“That site is called internet sacred text archive. I think there are links to other archives of books on different subjects there as well. If ya get bored”
On June 23, 1983, “Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel ran the first successful test of the distributed Domain Name System (DNS). This automated process was to take over failing Arpanet and CSnet protocols because those relied on address books.
DNS uses a hierarchical distributed naming system for the Internet or any private network. It associates the domain names with numerical IP addresses.”
“You sent me something Crazy, and it was all in caps-lock!”
When a narcissist says that you did something crazy, however, (in reality,) YOU did something completely normal, they are using a manipulative tool called, “Projection”.
The Queen of Spades reminds you that it’s time to walk a different path because everything has shifted. You have been put onto a new plane and the only way to move forward is by walking your own path, not someone else’s.”
“All around, people are living their lives doing things they think they’re supposed to. This won’t make sense to you when you’re spiritually attuned to something greater. It can sometimes feel like there’s a disconnect between you and the existence others seem fine with. SOURCE.
“Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.”
“The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is what has been found within. In the world within may be found infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, and an infinite Supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development and expression. If we recognize these potentialities in the world within, they will take form in the world without.”
“The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect; and, since the world within is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also within our control.”
Concentrate on quick-twitch muscle movements (for power, also to “slow it down”).
That has become the life experience: watching everything- feeling speed, but slowing it down to slow/guide-by-way-of-control in order to preform focused stiles.
“We cannot express powers that we do not possess. The only way by which we may secure possession of power, and we can never become conscious of power until we learn that all power is from within.”
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
“This is true because we must “be” before we can “do,” and we can “do” only to the extent which we ‘are,’ and what we “are” depends upon what we ‘think.’”
“The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.”
“Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.”
New Jock Fu focus: Shin-Splints pressing down- Triangle down to between Pinkie Toe and Ring Toe And between Big Toe and Second Toe; plus (front stomp kick) Heel Next week: using that “power-whip” to empower “blocking forearms”
If even God took the seventh day off for rest, why must a man toil seven days a week for another man who cares not for he, however labels time as money, and pretends that money, or a paycheck, is so gracious a gift, offered in charity, that the worker should forever be grateful to the employer and never question any selfish intention that could be interpreted of such a mutual agreement?
“Pity disarms us and makes us vulnerable to exploitation. Preying on our sympathy, our conscientiousness and empathy is a common maneuver for conscienceless, sophisticated and covert manipulators because it enables them to get past our defenses. It appeals to the part of us that wants to help, nurture and nurse these individuals back to emotional health.”
When asked what was the proper time for supper, Diogenes replied, “If you are a rich man, whenever you please; and if you are a poor man, whenever you can.”
On, or about, November 26, 2021, Caroline Martin’s dog, located at: 12324 35th street (in) Ocala, Florida 34482, Viciously attacked and bit me. Then, the next day, she allowed it to happen again. Then, the next day, she allowed it to happen again. Then, she fired me because I chased her dog away with a shovel!
Here is one photo of my injury:
Contact Kings law firm if your employer’s dog has ever bitten you. They will take care of your financial needs. Here is the link:
There were two “Benjamin gates” in the city of Jerusalem, one in the Temple (Jer 20:2) and the other perhaps to be identified with the “sheep gate” in the N wall of the city (37:13; Zech 14:10).
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
“The mysteries were established by men of great genius who, in early days, strove to teach purity, ameliorate the cruelty of the race, to refine its morals and manners and to restrain society by a stronger bond than those which human laws impose.”
“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants.
The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.
“If mankind is indeed depraved and immoral, requiring armed police and an army to keep its members in line, than no defense for anarchism can be made.”
“…for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. …”
Audio Clip:
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted
“Live your crazy to the best of your expression, as nobody else completely understands what your borders are or what your limits could be. Do for you, being true to yourself. If you have no selfish intent, this is not selfish.”
He asked me, “If you were walking in the forest with a woman and a tree fell, would she hear it?” I said, “Probably not, because she wasn’t listening.”
“…the concrete dimension we know and love makes up less than 1% of our universe.”
“On an unrelated note physicist now claim that they have discovered what they dubbed the “shadow dimension” its a parallel to our own dimension that consists of
1.2.3 The endogenous opioid and the endocannabinoid system Besides endogenous opioid and cannabinoid receptors, endogenous opioid and cannabinoid ligands (or endocannabinoids) have also been identified (Fig. 5C and D).
Don’t want to be here. Don’t want to be there. I’d rather be here than there. I’d rather be there than here. Each place I am, My mind is somewhere else. Realizing my intuition, Making me feel alone, I realize all the things I am And realize I am none of them.
Put all of your focus into what, or who you want to experience, for a certain amount of time. One thing about time, there’s no telling how far it will stretch.
Life may be just a dancing moment, just one day or a week or a year, or just a split-second.
“Do the very best you can for the world, your kids, and each other, because it’s your love that makes you immortal, and the more you give it away the richer you’ll be.”
Anyone would give their last dollar to James Lopez. Whenever you knew you were in his presence, that forever made you feel good. Any time I have ever thought of you, love was the only thing I could feel.
Every state of mind, (positive or negative,) is simply a neurosis, a mental addiction to a paradigm. Your current paradigm is not the result of your surrounding environment; it is how you choose to see and feel your environment that creates your current paradigm.
Once, when watching an incompetent bowman at an archery contest, Diogenes walked over and sat down right next to the target, explaining that it was the only place where he felt safe.
“Go and get more information. Find out where David usually goes and who has seen him there. They tell me he is very crafty. 23 Find out about all the hiding places he uses and come back to me with definite information. Then I will go with you; if he is in the area, I will track him down among all the clans of Judah.”
A lot of people see a bar as a membrane that is not permeable. Outside on the street, there is a lonely freedom. Cars passing. People smoking cigarettes. It’s like backstage at a concert
———————————————————————— God Save The Queen! ———————————————————————— Investigations do not exonerate people. An investigation launched with the intent to exonerate is not an investigation; it is an exoneration. “Innocent until
You may face a conflict today, Sagittarius, but that could actually be a good thing. Even though you may find a certain challenge frustrating, don’t let it get the better of you. Because through this conflict great things can happen. You will begin to think of solutions you’ve never thought of before. You will feel stronger, more creative, and very inspired. As long as you don’t take on an angry or negative attitude about a confusing development, you will be rewarded by the universe, and you will begin to receive opportunities that you never even imagined would be possible.
“To whom, no high, no low, no great, no small, He fills, He bounds, connects and equals all. Sustains heaven’s myriad orbs and all their suns From seeming evil, still educing good And better thence again, and better still In infinite progression.”
“Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way.”
“The Answer,” is actually the questioning, itself, as like the layers of an onion are not layers, but the onion, itself, only composed of the core- layered of its own core.
“That could have been Mickey Mouse, that could have been a dead person;… that could have been the same person thirty times; … All these things have happened, by the way.”
“…Watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way. Stay away from them, for they are serving their own appetites. …By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naïve people. …be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil.”
“The first song I ever learned was Metallica’s, ‘Nothing Else Happens’.”
Some Random Dumb-dumb
all the chords are open.”
Some Random Dumb-dumb
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
People always ask me out for coffee. How come nobody ever asks me out for sex?
Girl: Do you know any good movies? Boy: Snakes on a plane Girl: Whats it about? Boy: It’s about Horses.. on a boat.
A man walks along a lonely beach. Suddenly he hears a deep voice: DIG !
He looks around: nobody’s there.
I am having hallucinations, he thinks.
Then he hears the voice again: I SAID, DIG !
So he starts to dig in the sand with his bare hands, and after some inches, he finds a small chest with a rusty lock.
The deep voice says: OPEN !
Ok, the man thinks, let’s open the thing. He finds a rock with which to destroy the lock, and when the chest is finally open, he sees a lot of gold coins.
The deep voice says: TO THE CASINO !
Well the casino is only a few miles away, so the man takes the chest and walks to the casino.
The deep voice says: ROULETTE !
So he changes all the gold into a huge pile of roulette tokens and goes to one of the tables, where the players gaze at him with disbelief.
The deep voice says: 27 !
He takes the whole pile and drops it at the 27. The table nearly bursts. Everybody is quiet when the croupier throws the ball.
The ball stops at the 26.
The deep voice says: SHIT !
There was a professor who taught a course called Sexual Ethics, and the only way to pass the course was to blow him!
I was going to ask a girl if her nails were acrylic, but I misspoke and said, “Are those saline?”
Accidentally texting, “I want to kiss your pussy.” to your boss is pretty hard to recover from.
She said, “You’ll hate me tomorrow.”
I said, “I already do.”
I have to smuggle my dick back into my pants using your vagina.
“the lesbian community…”. They have a whole community?!!! Where?
She asked me if I wanted to go shoe shopping with her All day. I said, “I’d rather chase my dick around the room until my legs got tired.”
Well, maybe, Jordon Peterson said it best when he said,
“If you follow what’s meaningful and you do it honestly, it will take you somewhere you really do not want to go; and until you go there, you’ll never be able to climb up higher on the other side.”
“…that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.”
“Hardtack is an old-fashioned type of bread or cracker that sailors used to bring with them during long voyages. The taste and texture of hardtack wasn’t popular, but it lasted a long time without spoiling.
If you take a close look at the word hardtack, you’ll have a clear sense of how sailors felt about having to eat it day after day. The hard part is accurate — it was so dry and tough that it was difficult to bite. Tack once meant “food,” but in dialect it was specifically “bad food.” Hardtack had many alternate names, including “soda crackers” and “sea biscuits,” but also “dog biscuits” and “molar breakers.” “
TV journalist Walter, Cronkite, was born in St. Joseph, Missouri. He was a leading correspondent for United Press International during World War II. From 1962 to 1981, he was the anchorman of the CBS Evening News and was widely regarded as America’s most trusted journalist.
“Relevance cannot be shifted by people’s opinions, your honor. We must not overshadow the facts of the case simply because some people’s feelings are hurt.”
“Yeah, can you hear the call in our rambling land susurrations That can expand beyond all hope of light and plunge us into unrelenting night?A pall on truth and reason It feels like hunting season So avoid those lines of sight and we’ll set this rightWelcome to the new Dark Ages Yeah, I hope you’re living right These are the new Dark Ages And the world might end tonightNow come ye children one and all – let’s heed Ezekiel’s call And bide until the word is good and ripe and get plucked clean out of sightThe world will be erased Our kin will be immaculate ejaculate in space before the King of King’s love He’ll snatch us from above Brothers, help me sing itWelcome to the new Dark Ages Yeah, I hope you’re living right These are the new Dark Ages And the world might end tonightSo, how do you sleep? There’s nothing to keep This is deepBecause we’re animals with golden rules Who, who can’t be moved by rational views, yeahWelcome to the new Dark Ages I hope you’re living right Welcome to the new Dark Ages Say it again, yeah These are the new Dark Ages I hope you’re living right Welcome to the new Dark Ages And the world might end tonight”
Outside of the mental realm is not the place to find your answers, for the questions you seek only exist in the minds of humans and are not fundamental; they are rhetorical.
Caffeine thins the blood, increases the heart rate and over stimulates the nervous system. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant, and it is also a diuretic- a dangerous combination: not eating, but taking laxatives causes diarrhea and dehydration. Malnutrition combined with an overly stimulated nervous system,
There’s this girl I like, Her lips as red as a Cherry- ripe. Her eyes as bright as the sky, The tips of her hair, Just out of reach Of this guy. And though I would like
Human nature is funny in that two people can read the same words on the page, and, even though they Are on the same page, they still read the words differently. There is always an independent variable- which is not open for interpretation. The soul deep down in a person’s heart never
Life is a process. Though we keep ourselves in the present moment, life is always moving on. Forever changing, Nothing stays the same…. Except for smiling, that always stays the same. Some people make me smile- without even “trying”.
If a mental cycle is not “learned” and cannot adapt or be altered, than that cycle must be regarded as nature itself. Our thoughts and actions are indeed a biological processes.
“When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place. His unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden.” Viktor Frankl
“Relevance cannot be shifted by people’s opinions, your honor. We must not overshadow the facts of the case simply because some people’s feelings are hurt.”
In order to simplify your life, do so relentlessly. Have no compassion for your own complacencies, and invite only what you enjoy. Simplifying is not a complicated process, but it is, indeed a process. Have your mind yard sale at your leisure, but do so with wise intent.
Put all of your focus into what, or who you want to experience, for a certain amount of time. One thing about time, there’s no telling how far it will stretch. Maybe just a dancing moment, maybe a day or a week or a year, or just a split-second.
“Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water. Lay your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm. Boldly pick the mushroom on which the insects sit.
Gerrymander Culture is made up of a people who readily accept things that are not true, then call the fallacy the truth. Furthermore, Gerrymander Culture is made up of a mob that attacks people who point out the truth.
“I know very little about kung fu, but I can teach you a few breathing techniques that, after you’ve mastered them, you will find your power increases.”
It takes a minimum of 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field. That’s 416 days minimum. Since the coronavirus has been around less than a year, There are no experts.
Deuces Are Wild lyrics I love to look into your big brown eyes They talk to me and seem to hypnotize They say the things nobody dares to say And I’m not about to let you fly away
My lover with no jet lag We’re staying up all night in my sleeping bag You got a heart beatin’ rhythm from the subterranean I really love you little girl I don’t need to explain
I love you ’cause your deuces are wild, girl Like a double shot of love is so fine I been lovin’ you since you was a child, girl ‘Cause you and me is two of a kind
Ah, like deja vu I feel like I’ve been here Or somewhere else but you’ve been always near It’s you that’s in my dreams I’m begging for But I woke up when someone slammed the door
So hard I fell outta bed Screamin’ mama’s little baby loves shortnin’ bread And the moral of the story I can testify I get stoned on you girl That’s the best reason why
“The holes in the vast majority of the cloth masks that people are wearing in the United States, are two thousand times bigger than the virus and pass right through it. When you see doctors and nurses wearing masks
In regards to early voting: According to Minnesota, Secretary of State, Steve Simon, “… we are seeing some delays, nationally, with the US Postal Service .” (*1) Think about that. Today is the first day of, “early voting”. How are they seeing a delay already when it has not even been 12 hours yet? (Rhetorical query)
When the man doesn't want
to deal with humanity,
He goes down to the trenches,
pushes weights from his benches,
And he clenches his fists.
When he hits a target, he hits it with a twist.
Trying to be as passive as the morning mist,
Feeling as aggressive
As a yellow jacket
when it's pissed.
“It didn’t exist, and I got rid of it.” Josh Abbey (when referring to a piece of malware that made itself appear to be a device to the operating system.) 8/30/12
These last days and months, completely drugged-up, expressing, experiencing, growing my soul like a weed with flowers on it- like a vine strangling up a tree, climbing to great heights, squeezing life from the host, flowering and nectorring the huny beez…
These crazy days and 2 o’clock in the morning ventures that I do not remember; the recordings and forwarding of bottomless ideas…
If we could try an experiment: If we could go an entire day void of using spoken language… This would pose interesting. If we could co-survive for three days without using verbal language, not only would human consciousness become unavoidably obvious,
American steeplechase legend Lonesome Glory died Feb. 25 from injuries suffered in a paddock accident at trainer Bruce Miller’s farm.
Owned by Kay Jeffords, Lonesome Glory is the only American steeplechase horse to win five Eclipse Awards (1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 and 1999), and also the only American jumper to earn more than $1 million.
Never forget the dozens of bloody, crying firemen who screamed about the bombs in the towers and the lobby before and after the planes hit.
Never forget the 2,300,000,000,000 dollars that was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11. Never forget that the controller in charge of the Pentagon’s budget was Doc Zakheim who lost the 2.3 trillion dollars by doing poor book keeping (lost 1.55 billion dollars, per day, for five years….)
You Have No Privacy. Simply because “Privacy Laws” are written, YOU DO NOT have to comply with them.
Many Laws are proven to be unconstitutional when litigated in a court room. Make Your Own Decisions. Follow Your Own Moral Law.
Dr. Martin Luther King being shoved back by Mississippi patrolmen during the 220 mile ‘March Against Fear’ from Memphis, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi, June 8, 1966. (Photo by Underwood Archives/Getty Images)
You Are The Government. You are Not a servant of the Government. Freedom is Not Provided. Freedom is exercised. Freedom is NOT the result of Military Presence. Military Presence is Violence, slavery and is only the result of greed and fear. Triple-check your sources.
CNN, ABC, FOX, BBC, ESPN are not credible sources. Report your own news, and STOP just repeating what people tell you!
Educate yourself diligently. Repeating information from newspapers or from television news shows or from text books is not a form of educated dialog.
Self observation, logic and self-accountability are forms of education.
Privacy Policies are a farce, because your information is still on a server somewhere; human beings can still access it.
If you want privacy, do not transfer possession of your data; and keep it private via your own means.
The majority of the data you put onto/into the internet is done so using open source,
which means it anybody can read it, change it or simply locate it and retrieve it.
You have no privacy in the open-source world. It is all One’s and Zero/s, my fellow brethren; yes’s and no’s.
Did you put your data into the open-source world? (Yes?) Is the open-source world naturally “private?” NO. You have no privacy.
Our policy reflects only reality; we do not entertain group-mentality. The reality is that you have no privacy, so our privacy policy is that you have no privacy.
Big Brother is, indeed, Watching you.
We are not going to join the idiocy of believing that, just because some body “requires,” people to have some “privacy policy,” that it is our duty to act upon any such arbitrary, said, “requirement”.
We do not have control over your data as it travels from place to place and as it is stored in various places;
However, the infrastructure put in place by corporations needed to have the internet (it) logs and tracks all data out of necessity of functionality and has complete control and copies of said data.
Your data is tracked, saved and logged as a necessity of the process, (not on our end,) and is done so using an open-source environment;
Our privacy policy dictates that the formerly mentioned process is reality, so, if you want your data to remain private, keep it to yourself.
Our Privacy Policy is this: You have NO privacy. Stop acting like subservient sheep; and take accountability for yourselves.
Just because policies and laws exist, reality does not dictate that you must conform.
Be Real.
Congressmen, Senators, Police personel, Presidents, cabinet members and Military Professionals continually break the law.
They live on salaries paid by your tax dollars that the government steals straight from your boss before you even have a vote on the matter!
The 30% of YOUR money that you allow the government to steal from you goes straight into the pockets of the officials
whom you have either elected actively or have allowed to stay in power passively.
Those officials are making over $100,000.00 a year to decide where to move the rest of your money to, regardless if you want your exact dollars to be spent on exact, certain things.
NASA Funding, Challenger Crew Years Later
Those who should be held most accountable are the most unaccounted for in society; and that is your and my fault, nobody else’s!
It is not society’s fault. You are society. You Are The Government. Be Something. Do something. If you want privacy, build your own privacy. If you want Reality and The Truth; than you have forfeited your right to privacy.
If you think there is a “private”way to transfer any of your data using the internet,
than education is paramount for you; and we are here to tell you that
There is no private way to transfer information using the internet. If there were, it wouldn’t be the internet.
It would be inside your of brain, private and nowhere that is accessible to anybody else.
Policies are for people who don’t know how to act, therefore, we have no policies. Be nice; and educate yourself constantly. Otherwise, get out of the way!
You Have No Privacy. Simply because “Privacy Laws” are written, YOU DO NOT have to comply with them.
Many Laws are proven to be unconstitutional when litigated in a court room. Make Your Own Decisions. Follow Your Own Moral Law.
Dr. Martin Luther King being shoved back by Mississippi patrolmen during the 220 mile ‘March Against Fear’ from Memphis, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi, June 8, 1966. (Photo by Underwood Archives/Getty Images)
You Are The Government. You are Not a servant of the Government. Freedom is Not Provided. Freedom is exercised. Freedom is NOT the result of Military Presence. Military Presence is Violence, slavery and is only the result of greed and fear. Triple-check your sources.
CNN, ABC, FOX, BBC, ESPN are not credible sources. Report your own news, and STOP just repeating what people tell you!
Educate yourself diligently. Repeating information from newspapers or from television news shows or from text books is not a form of educated dialog.
Self observation, logic and self-accountability are forms of education.
Privacy Policies are a farce, because your information is still on a server somewhere; human beings can still access it.
If you want privacy, do not transfer possession of your data; and keep it private via your own means.
The majority of the data you put onto/into the internet is done so using open source,
which means it anybody can read it, change it or simply locate it and retrieve it.
You have no privacy in the open-source world. It is all One’s and Zero/s, my fellow brethren; yes’s and no’s.
Did you put your data into the open-source world? (Yes?) Is the open-source world naturally “private?” NO. You have no privacy.
Our policy reflects only reality; we do not entertain group-mentality. The reality is that you have no privacy, so our privacy policy is that you have no privacy.
Big Brother is, indeed, Watching you.
We are not going to join the idiocy of believing that, just because some body “requires,” people to have some “privacy policy,” that it is our duty to act upon any such arbitrary, said, “requirement”.
We do not have control over your data as it travels from place to place and as it is stored in various places;
However, the infrastructure put in place by corporations needed to have the internet (it) logs and tracks all data out of necessity of functionality and has complete control and copies of said data.
Your data is tracked, saved and logged as a necessity of the process, (not on our end,) and is done so using an open-source environment;
Our privacy policy dictates that the formerly mentioned process is reality, so, if you want your data to remain private, keep it to yourself.
Our Privacy Policy is this: You have NO privacy. Stop acting like subservient sheep; and take accountability for yourselves.
Just because policies and laws exist, reality does not dictate that you must conform.
Be Real.
Congressmen, Senators, Police personel, Presidents, cabinet members and Military Professionals continually break the law.
They live on salaries paid by your tax dollars that the government steals straight from your boss before you even have a vote on the matter!
The 30% of YOUR money that you allow the government to steal from you goes straight into the pockets of the officials
whom you have either elected actively or have allowed to stay in power passively.
Those officials are making over $100,000.00 a year to decide where to move the rest of your money to, regardless if you want your exact dollars to be spent on exact, certain things.
NASA Funding, Challenger Crew Years Later
Those who should be held most accountable are the most unaccounted for in society; and that is your and my fault, nobody else’s!
It is not society’s fault. You are society. You Are The Government. Be Something. Do something. If you want privacy, build your own privacy. If you want Reality and The Truth; than you have forfeited your right to privacy.
If you think there is a “private”way to transfer any of your data using the internet,
than education is paramount for you; and we are here to tell you that
There is no private way to transfer information using the internet. If there were, it wouldn’t be the internet.
It would be inside your of brain, private and nowhere that is accessible to anybody else.
Policies are for people who don’t know how to act, therefore, we have no policies. Be nice; and educate yourself constantly. Otherwise, get out of the way!
“The mysteries were established by men of great genius who, in early days, strove to teach purity, ameliorate the cruelty of the race, to refine its morals and manners and to restrain society by a stronger bond than those which human laws impose.”
1911-10-24 Orville Wright remained in the air 9 minutes and 45 seconds in a glider at Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina setting a new world record that stood for 10 years.
“I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. …”
-ACTS 26:17
Our Mission:
“… ‘to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’”
“…I am neither the champion nor the apologist of our Society; and that my opinion of its merits is the less liable to the imputation of partiality that I do not attempt to conceal or palliate the defects it is our common object to correct.”
King Xerxes imposed tribute throughout the empire, to its distant shores. 2 And all his acts of power and might, together with a full account of the greatness of Mordecai, whom the king had promoted, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Media and Persia?”
“A technical … term which signifies to make valid or legal. Hence one who has received a degree in an irregular manner or from incompetent authority is not recognized until he has been healed. The precise mode of healing depends on circumstances. If the Lodge which conferred the degree was clandestine, the whole ceremony of initiation would have to be repeated. If the authority which conferred the degree was only irregular, and the question was merely a technical one of legal competence, it has been supposed that it was only necessary to exact an obligation of allegiance, or in other words to renew the covenant.” -Copyright, 1878, by Moss & Co and A.G. Mackey; Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by, Edward L. Hawkins and William J. Hughan
Tuesday, November 20, 1314:
Pope Clement Appears before the Judgement Seat of God. Long Live James de. Molay!!
“Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone…”
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, … to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,…
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. …
For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, …
The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
“You have many workers: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as those skilled in every kind of work 16 in gold and silver, bronze and iron—craftsmen beyond number. Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.””
“Now stop your mocking,
or your chains will become heavier;”
The Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon— to do his work, his strange work, and perform his task, his alien task. 22 Now stop your mocking, or your chains will become heavier; the Lord, the Lord Almighty, has told me of the destruction decreed against the whole land.